1. Purpose
1.1 These procedures specify the requirements applying to the Recruitment, Selection and Appointment (RSA) of staff employed by the University.
1.2 These procedures must be read in conjunction with the linked Recruitment, Selection and Appointment - Operational Policy, Academic Position Classification - Guidelines, Job Evaluation of Professional Positions - Guidelines and Visa Sponsorship and Staff Relocation – Guidelines.
2. Scope and application
2.1 These procedures apply to the appointment of all staff employed by the University in a fixed-term, ongoing or casual position.
2.2 These procedures do not apply to:
(a) a staff member whose position is reclassified;
(b) the conversion of fixed-term or casual staff member; or
(c) appointment of members to the University Executive.
3. Definitions
Refer to the University’s Glossary of Terms for definitions as they specifically relate to policy documents.
Achievement Relative to Opportunity relates to assessing achievements with consideration of the overall work time that has been available to the staff member based on their personal circumstances, which could include caring responsibility, disability, part-time work arrangements, periods of leave, etc. Achievement relative to opportunity is a positive acknowledgement of what a staff member has achieved given the opportunities available.
Appointment is the process whereby an offer is made and accepted and the successful applicant commences employment in the vacant position.
Appointment by invitation Where there are special and exceptional circumstances to appoint a person directly into a position on a fixed-term basis.
Delegate (noun) means the position/committee of the University who has been authorised to carry out the delegation.
Schedule C is the recorded summary of operational and administrative authorisations (commonly referred to as Delegations).
Recruitment is the process of seeking and attracting a pool of qualified applicants from which candidates for job vacancies can be selected.
Selection is the process of gathering job-relevant information and making employment decisions about applicants for vacant positions.
Merit refers to the relationship between a person’s qualities (knowledge, skills, abilities and experience) and those qualities required for performance in a particular position.
Merit-based selection considers information gathered across all selection methods used to assess a candidate against the position requirements.
Internal applicant is classified as:
- a current staff member holding an ongoing or fixed-term appointment at the date of publication of the advertisement; or
- a casual professional or academic staff member who has an current appointment at the date of publication of the advertisement.
Internally advertised: recruitment processes are advertised within the University community and are open to existing UniSC staff members who hold a current ongoing, fixed-term or casual appointment with UniSC at the date of advertisement.
Position description describes the organisational location, primary objectives, key responsibilities, and the Key Selection Criteria for a position.
Order of merit is a list of pre-qualified applicants that have been through a merit selection process and are considered appointable to the position. Applicants on an order of merit may or may not receive an offer of employment.
A Conflict of interest occurs when there is a conflict between a member of the University community's private interests and their university duties where they could be influenced, or appear to be influenced, in the performance of their official duties and responsibilities with the University. Refer to the Conflict of Interest – Governing Policy for further information.
Organisational Change is change that affects a School/Work area and results in changes to staffing. These changes may include the creation and deletion of positions, changes to the duties or grading of several positions, or employees becoming excess to requirements.
Peer representative is a staff member at the same, or higher classification as the vacant position, and preferably from a related work area (e.g. recruiting for a Finance Business Partner, the peer representative could be a Senior Business Partner from People and Culture).
Pre-employment checks is the completion of reference checks, verifying work rights, and validation of qualifications, certificates, and associations.
Recruitment documentation is defined as the job requisition; a candidate’s application including their personal details, CV or Resume and any supplementary supporting documentation such as working rights, qualifications, cover letter, relative to opportunity statement (where appropriate) or alike; Shortlist Assessment Form; Interview Schedule Form; Interview Guide; Interview Assessment Form; Reference Report; Appointment Request Form etc.
Reference checks are a critical part of the hiring process as they provide additional context and validation beyond what is presented in application documentation, and interviews. Reference checks are a required component for most appointment processes.
Referees are nominated by the preferred applicant and should wherever reasonable, include the current or most recent Manager/Supervisor.
Secondment is the temporary transfer of a staff member to another position within UniSC for a period not normally greater than 12 months and can only be used as per the requirements for fixed-term appointments in the enterprise agreement.
