Central Lakes Drive

  4-6 hours | 75km (approx)


This route can be reversed to suit tide conditions. Avoid driving on the beach two hours either side of high tide

Take in some of K'gari's most impressive lakes and sandblows and pass tall, shady forests on this drive through the centre of the Island.

1. K'gari Research Station

Starting at station, follow Dillingham's Road towards Central Station. Take a right turn onto Birrabeen Road and follow the signs.

2. Lake Boomanjin

Facilities include toilets, camping ground and fenced eating area.

Return to Birrabeen Road, and drive through open forests and Wallum Banksia woodlands. The red waters of Lake Benaroon, which can only be reached on foot, can be viewed through the trees.

3. Lake Benaroon

Follow the signs to the reach:

4. Lake Birrabeen

Facilities include toilets and picnic area.

Return to Birrabeen Road and follow the Southern Lakes Road to:.

5. Central Station

A day-use area has toilet and picnic facilities, and there is a fenced camping ground.

6. Wanggoolba Creek

Follow signs for approximately 8.6km past dark, shady forests to reach:

7. Lake McKenzie (Boorangoora)

The area has camping, toilet and picnic facilities.

Head west for 1km, turning right on to Bennett Road for 3 km then right on to Lake Wabby Road. Follow Lake Wabby Road passing tall Blackbutt and Satinay forests, opening to Scribbly Gum and Banksia woodland. After 10.5km turn right and drive 0.5km to the parking area at:

8. Lake Wabby Lookout

Return to the road turning right to head north for 3km then right on to Cornwell's Break Road for approximately 1.5km to reach:

9. Stonetool Sandblow Lookout

Follow the road for 2.5km to reach the eastern beach.

Return to K'gari Research Station by travelling south along Seventy-Five Mile Beach, past:

10. Eurong Village

Note: If following the itinerary in reverse, the route must be altered slightly to accommodate one way tracks around Lake McKenzie. In this case, before Lake McKenzie, take the turn off to Northern Road. LeavingLake McKenzie, head west initially and take the road southwards towards Central Station and Wanggoolba Creek.

Please be respectful when visiting many of these destinations as they are culturally significant.