Our rankings | UniSC | University of the Sunshine Coast, Queensland, Australia

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Our rankings

Times Higher Education (THE) Impact Rankings

As a university with a strong commitment to achieving sustainability in terms of teaching, research and how we operate, we’re thrilled to be the top ranked Queensland university in the 2024 THE Impact Rankings. The Times Higher Education Impact Rankings are the only global performance tables that assess universities against the United Nations’ Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs) and measure the social and economic impact of an institution.

  • UniSC ranked first place in Queensland in two categories – Zero Hunger and Climate Action – and second in Australia for Zero Hunger.
  • Overall, UniSC placed among the top 4 percent of universities around the world for impact, ranked equal 77th out of 1,963 institutions, and placed 16th globally in the Life Below Water category.
  • UniSC has three SDGs in the global top 50, and five in the global top 100:
  1. Zero Hunger
  2. Life Below Water
  3. Life on Land
  4. Clean Water and Sanitation (Top 100)
  5. Responsible Consumption and Production (Top 100)
  • UniSC received perfect scores (100 from 100) for six SDGs
  1. Student hunger (Under SDG 2 Zero Hunger)
  2. Water reuse (Under SDG 14 Clean Water and Sanitation)
  3. Operational measures (Under SDG 12 Responsible Consumption and Production)
  4. Sustainability report publication (Under SDG SDG 12 Responsible Consumption and Production)
  5. Local ecosystem maintenance (Under SDG 14 Life Below Water)
  6. Land-sensitive waste disposal (Under SDG 15 Life on Land)

Teaching so good it’s rated 5 stars

Among public universities, UniSC is number one in Queensland* for undergraduate overall educational experience, and number two in Australia* for postgraduate teaching quality. And we have a five-star rating for teaching.

Our commitment to student satisfaction is reflected in the inaugural AFR Best Universities Ranking, where UniSC was listed as the highest ranked public university in Queensland for teaching, and number two in Australia.

According to the Good Universities Guide 2024/25, we have five star ratings from key areas including teaching quality, overall educational experience, learning resources, skills development, social equity, student support and learner engagement.

*2023 Student Experience Survey Data.

How UniSC ranked:
Teaching Quality

This rating is based on students’ ratings of their overall educational experience; the quality of teaching they received; and the extent to which they felt lecturers and tutors actively engaged them in and demonstrated concern for learning, provided clear explanations of coursework and assessment, inspired them intellectually, seemed helpful and approachable and provided useful feedback on work, among various other factors.

83% of UniSC students (undergraduate), and 87% (postgraduate) were satisfied with the quality of teaching they experienced.

UniSC is the highest rated public university in Australia for teaching quality in the fields of:

  • Business and Management (undergraduate and postgraduate)
  • Computing and Information Systems (undergraduate and postgraduate)

UniSC is the highest rated public university in Queensland for teaching quality (undergraduate) in the fields of:

  • Agriculture and Environmental Sciences
  • Business and Management
  • Computing and Information Systems
  • Education and Training

Overall for teaching quality, we’re number one in Australia (postgraduate), and number one in Queensland (undergraduate).

Overall experience

This rating looks at the proportion of students who were satisfied with the overall quality of their educational experience.

80% of UniSC students (undergraduate), and 82% (postgraduate) were satisfied with the overall quality of their educational experience.

UniSC is the highest rated public university in Australia for overall educational experience in the fields of:

  • Computing and Information Systems (postgraduate)

UniSC is number one public university in Queensland (undergraduate) for overall educational experience in the fields of:

  • Business and Management (also No. 1 in QLD postgraduate)
  • Computing and Information Systems (also No. 1 in QLD postgraduate)
  • Education and Training

For overall educational experience, we’re the number one public in Queensland (undergraduate and postgraduate), and in the top five in Australia.

Student Support

This rating is based on the extent to which students felt they received support to settle into study; experienced efficient enrolment and admissions processes; felt orientation activities were helpful; and found administrative staff and services, career advisers, academic or learning advisers, counsellors, financial advisers and health services to be available and helpful.
78% of UniSC students were satisfied with the support they received from their institution.