Special and exceptional circumstances : For the purposes of this procedure, special and exceptional circumstances include:
- where the nominee has a unique or specific skill set or standing which is strongly desired by the University;
- where the appointment is integral to maintain the stability of a research team;
- where the nominee has achieved a distinction of high order in their field; or
- where it can be demonstrated that advertising would not provide an advantage to the University.
4. Regulatory framework
4.1 All aspects of RSA must be consistent with relevant State and Federal legislation and in accordance with the University’s policy documents. The University commits to a fair and consistent recruitment and selection process based on the principles of equal opportunity, merit-based determinations and assessment of achievement relative to opportunity. It is the responsibility of the Chairperson, selection panel members and staff involved to ensure that the recruitment and selection process is fair and equitable for all applicants.
4.2 Traditionally, measurements of merit and achievement may have been based on a notional standard of a full-time and uninterrupted career. This profile does not reflect contemporary employee experiences and imposes unrealistic standards by failing to acknowledge career interruptions and responsibilities outside of work. The retention of these normative expectations (no matter how inadvertently they are applied) could result in talented staff being precluded from entering or advancing their careers during their employment with University of the Sunshine Coast.
5. Preparation
5.1 Workforce planning
5.1.1 Workforce planning is a proactive process that requires organisational analysis to determine future staffing requirements and the development of strategies to ensure ongoing alignment between the University’s strategic directions and the staff profile. Workforce planning involves:
(a) identifying the work area’s future direction and recruiting/training staff members to avoid shortages or surpluses of staff or capabilities;
(b) defining the work area’s current capabilities by analysing staff skills, abilities, qualifications and attributes;
(c) managing turnover of staff and succession planning;
(d) establishing a diverse staff profile to take advantage of the different perspectives, knowledge and ideas that diversity brings; and
(e) maximising staff capabilities and improving career opportunities.
5.1.2 It is the responsibility of the supervisor or relevant Cost Centre Manager (CCM) to work with People and Culture to determine and review the workforce planning requirements of the respective school or work area prior to submitting a requisition to recruit.
5.2 Position descriptions and evaluation
5.2.1 Where a new position is established, a position description must be prepared or reviewed by the supervisor and relevant Head of Organisational Unit or CCM. It is the responsibility of the supervisor to ensure that the content accurately reflects the responsibilities and requirements of the position.
5.2.2 If the position is new, or if People and Culture determines that significant changes have been made, the document must be evaluated by People and Culture and assigned a classification level consistent with the Job Evaluation of Professional Positions - Guidelines or Academic Position Classification - Guidelines prior to seeking approval to recruit. Gender neutral language is used in all documentation.
5.2.3 Within any position description, appropriate screening evaluation criteria must be established to assess applicants.
5.3 Approval to recruit
5.3.1 Following the establishment of a new position and evaluation of the position description, and prior to commencing any recruitment activity, the requisition to recruit must be approved by the relevant delegated authority electronically.
5.4 Third-party recruitment services
5.4.1 A third-party recruitment or search firm can be engaged to assist in the recruitment of specialist staff. All requests to outsource recruitment activities must be directed to the Talent Acquisition Manager (People and Culture) and approved by the relevant Executive member.
6. Recruitment, selection and appointment of fixed-term and ongoing staff
6.1 Selection panel for fixed-term and ongoing staff
6.1.1 People and Culture is responsible for providing training and resources for staff members to prepare and participate effectively as selection panel members. All selection panel members are encouraged to complete the online RSA training modules prior to commencing a recruitment process, including unconscious bias training and following equity guidelines.
6.1.2 People and Culture facilitates regular RSA training which prepares staff for the responsibilities of being a Chairperson of a Selection Panel (Chairperson). This training is required to be undertaken by the Chairperson prior to undertaking the responsibilities of the position. Registration for RSA training is done via MyUniSC.
6.1.3 The key responsibilities of the Chairperson are:
(a) coordinating of the recruitment and selection process, ensuring the selection process is given high priority in order to achieve a timely outcome;
(b) ensuring selection panel members are nominated prior to the commencement of selection activities and available to participate in all aspects of the selection process;
(c) ensuring the integrity of the selection process in accordance with the Recruitment, Selection and Appointment – Operational Policy and this procedure;
(d) acting as the key contact for applicants throughout the recruitment and selection process and responding to queries in a timely manner;
(e) ensuring all required pre-employment checks are conducted and reviewed for suitability;
(f) ensuring all interviewed candidates are verbally advised of the outcome of the appointment decision and provided feedback as requested; and
(g) ensuring the appropriate handling of recruitment documentation in accordance with Data Governance - Operational Policy.
