HIS100 History of Australian popular culture: The nineteenth century and beyond | UniSC | University of the Sunshine Coast, Queensland, Australia

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HIS100 History of Australian popular culture: The nineteenth century and beyond

This course is a history of popular culture in Australia from the late 19th century through to the present. It deals with material culture, the spoken and performative culture, and expressions of culture in print. This introductory level course will introduce the historical skills and concepts needed for a career in history (i.e. finding, interpreting and utilising primary and secondary sources, and building sound academic arguments).

Course detail

Semester of offer Subject to change
  • Sunshine Coast: Semester 1
  • Moreton Bay: Semester 1
  • Online: Semester 1
Tuition fee
1.4C:History, Indigenous Studies, Legal, Just and Law Enfor nec
Census date
Academic Calendar
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Course outline

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Students enrolled in this course should check the course Canvas site to ensure that they are accessing the most recent approved version of the course outline.