Parent Lounge | UniSC | University of the Sunshine Coast, Queensland, Australia

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Parent Lounge

Find everything you need to know about uni for your child in one easy place.
Parent and child
Parent Lounge Update

Content created just for parents, to keep you up-to-date with everything you need to know about supporting your child on their journey to university.

Pathways to study

There is more than one way to become a student at UniSC.

Courses and programs

100+ undergraduate degrees, 100s of careers, multiple entry pathways, unlimited potential. Check out the courses and programs available at UniSC.

Resources for parents

Download our new Parents' Guide and access career planning and budget resources


It pays to invest in your future. There's plenty of financial support available to help with your tuition fees and study costs.


Our scholarships and bursaries celebrate different types of skills and support people from all kinds of backgrounds, giving you the freedom to focus on your study.

Accommodation and transport

Accommodation options and advice for UniSC students.

Getting a Headstart

Year 10 - 12 students can start studying UniSC courses while still completing high school through Headstart.

Uni is not just for young people

If you’ve ever thought about starting some study, UniSC provide a series of free online and face-to-face workshops to help you explore your study and career options.

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Hear from other UniSC parents

It was a proud parent moment for Debbie and Nick Orman when their daughter Rubie graduated from UniSC last year.

Proud parents of UniSC graduate, Kalena Davis flew from the other side of the world to watch their daughter graduate.

Parents of UniSC students, Yani and Mia talk about their perspective on the UniSC experience and what advice they have for other parents.

News for parents

Perfect grades help Maccas manager flip career to scientist
2 Apr 2024

A former full-time McDonald’s manager seeking a change of direction now has a career in human clinical trials after gaining perfect grades during a University of the Sunshine Coast degree