Metadata Table: Information that is loaded into RecFind. Table is removed before publication. | |
Approving Authority (AA) | Council |
Responsible Executive Member (REM) | Vice-Chancellor and President |
Designated Officer (DO) | Director, Governance and Risk Management |
Last Amended | |
Current Review Date | |
Related Documents | Records Management – Procedures University Policy Documents - Procedures |
Linked Documents | |
Related Legislation / Standards | University of the Sunshine Coast Act 1998 (Qld) Financial Accountability Act 2009 (Qld) Financial and Performance Management Standard 2019 (Qld) Superannuation Guarantee (Administration) Act 1992 (Cwlth) |
Document Category | Governing |
Functional Area | Governance, Risk and Assurance |
1. Purpose
1.1 This policy outlines the University’s approach to the remuneration of UniSC Council and specified Council sub-committees.
2. Scope and application
2.1 This policy applies to members of the University Council (excluding the Vice-Chancellor and President, Chairperson of the Academic Board and elected staff members) and external members of the following Council sub-committees:
(a) Audit, Risk Committee (ARMC);
(b) Planning and Resources Committee (PRC); and
(c) Honorary Awards Committee (HAC).
3. Definitions
3.1 Refer to the University’s Glossary of Terms for definitions as they specifically relate to policy documents.
4. Principles
4.1 The University has the express power to remunerate members of the University Council and specified sub-committees. Remuneration of Council members is in recognition of all associated activities and functions related to Council membership, including attendance at functions, graduation ceremonies, reading and preparation for Council, sub-committee and ad-hoc committee meetings, and travel time.
4.2 Remuneration of external members of the ARMC, PRC and HAC is in recognition of all associated activities and functions related to sub-committee membership, including reading and preparation for meetings and travel time.
4.3 Remuneration is payable to members of the University Council, excluding the ex-officio position of Vice-Chancellor and President, Chairperson of the Academic Board and elected staff members.
4.4 Reviews of remuneration amounts must include consideration of the outcomes of a review of remuneration amounts at other Australian universities and relevant external reference points. Council can choose to change the level of remuneration after consideration of a review of remuneration.
4.5 A resolution of Council (passed by at least a two-thirds majority of Council members in attendance) is required to approve the payment of remuneration for Council members and external members of the specified sub-committees of Council.
5. Policy
5.1 Remuneration payments
5.1.1 Remuneration is paid fortnightly via the University’s employee payroll system in the usual fortnightly pay run.
5.1.2 Payments are made by the University by direct deposit to an account nominated by the Council or sub-committee member.
5.1.3 Remuneration cannot be made to companies, trusts or any other natural or legal person other than the Council or sub-committee member.
5.1.4 Council or sub-committee members can choose not to be remunerated.
5.1.5 When a Council or sub-committee member chooses not to be remunerated in any way, the University can donate an amount equivalent to that member’s remuneration entitlement to a University-endorsed charitable fund.
5.1.6 All remuneration is exclusive of superannuation.
5.1.7 Remuneration above the government-specified threshold is superannuable at the rate specified by the Australian Superannuation Guarantee.
5.1.8 Taxation is payable on remuneration payments made to members and is deducted from payments made by the University.
5.1.9 Council and sub-committee members who commence or retire during a pay period are paid a pro-rata rate based on the weeks that they were members of Council or the sub-committee.
5.1.10 When a Council or sub-committee member is absent from meetings for an extended period without the leave of the Chancellor or does not contribute to or participate in more than 50% of meetings then remuneration payments can be adjusted, reduced or suspended at the discretion of the Chancellor.
5.2 Enterprise Agreement
5.2.1 The University of the Sunshine Coast Enterprise Agreement does not apply to Council or sub-committee members.
5.2.2 Council and sub-committee members who are not UniSC staff are not eligible to receive leave entitlements.
5.3 Insurance
5.3.1 Council or sub-committee members are covered by the University’s Directors and Officers insurance policy.
5.4 Financial advice
5.4.1 It is the responsibility of each individual Council or sub-committee member to seek their own financial, taxation or legal advice in relation to the payment of remuneration.
5.5 External employer approval
5.5.1 When relevant, it is the responsibility of all Council or sub-committee members to receive advice or approval from their employers to receive remuneration from the University.
6. Additional benefits
6.1 In addition to financial remuneration, additional benefits are also provided to the Chancellor, Deputy Chancellor and Council members.
6.2 Additional benefits include:
(a) reasonable expenses incurred on University business; and
(b) other benefits as described in the Council Handbook.
7. Monitoring and reporting
7.1 The Director, Governance and Risk Management is responsible for reporting on remuneration payments to Council members, as part of the UniSC Annual Report and in accordance with the Annual report requirements for Queensland Government agencies.
7.2 Reviews of remuneration amounts must include consideration of the outcomes of a review of remuneration amounts at other Australian universities and relevant external reference points, including the Remuneration procedures for part-time chairs and members of Queensland Government Bodies.
8. Authorities and responsibilities
8.1 As the Approval Authority, Council approves this policy in accordance with the University of the Sunshine Coast Act 1998 (Qld).
8.2 As the Responsible Executive Member the Vice-Chancellor and President can approve procedures and guidelines to operationalise this policy. All procedures and guidelines must be compatible with the provisions of this policy.
8.3 As the Designated Officer the Director, Governance and Risk Management can approve associated documents to support the application of this policy. All associated documents must be compatible with the provisions of the policy.
8.4 This policy operates from the last amended date, with all previous iterations of policy on Council remuneration are replaced and no longer operating from this date.
8.5 All records relating to the remuneration of Council members must be stored and managed in accordance with the
Records Management - Procedures.
8.6 This policy must be maintained in accordance with the University Policy Documents - Procedures and reviewed on a standard 5-year policy review cycle.
8.7 Any exception to this policy to enable a more appropriate result must be approved in accordance with the University Policy Documents - Procedures prior to deviation from the policy.
8.8 Refer to Schedule C of the Delegations Manual in relation to the approved delegations detailed within this policy.
8.9 Council remuneration roles
8.9.1 The following roles responsibilities and accountabilities specific to this policy
Position | Responsibilities and accountabilities |
Chief Financial Officer | is responsible for: (a) arranging for an amount equivalent to that member’s remuneration entitlement to a University/Council Scholarship Fund or any other philanthropic fund established by the University when requested by a member. |
Director, Governance and Risk Management | is responsible for: (a) maintaining supporting information associated with this Policy in the Council Handbook; (b) providing members with the documentation on which they elect to either accept the remuneration or request an amount equivalent to their remuneration fee be donated to the University/Council Scholarship Fund or any other philanthropic fund established by the University; and (c) requesting People and Culture to arrange remuneration to members and Financial Services to arrange donations requested by members. |
Director, People and Culture | is responsible for: (a) arranging remuneration to members where requested, which can include requiring members to complete forms to enable payment via the University payroll system. |
Table 1
Committee/Member Category | $p.a | |
University Council | ||
Chancellor | $70,000 | |
Deputy Chancellor | $40,000 | |
Non-Staff/Non-Student | $25,000 | |
Student | $10,000 | |
Committee chairs and council members of specific committees as designated by council | NC&ECC; ARMC; PRC | |
Chair | $10,000 | |
Council Member | $5,000 | |
External Member | $7,500 | |
Minor Committees | HAC | |
Chair | $5,000 | |
Council Member | $2,000 | |
External Member | $3,000 |