Academic prizes and awards | UniSC | University of the Sunshine Coast, Queensland, Australia

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Academic prizes and awards

Prizes and Awards are sponsored by a number of different donors to the university. Their generosity provides support to students and acknowledges high academic achievement.

Occasionally a Prize or Award may be withdrawn where funding has not been confirmed in time for the Awards selection date. UniSC therefore reserves the right to amend or withdraw any of the following individual Prizes and Awards.

Anita Pitcher Memorial Prize

Awarded to the highest achieving student in MKG211 Services Marketing

Value: A$500

BDO Prize

Awarded to the highest achieving student in ACC321 Auditing and Professional Practice

Value: A$500

Big Kart Track Prize

Awarded to the highest achieving student in TSM102 Introduction to Tourism, Leisure and Events

Value: A$1,000

CPA Australia Prize

Awarded to the highest achieving first-year Accounting student.

Value: A$500

CPA Australia Prize

Awarded to the highest achieving second-year Accounting student.

Value: CPA Australia Professional level segments (Ethics and Governance) at A$1,240

CPA Australia Prize

Awarded to the highest achieving third-year graduating Accounting student.

Value: CPA Australia Professional level segments (Ethics and Governance) at A$1,240

Evolve Accounting and Advice Prize

Awarded to the highest achieving student in ENT221 New Venture Growth and Innovation

Value: A$1,000

Holmans Prize

Awarded to the highest achieving student in ACC311 Taxation Law and Practice

Value: A$500

Institute of Public Accountants Prize

Awarded to the highest achieving student in ACC310 Management Accounting

Value: Graduate Associate Membership and two full-day professional development seminars (valued at A$1,000)

Love and Partners Prize

Awarded to the highest achieving student in ACC106 Accounting Principles

Value: A$750

Minor Hotels Prize

Awarded to the highest achieving student in TSM313 Technology and Innovation in Tourism, Leisure and Events

Value: A$500

Rod Stringer Prize

Awarded to the Highest Achieving Student in TSM102 Introduction to Tourism, Leisure and Events

Value: A$1,000

U3A Frayda Myers Cooper Memorial Prize

Established in 2014 in memory of Mrs Frayda Myers Cooper, the founder of U3A Sunshine Coast Branch. Awarded to the highest achieving student in EGL205 Imagined Homelands

Value: A$1,000

Yield Advisory Financial Accounting Prize

Awarded to the highest achieving student in ACC210 Financial Accounting

Value: A$500

Yield Advisory Women in Finance Prize

Awarded to the highest achieving female student in ACC211 Business Finance

Value: A$500

More information

For more information about prizes or donor enquiries please contact the Academic Support Unit (Research & Engagement) Team via

Fraser Coast Anglican College Education Prize

Established in 2016. Awarded in Semester 2 each year to the highest achieving second or third year undergraduate Bachelor of Education student studying at the UniSC Fraser Coast Campus.

Value: A$500

The Dorothy Education Prize

Awarded to the highest achieving student studying a Bachelor of Primary Education, who has completed at least 96 units at UniSC, and is the first generation within their family to study at a university.

Value: A$500

More information

For more information about prizes or donor enquiries please contact the Academic Support Unit (Research & Engagement) Team via

Australasian College of Paramedicine Prize

Awarded to the top performing academic student in each year group of the Bachelor of Paramedicine.

Value: A$500 for final year student; $250 each for 1st and 2nd year student

Centaur Joy Croker Silver Medal

Awarded in Semester 2 each year by the Centaur Memorial Fund for Nurses to outstanding Nursing students from several universities across Queensland. Certificate and medal awarded to the student gaining the highest grade point average in the final year of an undergraduate Nursing Degree.

Value: Silver medal

E S Sabey Mosel Prize

Established in 2009. Awarded in Semester 2 each year to a nursing student who has completed 12 courses (50 percent) at UniSC and demonstrated academic growth through progressive GPA improvement; demonstrated the ethos of nursing in clinical practice and service to nursing and/or the community.

Value: A$1,000

Inner Wheel Club of Hervey Bay City Prize

Awarded to the highest achieving student in NUR111 Practice Foundations from the Fraser Coast campus.

Value: A$500

Rotary Club of Hervey Bay City Prize

Awarded to the highest achieving student in NUR116 Preparation for Practice 1 from the Fraser Coast campus.

Value: A$500

Sunshine Coast Haematology & Oncology Prize

Awarded to the highest achieving student in NUR272 Palliative, Rehabilitation and Continuing Care.

Value: A$500

Occupational Therapy Australia QLD Division Diligence Award

To the undergraduate student who has made the most significant progress in the development of professional character and ability in the third and fourth years of the UniSC program leading to the degree of Bachelor of Occupational Therapy. In making the recommendation, consideration shall be given to the student's diligence in all aspects of her/his undergraduate activities including participation in activities outside the normal scope of the formal program of study towards the degree, service in student affairs, as well as the student's academic record and performance in clinical practice.

Occupational Therapy Australia QLD Division Undergraduate Academic Award

To the undergraduate student who has achieved the highest academic standard overall, as measured by cumulative grade point average in her/his studies, leading to the degree of Bachelor of Occupational Therapy at UniSC.

Occupational Therapy Australia QLD Division Undergraduate Research Award

To the undergraduate student who has achieved the highest mark in research courses.

Occupational Therapy Australia QLD Division Postgraduate Student Award

To the postgraduate student who has made significant progress during the previous year in her/his professional and scholarly development. In making the recommendation, consideration will be given to engagement and accomplishment in postgraduate activities such as publications, conference and seminar presentations, 3 Minute Thesis performance, and/or contributions to communities of practice.

Occupational Therapy Award for Professionalism and Collegiality

To the undergraduate student who has consistently shown her/himself to be professional and collegial in her/his behaviour towards students and staff whilst studying towards the degree of Bachelor of Occupational Therapy (Hons) at UniSC.

More information

For more information about prizes or donor enquiries please contact the Academic Support Unit (Research & Engagement) Team via

AASW (Australian Association of Social Workers) Prize

Awarded to the highest achieving student enrolled in a Social Work Field Education course in the previous year, as selected by the Social Work Field Education Unit.

Value: A$300 & one year Association membership

Ann Rigbye Social Work Award

Awarded to the highest achieving student in SWK172 Introduction to Social Work and Human Services, undertaken in Semester One and who was born in/is currently residing in the Gympie Regional Council region. Donated by the Gympie Regional Social Workers Group.

Value: A$340

Argon Law Prize

Awarded to the highest achieving student in LAW203 Contracts A and LAW204 Contracts B (overall combined academic results).

Value: A$1,000

Jennifer Carter Geography Prize

Awarded to the highest achieving first-year student in GEO100 Changing Planet Earth

Value: A$500

Pacific Law Property Law Prize

Awarded to the highest achieving student in LAW205 Property A and LAW206 Property B (overall combined academic results).

Value: A$500

Royal Geographical Society of Queensland Prize

Awarded to the highest achieving graduating student in the Geography Major.

Value: A medallion and a one year membership to the Royal Geographical Society of Queensland

Sajen Legal Prize

Awarded to the highest achieving student in BUS203 Business Law and Ethics

Value: A$1,000

Sunshine Coast Law Association - Justin Crosby Memorial Law Prize

Awarded to the highest achieving student in LAW103 Criminal Law and Procedure A

Value: A$500

Sunshine Coast Law Association - Justin Crosby Memorial Law Prize

Awarded to the highest achieving student in LAW104 Criminal Law and Procedure B

Value: A$500

Sunshine Coast Council Prize

Awarded to the highest achieving student in ENP211 Planning and Environmental Law

Value: A$500

Sunshine Coast Council Cultural Heritage Prizes

Awarded to the highest achieving students in HIS200 Heritage: Australian and Global Contexts - two prizes for students enrolled in the Bachelor of Urban Design and Town Planning (Honours) and two prizes for students enrolled in any other Bachelor's program.

Value: A$500 (for each prize) 

More information

For more information about prizes or donor enquiries please contact the Academic Support Unit (Research & Engagement) Team via

Adam Reilly and Covey Engineering Prize

Prize awarded to the highest achieving student in MEC200 Thermofluids 1

Value: A$500

Australian Steel Institute Design Award

Awarded in Semester 2 each year for excellence in the third year of Bachelor of Engineering program, for Steel Structures and Structural Steel Design.

Value: A$500 eLearning voucher

Jill Chamberlain Environmental Science Prize

Established in 2010. Awarded in Semester 2 each year to three third-year students with the highest achievement in environmental science disciplines.

Value: A$1,000

L.E.W. Mosel Prize in Engineering

Awarded to students who have performed well in their second year of Engineering and who have demonstrated creativity, original thought and critical analysis in academic work and projects.

Value: A$1,000

Steel Reinforcement Institute of Australia Prize

This prize shall be awarded to the highest achieving student in CIV451 Concrete Structures and Technology

Value: A$500

Wildlife Preservation Society of Qld Prize

Awarded to a student who has performed well in the second year of the Bachelor Environmental Science program, in ENS222 Terrestrial Vertebrate Diversity and Ecology

Value: A$500

More information

For more information about prizes or donor enquiries please contact the Academic Support Unit (Research & Engagement) Team via

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