6.1.4 The selection panel must:
(a) consist of a minimum of 3 staff members (including the Chairperson) for fixed-term and ongoing appointments;
(b) consist of a minimum of 2 staff members (including the Chairperson) for internal only vacancies and Expressions of Interest (EOI);
(c) include gender diversity and maximise cultural and other diversity relevant to the position, wherever possible;
(d) include staff members employed at or above the level of the position to be filled (unless otherwise approved by People and Culture) who possess the appropriate level of skill, knowledge or expertise to accurately assess the candidates’ merit against the selection criteria of the vacant position;
(e) remain consistent and available to participate once candidate assessment activities have commenced, except in exceptional circumstances, as approved by People and Culture; and
(f) declare any conflict of interest that arises as soon as it becomes known to the selection panel member (actual, potential, or perceived) and manage in accordance with the Conflict of Interest – Governing Policy and Conflict of Interest - Procedures.
6.1.5 The appropriate composition for Selection Panels is detailed in Table 1, and aligned to Schedule C. Any changes must be approved by the Director, People and Culture (or nominee):
Table 1: Composition of Selection Panel
Position | Selection Panel approver | Chairperson | Members |
Professional | Director People and Culture | Supervisor |
Professional | Director People and Culture | CCM |
Senior Staff (excluding Chancellor, VCP and members of the VCP Executive team) | VCP | VCP; or (or nominee) |
Members of the VCP Executive team (e.g. Deputy Vice-Chancellor, Pro Vice-Chancellor and Chief Operating Officer) | VCP | VCP (or nominee) |
Academic | Director People and Culture in consultation with the relevant Executive member | Dean of School; or Institute Director; or Centre Director (or nominee) |
Academic Level D - E | Director People and Culture in consultation with the relevant Executive member | VCP (or nominee) |
6.2 Vacancy advertisement and exemptions for fixed-term and ongoing staff
6.2.1 It is the University’s stance that all positions should be advertised to ensure that the best person is selected through an open and competitive process. However, there are some circumstances where advertising can not be required. Any request for advertisement exemption must be approved by the Director, People and Culture, and in some instances, the VCP.
6.2.2 The recommended advertising period is 2 weeks. Where international sponsorship has been approved, advertising must meet the required conditions. For further advice contact People and Culture.
6.2.3 Components of a completed application is determined by the Chairperson prior to advertising. This can include:
(a) cover letter and CV or resume;
(b) response to key selection criteria and CV or resume; or
(c) a statement of suitability and CV or resume.
6.2.4 Candidates can be contacted and interviewed throughout the duration of the advertising period to expedite decision-making.
6.2.5 The University can undertake tailored recruitment processes to respond to the University strategies that are outlined in the Diversity and Inclusion Plan. People and Culture advises the Chairperson of any tailored processes applicable to the recruitment activity.
6.2.6 The VCP can approve advertising exemptions or restrictions when:
(a) a person is named or identified for a position in a research funding application;
(b) an appointment is made by invitation; or
(c) vacancies arise because of a formal organisational restructure whereby advertising and recruitment activities is quarantined to minimise impact to affected staff.
6.2.7 Vacancies are not required to be advertised when they are to be filled using a current order of merit from a recurring or concurrent identical vacancy.
6.2.8 People and Culture is responsible for developing advertising content and strategy relevant to candidate attraction and employer branding. The CCM is responsible for reviewing the advertisement content and supplementary recruitment marketing material.
6.3 Applications for fixed-term and ongoing staff
6.3.1 All applications, are required to be submitted electronically. Applications received after the stipulated closing date must be approved by the Chairperson prior to being accepted.
6.4 Selection process for fixed-term and ongoing staff
6.4.1 The selection panel is responsible for determining the sequential process for assessing applicants against the relevant job requirements or selection criteria and determining order of merit. At minimum, the process must include:
(a) panel shortlist;
(b) panel interview; and
(c) completion of pre-employment checks.
