Course | Semester of offer | Units | Requisites |
NUR100 Contexts of practice: child, youth and family |
| 12 | Pre: Enrolled in program SC391, SC392 or SC393 Anti: NUR212 |
NUR104 Contexts of Practice: The Older Person and Family |
| 12 | Pre: Enrolled in Program SC391 Anti: NUR341 |
NUR105 Clinical Connections |
| 0 | |
NUR111 Practice Foundations |
| 12 | Pre: Enrolled in Program SC017 or SC391 Anti: HLT131 |
NUR116 Preparation for Practice 1 |
| 12 | Pre: NUR111 and enrolled in program SC391 |
NUR117 Nursing Practice 1 |
| 6 | Pre: NUR116 and enrolled in Program SC391 Anti: NUR141 |
NUR121 Health Care and the Professions |
| 12 | Pre: Enrolled in Program SC017, SC391 or SC393 |
NUR131 Research Foundations for Health Practice |
| 12 | Pre: Enrolled in Program SC367, SC391 or SC393, Anti: PAR131, HLT205 |
NUR141 Introduction to Nursing Practice |
| 12 | Pre: Enrolled in Program SC392 |
NUR200 Clinical Connections |
| 0 | |
NUR212 Contexts of practice: child, youth and family |
| 12 | Pre: Enrolled in Program SC393 |
NUR222 Health, Law and Ethics |
| 12 | Pre: Enrolled in Program SC385, SC391, SC392, SC393 or SC335 Anti: PAR222 |
NUR226 Preparation for Practice 2 |
| 12 | Pre: (NUR116 and NUR117) or NUR141 and enrolled in Program SC391, SC392 Co: NUR241 and NUR231 |
NUR227 Nursing Practice 2 |
| 6 | Pre: NUR117 or NUR141 and NUR226 and enrolled in Program SC391 or SC392 |
NUR231 Drug Therapy |
| 12 | Pre: (NUR111 and NUR116 and (LFS103 or HLT100) and enrolled in SC391) or (NUR141 and HLT100 and enrolled in SC392) or (LFS103 and HLT100 and HLT132 and enrolled in SC393) Anti: PAR231 |
NUR241 Contexts of Practice: Health Alteration |
| 12 | Pre: (NUR111 and NUR116 and (LFS103 or HLT100) and enrolled in SC391) or (NUR141 and HLT100 and enrolled in SC392) |
NUR272 End of Life Care |
| 12 | Pre: Enrolled in Program SC391 or SC392 |
NUR286 Preparation for Practice 3 |
| 6 | Pre: NUR226 and enrolled in SC391 or SC392 Co: NUR331 and (NUR227 or NUR211) |
NUR287 Nursing Practice 3 |
| 6 | Pre: NUR286 and NUR227 and enrolled in Program SC391 or SC392 |
NUR300 Nursing Internship |
| 24 | Pre: (NUR287 and NUR303 and NUR304) or NUR311 and enrolled in Program SC391, SC392. Session 4 offering is for students who commenced in a mid year offering of SC391 and any student in SC392. |
NUR302 Leadership in Clinical Practice |
| 12 | Pre: NUR117 or NUR141 and enrolled in Program SC391 or SC392 |
NUR303 Preparation for Practice 4 |
| 6 | Pre: NUR286 and NUR287 and NUR331 and enrolled in Program SC391 or SC392. Anti: NUR311 |
NUR304 Nursing Practice 4 |
| 6 | Pre: NUR286 and NUR287 and NUR303 and enrolled in Program enrolled in SC391, SC392 Anti: NUR311 |
NUR305 Clinical Connections |
| 0 | |
NUR311 Preparation and Nursing Practice 4 |
| 12 | Pre: (NUR202 or NUR287) and NUR231 and NUR331 and enrolled in Program SC391, SC392 |
NUR312 Life Crisis |
| 12 | Pre: NUR117 or NUR141 or HLT132 and enrolled in Program SC391, SC392 or SC393 |
NUR322 The Child Client |
| 12 | Pre: NUR117 or NUR103 or HLT132 and enrolled in Program SC391, SC392, SC393 or SC335 |
NUR331 Contexts of Practice: Complex Care |
| 12 | Pre: NUR241 and NUR231 and enrolled in Program SC391 or SC392 |
NUR332 Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander Health and Cultural Safety |
| 12 | Pre: NUR117 or NUR141 or HLT132 and enrolled in Program SC391, SC392 or SC393 |
NUR551 Community and Primary Healthcare |
| 12 | Pre: Enrolled in Program SC514, SC546 or SC742 |
NUR703 Infant Care |
| 12 | Pre: Enrolled in Program SC546, SC721, SC723, SC740, SC540, SC505 or SC742 |
NUR704 Leadership in Clinical Practice |
| 12 | Pre: Enrolled in Program SC514, SC546, SC723 or SC742 |
NUR708 Learning and Teaching in the Practice Environment |
| 12 | Pre: Enrolled in Program SC514, SC546 or SC742 |
NUR713 Independent Study |
| 12 | Pre: Enrolled in Program SC514, SC546, SC711, SC723, SC742, SC423 or SC420 |
NUR721 Research in Health Care |
| 12 | Pre: Enrolled in Program SC723, SC713, SC742, SC514, SC423, SC420 or SC546 |
NUR722 Assessment in Mental Health |
| 12 | Pre: Enrolled in Program SC514, SC546, SC742, SC423 or SC420 |
NUR731A Research Project A |
| 0 | Pre: Course Coordinator Consent Required and enrolled in Program SC742, SC420 or SC423 Co: NUR721 |
NUR731B Research Project B |
| 0 | Pre: Course Coordinator Consent Required and enrolled in Program SC742, SC420 or SC423 Co: NUR721 |
NUR731C Research Project C |
| 0 | Pre: Course Coordinator Consent Required and enrolled in Program SC742, SC420 or SC423 Co: NUR721 |
NUR731F Research Project F |
| 48 | Pre: Course Coordinator Consent Required and enrolled in Program SC742, SC420 or SC423 Co: NUR721 |
NUR740 Neonatal, Paediatric and Child Health Care |
| 12 | Pre: Enrolled in Program SC546, SC742 or SC723 |
NUR751 Advanced Health Assessment |
| 12 | Pre: Enrolled in Program SC514, SC546, SC742, SC423 or SC420 |