Elective courses allow you the freedom to tailor your program toward your personal or professional interests.
- ACC704 Legal Regulation of Business Structures
- BUS512 Introduction to Research Concepts and Design
- BUS513 The Literature Review
- BUS514 Qualitative Research Methods
- BUS515 Applied Quantitative Research Methods
- BUS702 Economics for Managers
- BUS703 Evidenced Based Decision Making
- BUS704 Finance and Accounting for Managers
- BUS705 Innovation Management and Professional Development
- BUS707 Managing Across Global Cultures
- BUS708 International Trade and Finance
- BUS710 Digital Branding
- HSM701 Issues in Health Sector Management
- MGT701 Leading and Managing Organisations
- MGT702 Understanding and Managing Organisational Behaviour
- MGT703 Strategy, Governance and Ethics
- MGT704 Sustainable International Business Management
- MGT730 Innovation by Design
- MGT731 Entrepreneurship and Business Model Innovation
- PRM701 Project Management Principles
- MKG701 Marketing in a Global Environment
- EDU700 Professional Learning
- EDU796 English Language and Literacy
- HLT600 Indigenous Wellbeing Foundations
- PUB600 Public Health Research and Evidence
- PUB701 Foundations of Epidemiology
- PUB702 Health Promotion Implementation and Evaluation
- PUB703 Health Promotion Principles
- PUB704 Healthy Public Policy and Advocacy
- PUB705 Health Promotion Community Assessment and Planning
- PUB706 Introduction to Behavioural Health
- PUB707 Public Health Foundations
- PUB708 Quantitative Research Methods
- PUB711 Foundations of Health Economic Evaluation
- PUB725 Health Research Project A
- HLT500 Ageing in Australia
- HLT701 Qualitative Research: Approaches and Practice
- HLT703 Special Project: Evaluating Practice Knowledge
- HLT704 Special Project: Translating Knowledge into Practice
- NUR551 Community and Primary Healthcare
- NUR713 Independent Study
- NUR721 Research in Health Care
- NUR722 Assessment in Mental Health
- NUR740 Neonatal, Paediatric and Child Health Care
- DEV700 International Development and Aid
- DEV701 Development Practice and Evaluation
- DEV702 International Human Rights, Peace and Conflict, and Environmental Justice
- DEV705 Governance, Engagement & Capacity Building
- SCS725 Advanced Social Research
- SCS730 Advanced Social Work Theories for Practice
- SWK703 Introduction to Social Work
- SWK704 Advanced Direct Practice 1
- SWK705 Advanced Direct Practice 2
- SWK706 International and Global Social Work
- SWK708 Engaging and working with Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander Peoples
- SWK710 Advocacy and Leadership in Social Policy and Legal Contexts
- SWK777 Children, Youth and Families: Challenges, Critique and Change
- SWK785 Social Work in Health and Mental Health
- SEC706 Network Forensics
- SEC707 Digital Forensics 2: Advanced concepts in Digital Forensics