1. Purpose
1.1 These guidelines provide an overview visa sponsorship and the assistance available to staff relocating to take up a position at the University. This assistance does not attempt to cover all direct or indirect costs of staff appointment, visa sponsorship and relocation.
1.2 These guidelines must be read in conjunction with the linked Recruitment, Selection and Appointment – Procedures.
2. Scope and application
2.1 These guidelines apply to all prospective and current staff members who require a visa to legally work in Australia for UniSC or require domestic or international relocation assistance.
3. Definitions
3.1 Refer to the University’s Glossary of Terms for definitions as they specifically relate to policy documents.
4. Visa sponsorship
4.1 Principles
4.1.1 Staff with foreign citizenship or non-Australian permanent residents, are required to demonstrate to the University that they are eligible to obtain or hold an appropriate Australian visa.
4.1.2 The University supports obtaining visas for international candidates:
(a) to attract and develop outstanding researchers and staff; and
(b) to facilitate cross-cultural competence.
4.1.3 The University is not obliged to sponsor for permanent residency or any other form of visa.
4.1.4 The University supports the visa type that:
(a) most closely matches the purpose of travel to Australia; and
(b) is the most appropriate permit to enter Australia.
4.1.5 Unless exceptional circumstances apply, as determined by the Director, People and Culture in consultation with the Vice-Chancellor and President, the University does not offer:
(a) fixed term positions to staff members on temporary work visas beyond their visa expiry date; or
(b) continuing positions to staff members on temporary work visas.
4.2 Eligibility for visa sponsorship
4.2.1 For academic positions to be considered eligible for visa sponsorship they must meeting the below criteria:
(a) full-time academic positions where the position cannot be recruited locally; and
(b) part-time academic positions in very limited circumstances as determined by the Director, People and Culture in consultation with the Vice-Chancellor and President.
4.2.2 For a professional staff position to be considered eligible for visa sponsorship they must meet the below criteria:
(a) the position is for a minimum term of three years;
(b) the position is on the Department of Home Affairs’ Skilled Occupation List;
(c) the position:
(i) is specialised;
(ii) is classified as Professional Level 8 or higher;
(iii) requires unique skills and experience not readily available in the local labour market; and
(d) a competitive selection process has been completed.
4.2.3 The University can consider requests to sponsor international candidates for the Employer Nomination Scheme permanent residence visa (subclass 186):
(a) as part of a competitive recruitment or employee attraction strategy, consistent with the Recruitment, Selection and Appointment – Procedures where labour market testing has been achieved; or
(b) when staff members have completed 3 years of full-time employment in their nominated position at the University within the previous 4 years.
4.2.4 Exceptions can apply for Temporary Visas with Research Centres where the engagement is less than 12 months in duration.
4.3 Working visas
4.3.1 The choice of visa is dependent on the activities being undertaken, whether any remuneration is paid and the length of the stay. People and Culture work with their nominated immigration agent to establish the most appropriate visa for the position.
4.3.2 People and Culture also work with individuals to determine their current working rights in Australia.
4.4 Approvals
4.4.1 The following levels of approval for visa sponsorship must be obtained (via Job Card/Requisition in the recruitment system):
(a) Cost Centre Manager (CCM);
(b) relevant member of Executive; and
(c) Director, People and Culture.
4.5 Immigration agent
4.5.1 The University uses its designated immigration agent for all visa applications.
4.6 Costs
4.6.1 In relation to the costs of visa applications the University:
(a) is responsible for meeting the cost of all applicable nomination and Skilling Australians Fund (SAF) charges for the applicant. Note: SAF charges are required under the Migration Amendment (Skilling Australians Fund) Charges Act 2018 (Cth) and are paid by an employer at the nomination stage, to sponsor certain visa applications to contribute to the training of Australians; and
(b) must not pass on these costs to the visa applicant or any external parties or receive any benefits for the sponsorship as provided in the Migration Amendment (Charging for a Migration Outcome) Act 2015 (Cth).
4.6.2 The visa applicant is required to fulfill the payment of visa application fees.
4.7 Visa application requirements
4.7.1 Visa requirements are determined by the Department of Home Affairs (DHA). The University’s immigration agent guides the individual on these requirements.
4.7.2 Staff must adhere to the following conditions of visa sponsorship:
(a) in accordance with Australian legislation, staff cannot commence employment until they have been granted the appropriate visa by DHA;
(b) individuals cannot commence relocation (when funded by the University) until they have been granted the appropriate visa by DHA;
(c) individuals who self-fund relocation to Australia can commence relocation arrangements however should the visa not be granted, the University is not be responsible for any reimbursement of costs;
(d) individuals must comply with the rules of their visa;
(e) the University abides by all obligations of the relevant visa of an individual;
(f) staff cannot work beyond their visa expiry date, unless an extension is applied for and granted;
(g) job offers are subject to visa approval, as detailed in Section 4.8 - Visa not granted by DHA; and
(h) repatriation costs are not automatically included in the sponsorship. The University complies with any legislated requirements relevant at the time of repatriation.
