Organisational mental health training | UniSC | University of the Sunshine Coast, Queensland, Australia

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Organisational mental health training

Take your training to the next level with mental wellbeing workshops delivered by UniSC's Thompson Institute.

Learn from our experts, using research-based interventions. Receive advice on the best training to meet your goals.

How it works

Skill-building workshops

safeTALK suicide alertness training

Learn to identify the signs that someone may have thoughts of suicide and connect them to help. Practise skills learnt through role play. Research shows that people who do this training report greater preparedness to start a conversation with someone they think may be suicidal. What’s more, participants remember key elements of their training at 6 months and 12 months after completing safeTALK.

  • Face-to-face format
  • 4 hours
  • Max 30 participants
Communicating with emotionally distressed people

This workshop will upskill you to support people in distress. It covers essential communication skills such as active listening, empathetic responding, and using open and closed questions. Participants will learn how to validate distress, while keeping safe boundaries. A pre-webinar meeting with the presenter will identify any issues, which will be addressed in the workshop, with time for questions and answers.

  • Face-to-face format
  • 2 hours
  • Max of 20 participants
  • Experienced presenter
  • Pre-workshop planning session with presenter
  • Ideal for front-line employees
ASIST suicide intervention training

Learn to apply a suicide intervention model through Applied Suicide Intervention Skills Training (ASIST). Gain the knowledge and skills to identify and respond to someone who may be at risk of suicide. Also gain skills to engage with at-risk individuals, clarify the level of risk and concern, increase immediate safety, and connect them to specialised/professional help.

  • Face-to-face format (or webinar)
  • Two days
  • Experienced presenter and assistant to support participants
  • Max 30 participants
Let’s Talk: What to say when they’re not OK

Have you ever hesitated to help someone you know is struggling? This workshop gives you the skills you need to ask the right questions and provide support for them to seek help. Expect to feel more confident offering support for peers (including teenagers), work colleagues, family or friends going through a difficult time.

  • Understanding the signs to look out for that someone’s mental health is at risk 
  • Learning how to ask specific questions to confirm your feeling that they are struggling 
  • Applying active listening skills – without judgement and validating their pain, not “fixing their problem” 
  • Supporting action to reach out for help


Boost your brain: Lifestyle tips for healthy brain ageing

Research shows that certain lifestyle factors can reduce the risk of dementia, support cognitive function and modify brain ageing processes. Learn evidence-based strategies in this presentation to look after your brain health now and into the future.

  • Zoom webinar with access available for up to 1000 registrants
  • 1.5 hours duration
  • Video recording provided post webinar
  • No prior training required
Sleep Refresh: What quality sleep really looks like

Sleep is essential for mood, cognitive function, healthy brain ageing and systemic physiological function. This presentation reveals the brain benefits of sleep and shares practical insights for sleeping better.

  • Zoom webinar with access available for up to 1000 registrants
  • 1.5 hours duration
  • Video recording provided post webinar
  • No prior training required
Social connectedness and mental health

Being socially connected not only feels good – research shows that it’s good for our brain and mental wellbeing as well! Drawing on world class research from the Thompson Institute which demonstrates the importance of social connectedness for mental health and healthy brain ageing, this presentation offers insights into the surprising benefits of being connected to others.

  • Zoom webinar with access for 1000 registrants
  • 1.5 hours duration
  • Video recording provided post webinar
  • No prior training required
Stigma and mental health

Mental health stigma is a leading barrier to help-seeking and subsequent recovery for people experiencing mental illness. This presentation explores the different types of mental health stigma and offers participants tools and strategies for developing healthy, helpful attitudes towards mental health.

  • Zoom webinar with access available for up to 1000 registrants
  • 1.5 hours duration
  • Video recording provided post webinar
  • No prior training required
Eight weeks of mindfullness to reset your brain

Mindfulness is an evidence-based strategy for improved focus, attention and mental wellbeing. This presentation offers insights into the neuroscientific benefits of mindfulness, as well as practical strategies for busy people to incorporate mindfulness into their work and lives.

  • Zoom webinar with access available for up to 1000 registrants
  • 1.5 hours duration
  • Video recording provided post webinar
  • No prior training required
Brain food for health and wellbeing

Research shows that food may influence mood, brain chemistry, cognitive function and the risk of dementia as we get older. This presentation will reveal what foods to eat for general wellbeing, better brain function and healthy brain ageing.

  • Zoom webinar with access available for up to 1000 registrants
  • 1.5 hours duration
  • Video recording provided post webinar
  • No prior training required


Habits and Goal Setting

Goal setting can be an incredibly effective strategy for increasing performance and enhancing life satisfaction – when done correctly. In this session, you’ll discover the neuroscience behind effective goal setting and unlock a strategy to bring your own goal to fruition.

  • Clarify your values and identify a goal that’s meaningful to you  
  • Learn how to set effective goals
  • Maintain better motivation through the goal attainment process  
  • Understand the neuroscience of motivation and reward
  • Leave the session with a practical plan for achieving your goal
Understanding the neuroscience behind stress and anxiety

Enhance your wellbeing and learn strategies to lower stress and anxiety in this expert presentation. Drawing on cutting edge neuroscience, this presentation explains how stress and anxiety interacts with the brain. You’ll also discover how evidence-based lifestyle tips and cognitive strategies can lower stress and anxiety, leading to greater calm and wellbeing.  

  • Zoom webinar with access available for up to 1000 registrants
  • 1.5 hours duration
  • Video recording provided post webinar
  • No prior training required

Wellbeing program

EMERALD is for people experiencing early signs that their mental health needs proactive attention. This could be due to the impacts of the COVID-19 pandemic or other life changes that have caused feelings of low mood, worry or loneliness. Mental health coaching is offered by clinicians via telehealth.

  • 8-week program (requiring 1-2 hours per participant per week)
  • Mental health professionals provide coaching
  • Allied health professionals provide additional advice (wellbeing clinicians, dietitian, and exercise physiologist)

Find out more

To discuss your goals and the training options that can meet your needs, contact Louise Pemble.