UniSC is the number one public university in Queensland for student support (undergraduate) in:

  • Business and Management
  • Communications
  • Education and Training
  • Law and Paralegal Studies
  • Psychology
  • Social Work

UniSC is also in the top two in Australia for student support (undergraduate) for Social Work and Psychology.

Social equity

This rating shows what proportion of domestic students enrolling at each university come from low socioeconomic or disadvantaged backgrounds. *This rating is not field of study specific but for the institution as a whole.

26% of UniSC students were from low socioeconomic or disadvantaged backgrounds.

First generation

The proportion of domestic students commencing a bachelor degree whose parents’ education is known and did not exceed Year 12.

38% of University of the Sunshine Coast (UniSC) students came from families where their parents’ education is known and did not exceed Year 12.

Learning resources

This rating is based on students’ average ratings of teaching spaces (including lecture theatres, laboratories and tutorial rooms), student spaces and common areas, online learning materials, computing and IT resources, assigned books and notes, laboratory or studio equipment and library facilities.

89% of UniSC students (undergraduate), and 86% (postgraduate), were satisfied with the learning resources provided by their institution.

UniSC is number one in Queensland for learning resources (undergraduate) in:

  • Agriculture and Environmental Studies
  • Business and Management
  • Computing and Information Systems
  • Education and Training
  • Science and Maths

In Australia, we’re in the top three (undergraduate) for:

  • Business and Management
  • Science and Mathematics
Learner engagement

This rating is based on the extent to which students felt prepared for study, had a sense of belonging at their institution, participated in discussions online or face to face, worked with other students, interacted with students outside of study and interacted with students different to them.

UniSC is in first place in Queensland for learner engagement (undergraduate) in:

  • Agriculture and Environmental Studies
  • Computing and Information Systems

UniSC is number one in Queensland for postgraduate learner engagement in:

  • Education and Training
Skills development

This rating is based on the extent to which students felt their course developed their critical-thinking skills, ability to solve complex problems, ability to work with others, confidence to work independently, written communication skills, verbal communication skills, knowledge of the field they are studying, and work-related knowledge and skills.

UniSC is number one in Australia (undergraduate) for:

  • Computing and Information Systems

UniSC is in first place in Queensland for (undergraduate) in:

  • Agriculture and Environmental Studies
  • Computing and Information Systems
  • Education and Training
  • Humanities, Culture and Social Sciences
Graduate outcomes

This rating looks at the proportion of graduates who were employed full-time four months after completing their courses.

UniSC is ranked first in Australia for graduate employment (undergraduate) in:

  • Engineering and Technology

For Graduate Outcomes - Full-time Employment, UniSC came third in Australia for Rehabilitation.

Quality Indicators for Learning and Teaching (QILT)

87% of graduates are employed within four months of finishing their degrees.

Excellence in Research for Australia (ERA) Rankings

Fields well above world standard

UniSC has 13 research fields well above world standard, characterised by evidence of outstanding performance. These fields include:

  • Environmental Sciences
  • Ecological Applications
  • Environmental Science and Management
  • Ecology
  • Zoology
  • Agricultural and Veterinary Sciences
  • Fisheries Sciences
  • Forestry Sciences
  • Horticultural Production
  • Veterinary Sciences
  • Technology
  • Neurosciences
  • Nursing
Fields above world standard

UniSC has four research fields placed above world standard, including:

  • Biological Sciences
  • Materials Engineering
  • Psychology and Cognitive Sciences
  • Psychology
Fields at world standard

UniSC has nine research fields placed at world standard, including:

  • Engineering
  • Medical and Health Sciences
  • Human Movement and Sports Science
  • Medical Microbiology
  • Studies in Human Society
  • Criminology
  • Human Geography
  • Policy and Administration
  • Language, Communication and Culture



The Times Higher Education (THE) Young University Rankings

In our highest ever ranking, UniSC moved 97 places to be in the top 110 institutions in the prestigious Times Higher Education (THE) Young University Rankings (2024). These rankings list the world’s best universities that are 50 years old or younger and use the same 13 performance indicators as the flagship THE World University Rankings, but the weightings have been adjusted to give less weight to reputation.