Iconic Landscapes and Ecosystems | UniSC | University of the Sunshine Coast, Queensland, Australia

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Iconic Landscapes and Ecosystems

We'll go to the ends of the earth to protect it

The cluster leverages complementary research themes to produce novel insights about the environmental conditions of Iconic Landscapes and Ecosystems globally.

We bring together engineering (civil and mechanical), mathematics, geospatial tools, ecology and conservation to achieve novel insights into the characteristics of environments. This gives us a unique convergence of multi-disciplinary technical skills, research methods, and experience across a diverse range of landforms.

Our cluster members have an extraordinarily broad coverage of landscapes, ranging from tropical shores to high mountains.

Cluster lead: Dr Adrian McCallum

Our aim

We aim to become a widely recognised and respected academic platform working at the forefront of integrating geo-morphology with ecology to achieve new conservation and management interventions for iconic landscapes.

About the Smart Computing research cluster

Discover more here about why and how our multi-disciplinary research skills, experience and technical skills are being put to work to achieve new conservation and management interventions for iconic landscapes and ecosystems.