July | UniSC | University of the Sunshine Coast, Queensland, Australia

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Members of USC's Seaweed Research Group: Professor Nick Paul, Dr Libby Swanepoel and Dr Alexandra Campbell.
Burp-free cow feed drives seaweed science at UniSC
11 Jun

A puffy pink seaweed that can stop cows from burping out methane is being primed for mass farming by UniSC researchers.

Fighting cancer and climate change: UniSC researchers use genetic research to unlock seaweed’s hidden secrets
11 Jun

UniSC researchers have undertaken genetic analysis of 12 edible seaweeds to identify potential cancer-preventing compounds.

Seaweed consumption among young Australians
11 Jun

Young Australians are increasingly turning to seaweed for its flavour, nutrient content, and health benefits, despite facing barriers to buying it.