Professor Andrew Marshall | UniSC | University of the Sunshine Coast, Queensland, Australia

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Professor Andrew Marshall

PhD York(UK), M.Res. Ecology and Environmental Management York(UK), B.Sc. Zoology Cardiff

  • ARC Future Fellow, Forest Research Institute
+61 7 5456 5281
Office location
Sunshine Coast
Andrew Marshall

Andy Marshall joined the Tropical Forests and People Research Centre at the University of the Sunshine Coast in March, 2017 as a Senior Research Fellow, continuing as ARC Future Fellow from January 2018.

Andy is a conservation scientist aiming to measure and improve the management of threatened ecosystems. His primary interests are the quantification of human and environmental influences on species and ecosystem health; and the implications of these for people and conservation. Andy's research has assessed the impacts of tropical forest damage on plant and animal biodiversity, population density, and biomass. He mainly works in tropical forests with a focus on Tanzania, Australia, Vietnam and Colombia, and his data has contributed to continental, tropical and worldwide assessments of species, biomass and productivity.

His current Forest Restoration and Climate Experiment (FoRCE) is investigating patterns in natural and managed recovery of forests across the tropics, including the influence of vines. He is also developing new methods for forest restoration, landscape planning, and selecting conservation indicators. Andy's broader research also assesses the impacts of protected areas and forest health on people and their wellbeing.

Andy is dedicated to achieving practical results from his research findings. His work has contributed information for the improved management of forest health, natural resources in African villages, and conservation planning/monitoring. He established and directed Reforest Africa, a not-for-profit company registered in East Africa. He has also directed the management of a tropical forest and has discovered tens of plants and animals new to science.

Professional Memberships 

  • British Ecological Society
  • Association for Tropical Biology and Conservation
  • Society for Ecological Restoration


  • 2016: BIAZA Education Award for public understanding of wildlife and conservation
  • 2013: PraxisUnico Impact Award for achievement in African biodiversity conservation
  • 2013: University of York Vice Chancellor Gold Award for Outstanding Achievement
  • 2011–16: David Bellamy Conservation Gold Award
  • 2011: BIAZA Best Field Conservation Project Award
  • 2007: Katherine Stott Prize for best Ph.D. thesis in academic year

Professional Social Media

Research Grants

Grant/Project name  Investigator(s) A$ value  Year(s)
Understanding the importance of lianas for forest health and management PI* A$1,686,166.02 2018-2022
 Establishment of Reforest Africa as a New NGO PI*  A$14,750  2017–ongoing
 Developing a New Forest Nature Reserve and Management / Monitoring plan in Tanzania PI*  A$1,004,450  2016–ongoing
 FoRCE, Forest Restoration and Climate Experiment PI*  A$108,912  2015–ongoing
 Assessing Tropical Forest Protection for Wildlife and People PI*/Co-I*  A$302,601  2011–2016
 CIRCLE, Centre for Integrated Research, Conservation and Learning PI*  A$465,347  2010–2016
 Measurement and Management of Tropical Forest Conservation PI*  A$624,921  2007–2016
 Measuring and Modelling Plant Biodiversity and Biomass in Africa Co-I*/named postdoc  A$224,065  2008–2011
 Investigating Human Impacts on Threatened Monkeys Co-I*/Ph.D.  A$150,133  2001–2007

PI* = Principal Investigator

Co-I* = Co-Investigator

Acknowledging the support of donors: Australian Research Council, UK Research Councils, Rainforest Trust, Flamingo Land Ltd., World Land Trust, IUCN, Conservation International, United Bank of Carbon, Leverhulme Trust, Liz Claiborne Art Ortenburg Foundation, National Geographic, Innovate UK, Greenpop, University of York, University of the Sunshine Coast, and 25 corporate donors.

Potential Research Projects for HDR & Honours Students

Part-funded Ph.D. available to investigate methods for restoring forest on degraded land in Africa

Various honours projects available in the fields of forest restoration, vine ecology and measurement of conservation success, both desk- or field-based. I am particularly keen to hear from students who are interested in developing a project to assist conservation measurement or planning in a particular nature reserve, anywhere in Australia or beyond

Research areas

  • Conservation science
  • Forest restoration
  • Tropical forest ecology

Dr Andy Marshall’s specialist area of knowledge is conservation science, particularly forest ecology and management. He is seeking industry, NGO and government partners to help develop simple sets of conservation indicators for monitoring the success of conservation and management for both wildlife and local people.

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