6.4.2 People and Culture is responsible for providing resources, training and advice on appropriate selection techniques to facilitate merit-based assessment, including equitable recruitment process.
6.5 Pre-employment checking for fixed-term and ongoing staff
6.5.1 Selection decisions must be based on merit assessment, informed by the principles of equity, diversity, fairness and transparency, and relative to opportunity. The delegate, identified in Schedule C, is responsible for ensuring selection decisions were based on merit, prior to the approval of any offer of employment. Every selection process must satisfy the following:
(a) the basis of selection is merit, informed by the principles of equity, diversity, fairness and transparency, and is relative to opportunity;
(b) the relative merits of applicants are assessed against the selection criteria outlined in the position description;
(c) selection methods are transparent, valid and free of bias, conflict of interest, direct and indirect discrimination; and
(d) selection decisions are documented in the e-recruitment system and are made considering only job-relevant information gathered across all selection techniques.
6.5.2 When the University determines that a position holds an elevated level of risk, additional checks are required, including:
(a) psychometric testing;
(b) medical testing; or
(c) verifiable background.
6.5.3 People and Culture advises the Chairperson should additional checks be required.
6.6 Merit assessment and decisions for fixed-term and ongoing staff
6.6.1 Selection decisions must be based on merit assessment. The relevant delegate, identified in Schedule C, is responsible for approving appointments. It is the Chairperson’s responsibility to ensure:
(a) the basis of selection is merit;
(b) the relative merits of applicants are assessed against the selection criteria outlined in the position description;
(c) selection methods are transparent, valid, assess achievement relative to opportunity, and are free of bias, conflict of interest, direct and indirect discrimination; and
(d) selection decisions are made considering only job-relevant information gathered across all selection techniques.
6.6.2 Selection decisions must be clearly documented and include a statement that outlines the basis on which the selection panel has concluded that the recommended appointee is most meritorious, and the considerations given to equity, diversity and inclusion.
6.6.3 When the selection panel recommends an order of merit, a comparative statement must be provided outlining why the recommended applicant is considered more meritorious.
6.6.4 Orders of merit are considered current for 12 months following the vacancy closure. Should an identical vacancy arise during that time, a candidate on a merit list can be recommended for appointment without undertaking a new recruitment and selection process. Recommendations must be made in order of the merit ranking and unsuitable interviewed candidates must be recorded appropriately.
6.7 Appointment approvals for fixed-term and ongoing staff
6.7.1 When approving an appointment, the relevant delegated authority must be satisfied that the proposed appointee is the most meritorious and that the selection process has been conducted in accordance with the Recruitment, Selection and Appointment – Operational Policy.
6.7.2 When the selection decision has been agreed and documented, the appropriate delegated authority is responsible for approving the appointment recommendation in a timely manner.
6.7.3 When the appointment recommendation has been approved, People and Culture is responsible for developing and issuing the formal employment offer to the successful candidate. An offer of employment must be made at the first step of the classification. In some cases, the offer can be made at a higher step in the designated classification scale, where the CCM has endorsed and the Director, People and Culture has approved. All other employment conditions must comply with the University’s Enterprise Agreement and relevant policy documents.
6.7.4 Staff who hold a substantive ongoing appointment can request to be appointed to a fixed-term position whilst maintaining their substantive. The CCM in consultation with People and Culture has the authority to approve or reasonably decline this request.
6.7.5 Staff whose ongoing employment at the University has ceased due to redundancy (whether voluntary or otherwise) cannot be re-employed by the University in any capacity, including as a casual professional or casual academic staff member, within 24 months of their cessation date.
7. Recruitment of casual academic and casual professional staff
7.1 Recruitment and appointment of casual staff is the responsibility of the school and work areas.
7.2 When there is a need to engage a casual staff member, the supervisor:
(a) ensures that the position has been established and approved by the CCM;
(b) identifies any pre-employment checks required; and
(c) identifies the minimum certificates or qualifications required.
7.3 The supervisor is responsible for determining the sequential process for assessing applicants against the relevant job requirements/selection criteria and determining order of merit. At minimum, the process must include:
(a) panel interview; and
(b) conduct pre-employment checks.
