Workforce Planning for Business | UniSC | University of the Sunshine Coast, Queensland, Australia

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Workforce Planning for Business

Right people. Right skills. Right place. Right time.

This FREE course helps Queensland business owners, managers, People and Culture/Human Resources specialists, and business administration professionals who support small to medium enterprises develop an agile, flexible workforce plan to adapt to changes in the business environment. Employing principles of workforce planning and by examining the operational, tactical and strategic focus, the plan will complement and integrate into an organisation’s overall business planning.
The Workforce Planning for Business Course is delivered in partnership with Jobs Queensland, proudly supported by the Queensland Government's Department of Employment, Small Business and Training.
Eligibility requirements

Open to business owners and managers located in Queensland. This course is also suitable for People and Culture/Human Resources specialists and business administration professionals who support small to medium enterprises.

How is the course delivered?

Weekly Workshops: Seven (7) x 90-minute workshops, followed by 30 minutes of networking each week. These workshops are delivered simultaneously online and in-person. They are also recorded for self-paced learners.

Gain certification and credit

Participating in this course is a great way to experience what it is like to study at University and open up a pathway into a higher-level qualification. Upon successful completion, participants receive a Certificate of Completion and gain a credit* for one elective course towards UniSC's Graduate Certificate in Business Administration. For those in the health sector, the course credit may be applied to UniSC's Graduate Certificate in Health Sector Leadership.

*To be eligible for a course credit, participants need to submit both pieces of assessment to an acceptable standard. Please note, a maximum of two (2) course credits can be used towards the elective courses in the Graduate Certificate in Business Administration or the Graduate Certificate in Health Sector Leadership for eligible health sector employees.

Course Information

The content is delivered as workshops within this free, short course. The weekly schedule includes the development of a customised workforce plan and helps organisations to respond to workforce needs, challenges and changes. Topics covered will include stakeholder planning and analysis, creating a workforce profile and identifying workforce supply and demand dynamics. Participants are welcome to attend in person at our locations or simultaneously online.


Module 1: Introduction to workforce planning

Module 2: Who to involve in workforce planning

Module 3: How to understand your business and the environment

Module 4: How to identify your workforce issues

Module 5: Understanding what your future workforce looks like

Module 6: How to assess your workforce risk  

Module 7: Developing your workforce plan


Not the right planning course? Please visit the Workforce Planning for REGIONS Course which has specialised content for local council teams and Regional Jobs Committee stakeholders.

Dr Wayne Graham
Express your interest in a future course
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