Exploring the nursing journeys of UniSC Caboolture students | UniSC | University of the Sunshine Coast, Queensland, Australia

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Exploring the nursing journeys of UniSC Caboolture students

A project was undertaken by nearly 120 nursing students from UniSC Caboolture, where they acquired name badges for their uniforms. By collaborating and placing a substantial group order, they successfully saved a total of $300. The students decided to donate this amount to the Australian College of Nursing Foundation (ACN Foundation), an organisation that supports educational opportunities for nurses across Australia. Below you will get to hear some of the individual journeys from these nursing students and learn about their experiences at UniSC Caboolture.

Meet Justin

Hello, my name is Justin Wallace. My career background stems from engineering. You are probably thinking, what led me to choose such a different career path? Well, I have always been interested in systems and how to make them better while positively touching the lives of those around me. During my technical career, I had some truly remarkable experiences.

The experience that led me to nursing was during my time working for the Australian Antarctic Division (AAD) as an expeditioner at Mawson Research Station. In true Australian spirit, everyone contributed to station responsibilities. This led to “lay-nurse” training at the Royal Hobart Hospital designed to assist our station doctor in an emergency.

Our perioperative educator, Dianne was truly amazing, and her inspiration was my core motivation for studying nursing. I am excited and looking forward to future placements and wonderful learning opportunities to develop a strong, culturally informed, person-centred care approach to nursing. For me, nursing provides the opportunity to directly touch the lives of other human beings which supports meaningful connection and rewarding interactions. 

What is the best part of your course so far and your highlights at Caboolture campus?

I love how Caboolture campus is a very friendly campus where you get to know everyone. The parking is free and accessible, teaching staff are very supportive and willing to share their lived experiences in nursing which really adds depth to my studies. The collaborative learning environment at Caboolture is fantastic, there is always a place to study and a group to connect and get involved with to get the most out of learning. It is also centrally located between Moreton Bay and Sunshine Coast campuses, which is great if you want to take advantage of networking with other students or attend another class. Caboolture even has FREE GYM! 

What advice would you give to people who may be interested in studying nursing?

Studying at UniSC is investing in yourself and all aspects of your future. Network with a peak industry body within your industry of study. For me it was the Australian College of Nursing. So, take advantage of learning and networking opportunities outside the classroom.  

Meet Jianne

Hi everyone, my name is Jianne Lamadrid. When I think of my childhood, I think of the many hospital stays I had with my family who were constantly worried as I was a very sickly child. Being born in a developing country, I understand the hardship my family would have had to go through, and I thank them for never giving up on me. As a current undergraduate student in nursing in my second year of study, I look forward to helping improve the lives of people like my family.

Some of my relatives are nurses and I see how the profession has shaped them to live with such empathy and kindness for others. To me, that was the definition of nursing. However, I found over the past year that it is more than that. Nursing is also about continuously learning, reflecting and adapting. In an ever-changing world, I believe nursing will always follow through. By continuing to volunteer within the University community to develop and enhance critical skills, being a committed learner, and embracing the journey with loved ones, I know I will be the best nurse I can be. 

What is the best part of your course so far and your highlights at Caboolture campus?

My favourite part of the Caboolture campus is that it is a shared space that welcomes all students, whether you are based at Caboolture or at the other campuses. My favourite thing about the campus is that the parking is free and nearby. Another highlight is the common room where food and drinks are provided for free, and the amenities are adjacent to it. The campus has many study spaces such as the library for when I want peace and quiet, or out in the courtyard if I want to get fresh air, or the common room where there are study group rooms you can book to study with your peers.  

What advice would you give to people who may be interested in studying nursing?

Studying nursing means challenging yourself to step outside of your comfort zone and realise that there is always more to learn. If you are a person who is willing to do that, nursing is for you! Also, engage with other students and your tutors to gain an understanding of how dynamic the nursing industry can be.  

Meet Rachel

I am a second-year Bachelor of Nursing Science student at UniSC. My journey into nursing began two and a half years ago as a 42-year-old, mum of five, when I decided to embark on a Tertiary Preparatory course to gain a university entrance score whilst working. My journey into the degree has been empowering, life-changing and has amplified the passion I have for helping people.

I am so proud to be an example for my children and family, to tread a path towards further education despite not finishing high school. Consistently working hard to achieve results that I can be proud of and showing determination to make my dreams a reality. The course structure and teachers are a credit to the university and to us, the next generation of registered nurses. In addition, my existing communication and reflection skills have been enhanced, not only benefiting my future practice, but also in my own personal growth. I will strive to continually grow and learn, to share my strengths, to challenge my weaknesses and grasp the opportunities to maximise the impact I can have on changing my life and empowering others. 

What advice would you give to people who may be interested in studying nursing?

If you are passionate, do it! So many unexpected gifts on this journey of learning. Take opportunities to increase your knowledge and experience. Consistent time management and reading your assignments early allows for reduced stress and increased performance. Utilise the universities learning advisers and library support. 

Meet Alyce

Not having a clear instinct on where my future lay after finishing school, it was not until after having my own children that the lifelong calling to work somewhere in health finally struck me and landed on nursing. I have always shown compassion and been drawn to helping but couldn’t pinpoint where to channel that energy until personally encountering the work of frontline nurses. A journey involving pushing through geographic barriers, a pandemic and self-doubt has led to what so far has been an exciting and rewarding learning path, culminating with the completion of my second clinical placement in July 2023. I am officially now a third year student and am so excited to continue learning and see where the future takes me. Seeing the impact you can have on peoples health and lives during placement reinforces that I have made the right decision and fills me with hope for an amazing and fulfilling career ahead.  

What advice would you give to people who may be interested in studying nursing?

If feel like there was so much pressure when I finished to school to choose what I wanted to be for the rest of my life, at 17 that is a big ask. My advice is choose what you want to do and what interests you now! I am proof, there is always time to try something else or expand on your learning later in life if you want to. Studying nursing is exciting, there are so many different career paths you can take and UniSC teaching staff have a wealth of knowledge and are so willing to share their experiences, you just have to remember to ask the questions.  

Nursing students