Health and wellbeing | UniSC | University of the Sunshine Coast, Queensland, Australia

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Health and wellbeing

On this page, you'll find a comprehensive range of health and wellbeing services tailored to support your needs throughout your time at UniSC Adelaide. Whether you’re looking for counselling services, support for disabilities, accessibility resources, or guidance on maintaining a healthy study-life balance, we’re here to ensure your overall well-being. Explore information on scholarships, financial support, and our Student Success initiatives to help you thrive both personally and academically.

Explore health and wellbeing services:

Counselling services

Counselling services for a range of mental health and well-being support services are confidential and free of charge for all UniSC Adelaide students. At UniSC Adelaide, these services are provided by appropriately trained professionals and bookings can be made by booking online via using EDUCKLYB as the organisation code.

Student Success
The Student Success team is here to help you connect with the academic, social, and support services you need to succeed at UniSC Adelaide.

Our team:

  • Guides you if you fail a course or have trouble with your studies.
  • Offers resources, workshops, and one-on-one advice to improve your academic skills.
  • Organises pre-commencement activities like orientation and Your First Year.

For more information, email or call +61 8 9468 0500.

Learning Access Plan (LAP)

A Learning Access Plan (LAP) is a document that is developed between you and your Ability Adviser.

It contains details of study adjustments for you, that take into consideration the individual impacts of your condition/situation. It does not name your condition or diagnosis.

If you receive a LAP, you are required to provide a copy by email to your Course Coordinators and tutors as soon as possible so they are aware of your support requirements.

To find out more about study adjustments and LAPs, contact UniSC's Student Services team to be placed in contact with AccessAbility Services. You will then be put in contact with an Ability Advisor to directly to discuss your needs.

Accessibility Services can be contacted by:


Please note: Evidence may be required to support your request. For more information, speak to your Ability Advisor.

Student Guild

The UniSC Student Guild is a not-for-profit organisation dedicated to supporting, representing and enriching the experience of students at UniSC. The Guild is governed by a committee of elected students working in tandem with a team of professional staff. The Student Guild is funded by a combination of Student Services and Amenities Fees (SSAF) and other income streams.

Among other services, The Guild can help students understand and navigate University policy, correspondence, and decisions. ​

They are a free and independent service designed to assist students in need of support with matters that may impact their academic progress and general wellbeing.

Student Guild Advocacy Officers can assist with:

  • Grade Appeals
  • Exclusion Show Causes
  • Student Misconduct allegations
  • Academic Integrity allegations
  • Placement issues
  • Complaints, compliments and feedback
  • Grievances against staff

Contact the Student Guild: