Prior to applying for credit, please ensure you have accepted your offer to study in the UniSC program for which you are seeking credit. This includes current UniSC students who have applied for a new program.
You will need need to use your UniSC student login to access the online Application for credit transfer.
Once you have received and accepted your UniSC offer, we recommend you apply for credit as early as possible, so you have plenty of time to finalise your enrolment.
To ensure your application is assessed before classes commence, please submit before the credit transfer on-time application due date for the relevant teaching period. Applications or supporting documentation received after this date may not be assessed before classes start.
Please allow up to thirty working days for your application to be assessed. This time frame may be extended during peak periods and for complex applications.
We can offer you general advice about applying, but we won’t be able to confirm a credit outcome until your application has been assessed. If you have previous study from a VET provider (e.g. Diploma or Advanced Diploma), you can check your credit possibilities in our online credit calculator.
How to submit your application
Apply online and upload or provide links to all supporting documents.
Note: You must use your UniSC student login to access this application form.
Required documentation and information
- In the online form, please complete complete all requested fields. Review the program structure at UniSC and compare with courses you have previously completed elsewhere.
- Copy of your official Statement of Academic Record from the institution/s where you studied previously. We can commence credit assessment with an unofficial academic transcript, however, an official transcript will be required to finalise your credit assessment prior to commencement at UniSC.
- A course outline for each course/unit you wish to have assessed for credit (from the year and semester in which the course/unit was completed). Course outlines that do not display the institution's logo and details, or documents copied into Word will not be accepted. You may include this information as clickable weblinks to the institution webpage or upload as pdf’s in the online application form. The outline information should include a course synopsis, unit values, contact hours, learning outcomes, level of study and instruction undertaken including content covered (e.g. weekly lecture schedule).
NOTE: you do not need to provide an academic record for studies undertaken at UniSC.
- Copy of your official Statement of Academic Record from the institution/s where you studied previously. We can commence credit assessment with an unofficial academic transcript, however, an official transcript will be required to finalise your credit assessment prior to commencement at UniSC).
- A Program and Course outline for your qualification from the institution for the Semester/Year that you undertook studies in:
- Check the Credit Transfer Calculator on the UniSC website.
- If your qualification is listed on the Credit Transfer Calculator, you don’t need to provide course outlines.
- If your qualification is not listed on the Credit Transfer Calculator, please include a copy of the program / course outline as outlined above.
Course outlines that do not display the institution's logo and details, or documents copied into Word will not be accepted.
You may include this information as clickable weblinks to the institution webpage or upload as pdf’s in the online application form.
NOTE: Credit can only be considered from a completed TAFE / VET qualification, Certificate IV and above.
If you are intending to apply for Recognition of Prior Informal or Non-formal Learning on the basis of work and professional experience, your application should be targeted to a specific course (or courses) in your program, and should identify how this experience meets the learning outcomes and content for each course.
Before requesting credit, review the course description, course topics and course learning outcomes of the UniSC target course/s. In your application, you must clearly outline how your prior learning is equivalent to the course learning outcomes.
You must provide relevant supporting documentation, such as:
- document addressing learning outcomes and content for each course
- resume and statements of service
- position description/s
- relevant work samples that support your request
If you have been self-employed, your self-employment can be substantiated by copies of statements from your accountant, solicitor or tax agent which include details such as:
- Type of business conducted
- Job title
- Duties performed
Program specific information
External accreditation requirements for this program allow for credit transfer to be granted for study completed at minimum of AQF level 7 Bachelor degree level only. Credit transfer cannot be granted for study completed at TAFE/RTO level (Advanced Diploma or lower), or for non-formal learning.
The profession of counselling is accredited by two peak professional associations in Australia; the Australian Counselling Association (ACA) and the Psychotherapy and Counselling Federation of Australia (PACFA). Both of these peak bodies endorse the Bachelor of Counselling at UniSC. Compliance with the training standards of ACA and PACFA is necessary to maintain endorsement. In regard to awarding course credit, the PACFA training standard (standard 4.2) states that no academic credit is allowed for the client contact and clinical supervision requirements which takes place during training. At UniSC, this pertains to two courses – COU363 and COU364. However, given that COU361 and COU362 are co-requisites for COU363 and COU364 respectively, it includes them indirectly. Eg you cannot enrol in COU363 without also studying its co-requisite, COU361. Other courses (not placement related courses) in the program can be considered for credit.
In line with the Australian Community Workers Associate (ACWA) accreditation requirements:
- Credit transfer is not able to be given in the Human Services degree program for non-academic work. In order to maintain the integrity of the human services programs and qualification outcomes, please note that credit will not be granted towards core study courses based on non-academic study or work experience.
