Design and implement a significant evolution of the UniSC Learning and Teaching Model to differentiate and modernise our approach to learning and teaching to meet the diverse needs of current and future students.
Expand the size and breadth of our student body through a five-year Enrolment Strategy that will drive diversification and enrolment growth in Australia and around the world.
Increase participation of students from equity backgrounds through a revised Student Success and Equity Plan, with specialised support to ensure every student has the best chance of success, with strong retention, satisfaction, and graduate outcomes.
Implement a comprehensive governance and delivery framework to drive growth through an Online Program Management Framework and a Short Courses and Micro-credentials Program Stream.
Implement a staged approach to establish a Doctor of Medicine program by 2030, leveraging strategic partnerships with a leading tertiary hospital.
Over the next four years, UniSC will seek to transform its learning and teaching model. Our model will truly place students at the centre of a world-class and contemporary blended delivery model which seeks to differentiate from peers based on teaching quality, personalisation, and flexibility. This will be complemented with a comprehensive program of learner engagement, support, curriculum and program renewal, online learning, and skills development.
Identify talent requirements, build capability, and mobilise our people toward achieving strategic goals around quality education, research excellence, and exceptional leadership through a five-year university-wide Strategic Workforce Plan.
Embed a Health, Safety, and Wellbeing Framework that fosters a culture of safety through risk control, accountability, compliance, and measurable outcomes, supported by training, education, and community engagement.
Set the tone for our culture, decisions, and behaviours across the university through an Embedding our Values Program of communication, awareness, and engagement with our values of integrity, community, and sustainability.
Continue to develop, renew, and enrich the adoption of the UniSC Reconciliation Charter by supporting new and innovative approaches to strengthening meaningful partnerships with Aboriginal and/or Torres Strait Islander students, staff, and communities.
Tackle pressing global challenges and change lives to create healthy people and a healthy planet, while strengthening our capability to drive research performance, commercialisation and impact through a five-year Better Tomorrow Research Strategy.
Expansion of strategic partnerships in key growth areas with a focus on enhanced industry-integration through a five-year Partner Engagement Strategy.
Deepen key connections in the Asia-Pacific and expand community development opportunities and student enrolments through the development and implementation of a Transnational Education Strategy.
Strengthen our global reputation and profile in key markets through the University Brand Strategy and University Rankings Improvement Plan.
Transform our built environment; learning, teaching, research; digital, data; and enabling services through a ten-year Strategic Investment Plan.
Leverage our physical and digital assets through a Campus Optimisation Model to define our future campus footprint while deepening local opportunities and a multi-campus, place-based approach.
Review and redevelop the University Operating Model to underpin financial performance and sustainability, and effective resource planning and management.
Enhance revenue diversification through an Integrated Revenue Diversification Plan to leverage industry and government partnerships, research, training and commercialisation, philanthropy, and alumni advancement and university assets.