Elective courses allow you the freedom to tailor your program toward your personal or professional interests.
Enrolment into some courses may be subject to successful completion of course requisites.
School of Business and Creative Industries
Introductory level electives
(100 coded)
- ACC106 Accounting Principles
- CMN101 Introduction to Creative Entrepreneurship
- CMN103 Introduction to the Creative Industries
- CMN104 Introduction to Screen and Media Industries
- CMN105 Creative Production
- CMN106 Contemporary Communication Theory and Trends
- CMN107 Communication for the Creative Professional
- CMN109 Editing for Professionals
- CMN116 Playing with Words: an Introduction to Creative Writing Craft
- CMN117 Playing with Genre
- CMN120 Introduction to Contemporary Global Media and Communication
- CMN130 News and Reporting
- CMN150 Digital Journalism
- EGL120 The ' English' Tradition: An Introduction to Literary Studies
- FSH100 Introduction to Key Concepts of Fashion
- IBS100 Discovering International Business
- TSM102 The World of Tourism, Leisure and Events
Developing and Graduate level electives
(200, 300 or 400 coded)
- CMN200 Writing for Screens
- CMN202 Screen Media Production
- CMN203 Screen Media and Pop Culture
- CMN204 Social Media: Content Curation and Creation
- CMN207 Podcasting and Radio News
- CMN208 Issues in Social Media
- CMN224 Advertising Campaigns
- CMN226 Creative and Interactive Advertising
- CMN228 Media Law and Ethics
- CMN231 Communication Campaign Planning
- CMN240 Feature Writing
- CMN246 Writing for Children and Young Adults
- CMN247 Creative Writing for the Illustrated Book
- CMN252 Writing for Strategic Communication
- CMN260 Writing the Short Story
- CMN266 Writing Poetry
- CMN276 Social Media Communication
- CMN277 Video production and television journalism
- CMN300 Screen Media: Showcase in Practice
- CMN302 Investigative and Data Journalism
- CMN304 Writing Your Novel
- CMN308 Social Media: Monitoring and Measurement
- CMN309 Transmedia Storytelling Campaigns
- CMN314 Global Communication
- CMN320 Creative Writing and Editing for Publication
- CMN330 Newsroom
- DES200 Design Futures
- DES204 Photographic Narratives
- DES205 The Photography Professional
- DES206 Photomedia Curation
- DES211 Visual Identity
- DES212 Visual Communication and Culture
- DES221 Introduction to Interactive Media
- DES222 Responsive Design and Technology
- DES231 Animation Principles, Process and Production
- DES232 Visualisation and Sonification
- DES304 Sensing Environments
- DES305 Creative Branding and Design
- DES307 Interactive Technologies and Environments
- DES309 Design Capstone
- FSH200 Digital Fashion Branding
- LNG210 Languages and Linguistics: Understanding human communication
- TSM200 Creating and Managing Event Experiences
- TSM223 Sustainable Tourism, Leisure and Event Management
- TSM300 Tourism, Sport and Leisure Policy and Planning
- TSM313 The Innovation and Technology Effect in TLEM
- TSM315 Running Meetings, Incentives, Conventions and Exhibitions (M.I.C.E) industry events
School of Education and Tertiary Access
Introductory level electives
(100 coded)
Developing and Graduate level electives
(200, 300 or 400 coded)
- EDU202 Individual Learner Needs
- EDU204 Teaching Technologies: Curriculum and Pedagogy
- EDU206 Sustainability Through Play and Pedagogy
- EDU208 Professional Experience: Learning Theories in Early Learning
- EDU209 Teaching Mathematics in the Early Years
- EDU212 Teaching Science in the Early Years
- EDU218 Inclusive Practices and Intervention in Early Learning
- EDU300 Assessing Learning
- EDU316 Teaching HASS in Primary School
- EDU340 Teaching Reading and Writing
- EDU344 Leadership and Advocacy in Early Learning
- EDU347 Teaching Junior Secondary English
- EDU348 Teaching Senior Secondary English
- EDU349 Teaching Arts in Primary School
- EDU352 Teaching Junior Secondary Science 1
- EDU353 Teaching Senior Secondary Science 1
- EDU354 Teaching Junior Secondary Science 2
- EDU358 Teaching Junior Secondary History
- EDU359 Teaching Senior Secondary History
- EDU368 Teaching Junior Secondary HPE
- EDU369 Teaching Senior Secondary Health and Physical Education
- EDU375 Teaching Senior Secondary Psychology
- EDU400 Teaching Primary School Mathematics
- OES240 Leading Groups in Outdoor Environments
School of Health
Introductory level electives
(100 coded)
Developing and Graduate level electives
(200, 300 or 400 coded)
- BIM202 Medical Genetics
- BIM263 Introduction to Pharmacology
- BIM300 Advanced Professional Skills in Biomedical Science
- BIM303 Clinical Trials Management
- BIM331 Immunology
- BIM341 Biochemical Pharmacology
- BIM371 Clinical Embryology
- HLT221 Human Pathophysiology
- LFS203 Integrated Physiology
- LFS251 Biochemistry
- LFS303 Pathophysiology
- MLS211 Medical Biochemistry
- NUT232 Nutritional Biochemistry
- PSY202 Physiological Psychology
- PSY203 Introduction to Human Development