- Prior industry experience may potentially be considered only towards part or all of SWK201 course as RPL.
Credit Transfer is not able to be given in the Bachelor of Human Services for VET qualifications completed at a certificate level.
Students who are Registered Nurses (RN) in Australia with a degree in Nursing are eligible to apply for credit to follow the Registered Nurse Pathway. Students who wish to apply for the RN Pathway must submit an application for credit transfer, including their Nursing academic transcript and evidence of current RN registration with AHPRA.
Enrolled Nurse (EN) pathway / Diploma of Nursing pathway: You can receive credit transfer (of 8 courses) if you hold current AHPRA registration as an Enrolled Nursing (Division 2) (General) without restrictions/conditions and have completed a Diploma of Nursing from an accredited Australian education provider within 10 years prior to admission. NOTE: If you do not have current registration or hold current registration with restrictions etc, no credit transfer will be granted. If your diploma was completed more than 10 years ago, please contact our Credit team for advice.
Please note: ANMAC and the NMBA recognise that professional experience placement backlogs continue to have an impact on students completing nursing and midwifery programs. The suspension of the Enrolled nurse entry pathway requirement for registration, at the time of applying for credit has been extended for entry into a registered nurse program for semester 1, 2023.
The Enrolled Nursing graduate must provide evidence to the Registered Nurse education provider:
- of successful program completion - at the time of applying for credit
- that they have made an application to the NMBA for registration - at the time of applying for credit
- successful registration with the NMBA by UniSC’s census date for semester 1 2023.
This provision is for semester 1 2023 and only applies to graduates from ANMAC accredited /
NMBA approved Diploma of Nursing programs.
IMPORTANT: Students on this pathway must follow the 'Enrolled Nurse Pathway' study sequence outlined on the Bachelor of Nursing Science program page.
Nursing Studies Undertaken Overseas: If you are seeking credit for prior Nursing studies undertaken overseas, please review the current advice listed on the Nursing and Midwifery Board of Australia (NMBA) website. Study undertaken in certain identified countries is unlikely to meet NMBA’s Qualification criteria 2, i.e. Quality assurance and accreditation. As such, please note we are unable to award credit into our Bachelor of Nursing Science program based on prior studies in any of the identified countries as outlined above.
Work experience hours cannot be credited towards placement or any other courses as per UniSC policy for RPL (Recognition of Prior Learning). There are no specified RPL credits, no unspecified RPL credits or block RPL credits.
External accreditation requirements for this program allow for credit transfer to be granted for study completed at minimum of AQF level 7 Bachelor degree level only. Credit transfer cannot be granted for study completed at TAFE/RTO level (Advanced Diploma or lower), or for non-formal learning. Credit towards the SPX coded courses in general will need to come from another Exercise and Sports Science Australia (ESSA) accredited program and will be assessed on a case by case basis.
Students who have completed Year 12 Japanese (Queensland Curriculum and Assessment Authority senior syllabus or interstate equivalent) and achieved a grade of A, B or C may be eligible for credit for JPN110. Students who have achieved a grade of A or B may also be awarded an exemption for JPN111. Students who achieve a grade of D or E will not be eligible for credit.
What happens next?
Once your application has been assessed, you will be notified via email to your UniSC student email account.
Please allow up to thirty working days for your application to be assessed. This time frame may be extended during peak periods and for complex applications.
Refer to the Credit Transfer - Academic Policy and Credit Transfer - Procedures for more details.
Questions about your credit outcome?
In making decisions about credit, the University carefully considers whether your previous study and experiences are substantially similar in content and learning outcomes to the requested UniSC course. Considerations include the volume, relevance and currency of learning as well as the level at which any prior study was undertaken. Most importantly, we make sure that you will still be able to meet the learning outcomes for your program.
If you are dissatisfied with your credit outcome, or the way in which the decision was made, the first step is to contact the decision maker for further explanation of the decision. You can do this by replying to your credit outcome email and supplying any additional documentation and evidence that you feel would support your request for review. If you’d like more information about the student review and appeal process you can find it on our Compliments, complaints, feedback or student grievances website website.
If you are still dissatisfied with your credit outcome, you have the right to lodge a Step 2 (Credit Transfer) Formal Grievance.
Before lodging a grievance, you may wish to seek independent advice and support from the student services below:
- The Student Guild can provide you with independent advice and support relating to your grievance
- The Student Ombudsman who can assist you to navigate and understand the policies and procedures related to your grievance.
Should you proceed with reviewing your credit outcome decision or submitting a formal grievance, please note that the request must contain relevant grounds for the review and supporting evidence, as per section 7.4 of the Student Review and Appeals – Procedures and must be lodged within twenty (20) business days from the date of the outcome email.