7.4 Selection panel for casual academic and casual professional staff
7.4.1 People and Culture is responsible for providing training and resources for staff members to prepare and participate effectively as selection panel members. All selection panel members are encouraged to complete the online RSA training modules prior to commencing a recruitment process, including unconscious bias training and following equity guidelines.
7.4.2 RSA training is mandatory to those who will be acting as Chairperson on a selection panel, and highly recommended to staff participating as part of a selection panel, staff who have previously completed RSA training and are seeking a refresher, and staff who are supporting leaders on recruitment processes. The training course is available online, on-demand via the Learning Library.
7.4.3 The key responsibilities of the Chairperson are:
(a) coordinating of the recruitment and selection process, ensuring the selection process is given high priority in order to achieve a timely outcome;
(b) ensuring selection panel members are nominated prior to the commencement of selection activities and available to participate in all aspects of the selection process;
(c) acting as the key contact for applicants throughout the recruitment and selection process and responding to queries in a timely manner;
(d) ensuring the integrity of the selection process in accordance with the Recruitment, Selection and Appointment - Operational Policy and this procedure;
(e) ensuring all required pre-employment checks are conducted and reviewed for suitability;
(f) ensuring all interviewed candidates are verbally advised of the outcome of the appointment decision and provided feedback as requested; and
(g) ensuring the appropriate handling of recruitment documentation in accordance with the Data Governance - Operational Policy.
7.4.4 The selection panel must:
(a) consist of a minimum of 2 staff members (including the Chairperson);
(b) include gender diversity and maximise cultural and other diversity relevant to the position, wherever possible;
(c) include staff members employed at or above the level of the position to be filled (unless otherwise approved by People and Culture) who possess the appropriate level of skill, knowledge and/or expertise to accurately assess the candidates’ merit against the selection criteria of the vacant position;
(d) remain consistent and available to participate once candidate assessment activities have commenced, except in exceptional circumstances, as approved by People and Culture; and
(e) declare any conflict of interest that arises as soon as it becomes known to the selection panel member and be managed in accordance with the Conflict of Interest - Governing Policy.
7.4.5 The appropriate composition for selection panels are detailed in Table 2: Composition of casual selection panel. Any deviations must be approved by the Director, People and Culture (or nominee):
Table 2: Composition of Casual Selection Panel
Position | Selection Panel approver | Chairperson Select one nominated Chairperson | Members Minimum of one additional member. |
Casual Professional Staff | CCM | Supervisor |
Casual Academic Staff | Discipline Lead or Senior Researcher | Supervisor |
7.4.6 The Chairperson is responsible for seeking and disclosing any conflict of interest by selection panel members to People and Culture prior to shortlisting and interviews.
7.5 Vacancy advertisement and exemptions for casual academic and casual professional staff
7.5.1 Subject to 7.5.2, advertising is not compulsory for the recruitment of casual professional and casual academic staff. However the CCM or supervisor (or Department SuperUser) can request the assistance of People and Culture to advertise a specific employment opportunity on the UniSC careers site. People and Culture can also provide the recruiting manager (or Department SuperUser) with access to the casual register to identify suitable people who have already expressed interest in casual work at UniSC. The supervisor (or Department SuperUser) can review applications in their work area’s Casual EOI Talent Pool to identify suitable people who have expressed interest in casual opportunities at UniSC.
7.5.2 Casual talent pools must be advertised at least once every 6 months for a minimum period of 10 business days.
7.5.3 People and Culture is responsible for developing advertising content and strategy relevant to candidate attraction and employer branding. The CCM is responsible for reviewing the advertisement content.
7.6 Applications for casual academic and casual professional staff
7.6.1 Schools or work areas can invite applicants for a casual position from an identified pool of candidates.
7.6.2 Applications received after the stipulated closing date must be approved by the Chairperson before being accepted.
7.6.3 All new applicants from an advertisement or casual pool who have not undergone a relevant meritorious process within the last 12 months must be interviewed.
7.6.4 Orders of merit are considered current for 12-months following the vacancy closure. Should an identical vacancy arise during this time, the Chairperson can recommend a candidate on a merit list for an appointment without the requirement for undertaking a new recruitment and selection process. Recommendations must be made in order of the merit ranking and unsuitable interviewed candidates must be recorded appropriately.