4.8 Visa not granted by DHA
4.8.1 When the incumbent has not been successful in obtaining a visa then employment with the University ceases upon the notification date of the application being denied.
4.9 Termination of employment
4.9.1 Both the individual and the University must comply with legislated requirements when a termination of employment has occurred.
5. Visa sponsorship processes
5.1 Applications
5.1.1 Preferred candidate is identified and working rights for Australia are confirmed.
5.1.2 Should a visa sponsorship or permanent residency be required, relevant approvals are obtained.
5.1.3 People and Culture, with relevant approvals, proceeds to appoint the individual to the position subject to the visa application outcome.
5.1.4 People and Culture engages the immigration agent to manage the relevant visa requirements and application.
5.1.5 People and Culture collates the required documentation from the individual and forward this to the immigration agent.
5.1.6 The immigration agent coordinates the application liaising directly with the individual.
5.1.7 The immigration agent notifies both the individual and UniSC of the outcome of the application.
5.2 Renewal
5.2.1 Visas identified as requiring renewal are referred to the immigration agent to manage.
5.2.2 The immigration agent coordinates the renewal liaising directly with the individual.
5.2.3 The immigration agent notifies both the individual and the University of the outcome of the application.
5.3 Changes or termination of employment
5.3.1 Both the individual and the University must comply with their legislated requirements where a termination of employment has occurred.
6. Visa sponsorship responsibilities
6.1 People and Culture
6.1.1 Confirming visa requirements with the immigration agent.
6.1.2 Liaising with the immigration agent to facilitate visa application.
6.1.3 Notifying the CCM, Supervisor, and all relevant stakeholders of the visa application outcome.
6.2 Immigration agent
6.2.1 Advising UniSC on what visa is appropriate for the proposed appointment.
6.2.2 Lodging visa applications with DHA ensuring compliance with the sponsorship requirements.
6.2.3 Providing immigration assistance to current and prospective staff members.
6.2.4 Notifying People and Culture of documentation required and the progress of the application.
6.3 Supervisor and Cost Centre Manager
6.3.1 Not offering a position or verbally confirming UniSC’s commitments to offer sponsorship until an employment contract has been issued by People and Culture.
6.3.2 Understanding the University’s obligations for any visa held by a staff member and taking appropriate steps to maintain compliance with those obligations.
6.3.3 Notifying People and Culture when:
(a) the staff member fails to comply with their visa conditions;
(b) a notifiable event occurs; or
(c) there are any changes to the activities performed by the staff member, including the timeframe to complete those activities.
6.3.4 Not commencing any appointment of a staff member until the appropriate visa grant decision letter has been forwarded to People and Culture.
6.3.5 Not permitting visa holders to participate in activities that would result in noncompliance with their visa.
6.3.6 Requiring that visa holders maintain valid work rights.
6.3.7 Directing local administrative support staff to:
(a) seek People and Culture’s advice when in doubt whether an event or situation is notifiable to DHA; and
(b) work with People and Culture and the staff member to maintain compliance with sponsorship obligations at all times.
6.4 Further information
6.4.1 Further information can be obtained from the Department of Home Affairs (DHA).
7. Relocation assistance
7.1 Purpose of relocation assistance
7.1.1 The University can offer relocation assistance to eligible individuals for the following purposes:
(a) to attract and retain high calibre staff from within and external to the University;
(b) to ensure that relocation can occur quickly and seamlessly for the employee and their family; and
(c) to ensure that relocation costs are met, and that the employee is appropriately compensated for these costs, without being financially advantaged or disadvantaged.
7.2 Eligibility for relocation assistance
7.2.1 Staff who meet the following criteria are eligible to receive relocation assistance:
(a) appointment is ongoing or fixed-term (3 or more years duration);
(i) for domestic appointees, appointment is Academic Level B or above, or Professional, Level 8 or above;
(ii) for international appointees, appointment is Academic Level C or above or Professional, Level 10 or above;
(b) uplift date occurs within the first year of appointment; and
(c) uplift address is not less than 100kms (Reimbursement for the use of a private vehicle will be calculated, according to the RACQ Distance Calculator) from their new work location.
7.2.2 The University does not offer relocation assistance to individuals who have a partner who is currently in receipt of an offer of employment with the University that includes provisions for relocation assistance.
7.2.3 A staff member is required to repay relocation expenses calculated on a pro-rata basis when they voluntarily terminate their employment during their first 3 years of service.
7.3 Relocation expenses
7.3.1 All employees who are offered relocation assistance must sign a deduction authority prior to receiving any relocation assistance. The deduction authority authorises the University to deduct the repayment of relation expenses from any monies owing to the employee at the time of termination.
7.3.2 The CCM must notify People and Culture immediately when an employee who has received relocation assistance terminates employment within their initial 3 years of appointment.
7.3.3 Travel costs (international and domestic) Upon production of original receipts, the University reimburses the cost of a one-way economy class airfare by scheduled airline services by the most direct route for the staff member, partner and dependents from their residential location to the allocated campus location. Travel can be made by alternative mode, class or route at their own arrangement, but any expense incurred above the level of an equivalent economy class airfare by the most direct route is the responsibility of the staff member.