- PSY204 Social Psychology
- PSY205 Motivation and Emotion
- PSY206 Interpersonal and Group Skills
- PSY207 Research Methods and Analysis 2
- PSY300 Advanced Methods in Psychology
- PSY301 Cognitive and Perceptual Psychology
- PSY302 Intercultural and Indigenous Psychologies
- PSY303 Personality and Assessment
- PSY304 Human Associative Learning
- PSY305 Psychological Disorders
- PSY306 Psychology of Health and Wellbeing
- PSY307 Adult Development and Ageing
- HLT205 Health Research and Evidence
- HLT242 Indigenous Wellbeing Practice
- PUB205 Food Safety Laws and Regulations
- PUB210 Concepts of Epidemiology
- PUB252 Health Promotion Assessment and Planning
- PUB262 Environmental Health Risk Management
- PUB271 Health Promotion Principles
- PUB272 Healthy Public Policy and Advocacy
- PUB351 Health Promotion Implementation and Evaluation
- PUB361 Epidemiology and Biostatistics
- SPX201 Functional Anatomy
- SPX202 Biomechanics I
- SPX203 Exercise Prescription and Programming II
- SPX211 Exercise Physiology I
- SPX221 Sports and Exercise Medicine
- SPX222 Sport and Exercise Psychology
- SPX231 Motor Control and Learning
- SPX301 Exercise in Cardiorespiratory and Metabolic Health
- SPX302 Exercise in Musculoskeletal Health
- SPX312 Performance Enhancement
- SPX322 Biomechanics II
- SPX331 Exercise Physiology II
- SPX371 Advanced Coaching Science
School of Science, Technology and Engineering
Introductory level electives
(100 coded)
Developing and Graduate level electives
(200, 300 or 400 coded)
- CIV201 Geotechnical Engineering
- CIV202 Hydraulics and Hydrology
- CIV203 Construction Technology
- ELC200 Digital Logic and Computer Programming
- ELC206 Analog and Digital Electronics
- ELC207 Communications Engineering
- MEC202 Mechanical Design
- MEC226 Manufacturing Technology
- MCH201 Systems and Signals
- MCH202 Electrical Machines and Drives
- CIV300 Structural Design
- CIV301 Road and Traffic Engineering
- CIV302 Concrete Design and Technology
- CIV304 Water and Wastewater
- ELC300 Electronic Design
- ELC302 Digital Signal Processing
- ELC305 Power Electronics and System Analysis
- ENG302 Engineering Project Management
- ENG305 Engineering Management
- ENG306 Engineering System Design
- MCH300 Machine Component Design
- MCH302 Robotics and Autonomous Systems
- MCH303 Engineering Computer Applications and Interactive Modelling
- MEC304 Engineering Dynamics
- MEC305 Fluid Mechanics
- MEC308 System Dynamics and Control
- ENS204 Climate Change Mitigation and Adaptation
- ENS213 Invertebrate Biology and Ecology
- ENS221 Plant Diversity and Ecology
- ENS222 Terrestrial Vertebrate Diversity and Ecology
- ENS223 Environmental Impact Assessment
- ENS224 Soil Properties, Processes and Rehabilitation
- ENS242 Weather and Climate
- ENS253 Geographic Information Science and Technology
- ENS254 Earth Observation: Remote Sensing and Surveying
- ENS282 Coastal and Marine Ecology
- ENS300 Environmental Economics
- ENS305 Environmental Chemistry
- ENS316 Wildlife Ecology and Conservation
- ENS317 Coastal Conservation Planning
- ENS318 Plant Growth and Reproduction
- ENS321 Restoration Ecology
- ENS323 Agricultural and Forest Ecology
- ENS324 Advanced Genetics
- ENS325 Population Ecology and Genetics
- ENS330 K'gari Field Studies
- ENS333 Special Field Studies Topic
- ENS351 Integrated Environmental Management
- ENS353 Applied Geospatial Analysis
- ENS371 Sustainable Aquaculture
School of Law and Society
Introductory level electives
(100 coded)
Developing and Graduate level electives
(200, 300 or 400 coded)
- CRM201 Criminal Profiling & Intelligence
- CRM203 Homicide, Investigations & Forensic Science
- CRM204 Applied Crime Prevention
- CRM205 Criminal Law
- CRM206 Professional Development
- CRM302 Youth Justice & Restorative Justice
- CRM304 Professional Ethics and Integrity Management
- CRM308 Diversity, Crime and Justice
- CRM310 Introduction to Cyber Crime
- ENP203 Urban Climate Theory and Science
- ENP211 Planning and Environmental Law
- ENP245 Landscapes, Place and People
- ENP255 Public Space Planning and Design - Studio II
- ENP300 Culture and Identity in Cities and Regions
- ENP336 Strategic Infrastructure Planning
- ENP355 Neighbourhood Planning and Design - Studio III
- ENP365 Participation and Conflict Resolution
- ENP411 Advanced Planning Policy and Practice
- JST202 International Justice and Human Rights
- LAW205 Property A
- LAW206 Property B
- LAW207 Constitutional Law
- LAW209 International Law
- LAW210 Civil Procedure
- LAW302 Equity & Trusts
- LAW303 Corporations Law
- LAW318 Advocacy
- LAW320 Administrative Law
- LAW321 Evidence
- LAW322 Commercial and Consumer Law
- LAW402 Professional Conduct
- LAW407 Wills, Estates and Elder Law
- LAW408 Intellectual Property
- LAW417 Employment Law
- LAW418 Health Law
- LAW419 Family Law
- LAW424 Compensation Law
- LAW425 Environmental Law
- LAW426 Legal Research Project