7.7 Appointment of new casual academic and casual professional staff
7.7.1 The CCM under consultation from the Director, People and Culture is responsible for the approval of the appointment of casual staff, in addition to reviewing any disclosure of COI.
7.7.2 Following approval of appointment, the supervisor must ensure the appointee’s documentation is available for validation and storage.
7.7.3 This must include:
(a) qualifications, certificates, or deemed equivalence required for the role;
(b) evidence of entitlement to work in Australia;
(b) the appointee’s resume;
(c) reference checks; and
(d) a statement of duties.
7.7.4 The CCM or Chairperson (or Department SuperUser) must engage the appointee by initiating an online offer which must be accepted online prior to the commencement of the staff member.
7.7.5 Refer to the Enterprise Agreement for any other conditions of engagement for casual staff at the University.
8. Re-employment of staff or Returning Staff
8.1 Staff whose ongoing employment at the University has ceased due to redundancy (whether voluntary or otherwise) cannot be re-employed by the University in any capacity, including as a casual professional or casual academic staff member, within 24 months of their cessation date.
8.2 When a CCM or recruiting manager wishes to re-employ an individual who has previously worked for the University and whose employment has ended, they must submit a new request to engage the appointee. The returning employee will need to complete updated tax, banking, and superannuation details. If the individual has not worked at UniSC within the last 12 months, they will be required to resubmit all relevant pre-employment documentation, which may include proof of qualifications and photo identification.
9. Secondment
9.1 Secondments provide mutual benefit to staff members and UniSC through professional development opportunities, fostering cross-organisational knowledge and collaboration, and addressing resourcing issues by drawing on the broad skills and expertise of UniSC’s workforce.
9.2 Duration
9.2.1 A secondment is the temporary transfer of a staff member to another position within UniSC, for a period no greater than 12 months.
9.2.2 In extenuating circumstances and with the approval of the Director, People and Culture, a secondment may be extended beyond 12 months, without the requirement for a merit-based selection process.
9.2.3 Secondment extensions must be approved by the CCM holding the staff member’s substantive position, the CCM who holds the seconded position and the Director, People & Culture (or Associate Director, Business Partnering and Workplace Relations).
9.2.4 Secondments are subject to requirements surrounding organisational change. During any period of secondment, the CCM for the substantive position is responsible for adherence to any change notification and consultation requirements regarding the substantive position.
9.3 Process
9.3.1 The CCM can appoint a staff member within the same work area to an approved position.
9.3.2 A current continuing employee of the University (who holds on ongoing substantive position) can be nominated to undertake a secondment without the requirement for a merit -based selection process providing:
(a) approval has been granted by the Director, People and Culture;
(b) the term does not exceed 12-months; and
(c) the classification of the seconded position is the same as the substantive position.
9.3.3 The CCM must declare any conflict of interest that arises as soon as it becomes known to the CCM or selection panel member and manage in accordance with the Conflict of Interest – Governing Policy and Conflict of Interest - Procedures.
9.3.4 Where the successful candidate is a current full-time or fractional staff member and seeks to be appointed on a secondment basis, there must be agreement between the CCMs of the relevant work areas. Requests cannot be unreasonably refused. Any request to extend a secondment arrangement requires mutual agreement between substantive and secondment CCMs.
9.4 Requirements
9.4.1 The following minimum requirements apply to secondments:
(a) staff members must discuss the secondment opportunity with their supervisor prior to applying for the vacant position;
(b) secondments must be undertaken at the same classification level of the substantive appointment unless a meritorious selection process has been undertaken;
(c) staff members with less than 6 months service are not eligible to undertake a secondment, unless approved by the Director, People and Culture;
(d) secondment durations must not extend beyond a staff member’s substantive fixed-term employment contract end date (where applicable);
(e) upon completion of the secondment, the staff member returns to their substantive position or to another agreed position;
(f) when the secondment becomes ongoing, the staff member can be offered the position providing merit-based selection was undertaken to obtain the initial secondment; and
(g) recreation leave and flex time accrued during the secondment should be exhausted prior to the staff member returning to their substantive position.