7.3.4 Domestic removal The reasonable costs incurred for transportation of household furniture and personal effects are payable by the University. Removal costs are limited to the primary household of the appointed staff member, and UniSC reserves the right to limit removal and delivery to reasonable items.
Staff member | Volume |
Staff member individual | 20m3 |
Staff member with dependants | 20m3 plus 5m3 per dependant |
Staff member and partner | 30m3 |
Staff member, partner with dependants | 30m3 plus 5m3 per dependant | The University can cover the following costs:
(a) transportation of one motor vehicle (3 quotations are required);
(b) 2 removals when partner or dependants are required to move at a later date provided the removal occurs within 12 months from the staff member’s date of commencement and does not exceed the total volume permitted. The full cost must be included in the quotations for the entire removal. Any additional cost is incurred by the staff member;
(c) storage for an interim period not exceeding one month;
(d) insurance costs while in storage (NB: insurance limitations can apply); and
(e) removal from storage to new residential premises. The University does not cover the costs associated with:
(a) car rental;
(b) pet relocation; or
(c) cleaning.
7.3.5 International removal The reasonable costs incurred for transportation of household furniture and personal effects to a maximum of one 20-foot steel shipping container (28m3 to 30m3 maximum) are payable by the University. UniSC reserves the right to limit removal and delivery to reasonable items. In addition, the University can also cover costs of:
(a) 2 removals when partner or dependants are required to move at a later date provided the removal occurs within 12 months from the staff member’s date of commencement and does not exceed the total volume permitted. The full cost must be included in the quotations for the entire removal. Any additional costs incurred without prior approval from People and Culture are the responsibility of the staff member;
(b) storage for an interim period normally not exceeding one month;
(c) insurance costs while in storage; and
(d) removal from storage to new residential premises. The University does not cover the costs associated with:
(a) car rental; or
(b) pet relocation.
7.4 Settling-in allowance
7.3.1 Claims can be made for financial assistance towards the cost of reasonable exceptional expenses incurred by a staff member, up to maximum amounts and upon production of receipts.
7.4.2 Appointees relocating from within Australia New appointees can be paid a taxable settling-in allowance to assist with immediate accommodation requirements regardless of whether the new appointee chooses to board, stay in hotel or motel accommodation, rent or purchase a dwelling when they commence their appointment. An allowance of $700 is paid on the first pay day after commencement. Where the new appointee is accompanied by their partner or dependent children, an extra $100 is paid for each additional person, up to a maximum total payment of $1,000. The settling-in allowance can be considered taxable income by the Australian Taxation Office. New appointees should obtain their own independent taxation advice and retain all relevant receipts for submission to the Taxation Office, when required. The type of assistance required is to be requested and agreed to by the Director, People and Culture in the first instance.
7.4.3 Appointees relocating from overseas Overseas appointees can elect to receive either:
(a) a settling-in allowance equivalent to that paid to appointees relocating from within Australia; or
(b) one week of temporary accommodation on relocation. The type of assistance required is requested by the appointee and agreed to by the Director, People and Culture in the first instance. Exceptional settling-in expenses include the cost of reasonable lodging or temporary rental accommodation while actively engaged in seeking permanent residence. It is recommended that new staff make accommodation arrangements prior to arrival.
7.5 Insurance
7.5.1 The University’s insurance policy covers the relocation of furniture and personal effects for replacement value during transit.
7.5.2 When any damages occur during transit, a claim can be submitted to the University’s insurance company via Financial Services (NB: insurance coverage limitations).
8. Relocation assistance process
8.1 To be considered for financial relocation assistance, staff members must obtain a written quotation and forward to People and Culture. When the relocation is over $10,000 the staff member must provide three written quotations. The University informs the staff member of the approved provider (usually the lowest quote will be accepted).
8.2 The staff member should submit a minor expense claim for reimbursement of eligible relocation expenses to People and Culture for approval. Production of original receipts must accompany the minor expense claim.
9. Authorities and responsibilities
9.1 As the Approval Authority the Chief Operating Officer approves these guidelines to operationalise the Recruitment, Selection and Appointment - Procedures.
9.2 As the Designated Officer the Director, People and Culture is authorised to approve associated documents to support the application of these guidelines.
9.3 These procedures operate from the last amended date, with all previous guidelines related to visa sponsorship and staff relocation are replaced and have no further operation from this date.
9.4 All records relating to data classification must be stored and managed in accordance with the Records Management - Procedures.
9.5 These procedures must be maintained in accordance with the University Policy Documents - Procedures and reviewed on the shortened 2-year policy review cycle.
9.6 Any exception to this policy to enable a more appropriate result must be approved in accordance with the University Policy Documents - Procedures prior to any deviation from these guidelines.
9.7 Refer to Schedule C of the Delegations Manual in relation to the approved delegations detailed within these guidelines.