10. Appointment by invitation
10.1 Establishment and approval for appointment by invitation of academic and professional positions
10.1.1 The authority to establish new positions or fill vacant positions for appointment by invitation is at the discretion of the Vice-Chancellor and President. The Vice-Chancellor and President liaises with the Director, People and Culture noting that appointment by invitation has limited application.
10.1.2 The provision of appointment by invitation is permittable only for:
(a) academic Level D and Level E;
(b) HEW Level 9 or 10;
(c) staff engaged under a senior staff contract; and
(d) Appointment must be on a fixed-term contract.
10.2 Identification of a need to make an appointment by invitation
10.2.1 A member of the Executive Committee can request an appointment by invitation with the Vice-Chancellor and President.
10.2.2 This discussion must include a business case in support of the proposed appointment by invitation including:
(a) details of how the proposed appointment meets the requirement for special and exceptional circumstances;
(b) verification that the proposed appointee has the required qualifications or basis for deemed equivalence and work rights for the position; and
(c) a declaration of any conflict of interest.
10.3 Approval and confirmation of appointment by invitation
10.3.1 The Vice-Chancellor and President determines the requirement for interview processes.
10.3.2 Following Vice-Chancellor and President approval, the position is approved within the e-recruitment system.
10.3.3 The recruiting manager confirms employment with appointee, including probation requirements, remuneration and commencement detail.
10.3.4 Following the verbal acceptance of the offer, the Hiring Manager must submit a completed offer card through the e-recruitment system for contract preparation.
11. Handling and retention of recruitment records
11.1 The University must handle and retain recruitment records in accordance with the Data Governance - Operational Policy and procedures.
11.2 The information contained in employment applications can be used only for selection activities and establishing a staff record for the successful applicant. Under the Right to Information Act 2009 (Qld) applicants can request information relating to the selection process and how the selection decision was made.
11.3 All information relating to RSA is confidential to those involved in the formal process. Where a Selection Panel member believes that an irregularity has occurred, they should bring this to the immediate attention of the Chairperson of the Selection Panel and People and Culture.
11.4 For all fixed-term and ongoing appointments the following records must be uploaded to the relevant recruitment system:
(a) successful applicant’s application;
(b) selection notes;
(c) reference checks;
(d) evidence of entitlement to work in Australia; and
(d) any other mandatory pre-employment checks.
11.5 For all casual appointments, the following records must be obtained for secure storage and for required retention period.
Table 3: Storage requirements for Casual appointment records:
Storage within People and Culture | Storage within Work Area |
Table 4: Storage requirements for appointment records:
Document title | Location | Responsible Officer | Minimum retention period |
Recruitment Request Form and Approval | People and Culture | Director, People and Culture | Seven years after recruitment finalised |
Additional Recruitment/Contract Renewal Information | People and Culture | Director, People and Culture | Seven years from date of separation |
Selection Panel Assessment/Order of Merit | People and Culture | Director, People and Culture | Seven years after recruitment finalised |
Reference check | People and Culture | Director, People and Culture | Seven years after recruitment finalised |
12. Authorities and responsibilities
12.1 As the Approval Authority, the Chief Operating Officer approves these procedures to operationalise the Recruitment, Selection and Appointment - Operational Policy.
12.2 As the Responsible Executive Member the Chief Operating Officer can approve guidelines to further support the operationalisation of these procedures. All procedures and guidelines must be compatible with the provisions of the policy they operationalise.
12.3 As the Designated Officer the Director, People and Culture can approve associated documents to support the application of these procedures.
12.4 These procedures operate from the last amended date, with all previous iterations of procedures on recruitment, selection and appointment are replaced and no longer operating from this date.
12.5 All records relating to the recruitment, selection and appointment must be stored and managed in accordance with the Records Management - Procedures.
12.6 These procedures must be maintained in accordance with the University Policy Documents – Procedures and reviewed on a standard 3-year policy review cycle.
12.7 Any exception to these procedures to enable a more appropriate result must be approved in accordance with the University Policy Documents – Procedures prior to any deviation from these procedures.
12.8 Refer to Schedule C of the Delegations Manual in relation to the approved delegations detailed within these procedures.