Graduate Research Candidate support and responsibilities | UniSC | University of the Sunshine Coast, Queensland, Australia

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Graduate Research Candidate support and responsibilities

Explore information on resources, support and services, and responsibilities for UniSC graduate research candidates.

Candidate resources, support and services

Graduate research candidates are provided with essential information to undertake their degree by their supervision panel, their enrolling unit and the Graduate Research School. Commencing candidates are provided with an induction which includes information about the expectations and responsibilities of supervisors and candidates, the degree requirements, progress procedures, research integrity and ethics, intellectual property, grievance procedures, health and safety procedures and the availability of resources and support services. In addition: 

  1. international students commencing candidature are provided with an International Student Orientation; 
  2. students utilising specialist equipment such as laboratories participate in relevant specific inductions as advised by their Principal Supervisor; and 
  3. commencing candidates must participate in all relevant induction and orientation sessions as advised by their enrolling unit and the Graduate Research School. 

The Enrolling Unit and Facilities Management manage the allocation of space for graduate research students in accordance with the Space Management - Procedures. All candidates on campus will have access to a shared workspace (subject to availability) which can include University computing equipment. All UniSC students have remove access to UniSC systems and software. 

Student Wellbeing offer support to students including (but not limited to) confidential counselling, academic services and disability services. 

Student Services and Engagement provides a range of support services to students including first-instance support to graduate research students. 

International Office provides information about maintaining compliance with student visa matters. 

Information Technology provides a range of technical services to graduate research students including provision of University email address and a University network account with a access to a range of applications, access to data storage to support compliance with the Research Data Management - Procedures, UniSC networked hardware and software and ITS training resources. Students should also refer to the Acceptable Use of ICT Resources – Governing Policy. 

The Library provides a range of research support services to graduate research students as documented in the Library Research Support Strategy. 

Print services provides access to self-service online printing.

The Graduate Research School administers the HDR Support Grant. Refer to the HDR Support Grant – Guidelines for more information. 

Candidate responsibilities

Graduate research candidates have a responsibility to operate within policy and guidelines set by the University, respond to requests by the University, and to engage positively in their program and all members of the University and wider community. 

Compliance with University Policy, Procedures and Guidelines and Funding body obligations 

Specific examples include but are not limited to: 

  1. following the University’s rules, policies, procedures and guidelines pertaining to their degree and to any scholarships, grants or other financial assistance for their research candidature (see Related Documents at the beginning of this document and the Policies, Procedures and Guidelines in section 1 of these Procedures); 
  2. reporting any change in circumstance that affects their eligibility to receive further support and raising any questions or concerns with their supervisors, the enrolling unit’s HDR Coordinator, the Head of enrolling unit, or the Graduate Research School, whichever is appropriate in the context; 
  3. complying with all regulatory requirements that affect their research; 
  4. abiding by ethical approvals for the work wherever necessary, be aware of compliance issues, and abide by health and safety policies and procedures as required; 
  5. complying with the University’s policies and procedures regarding research data management and authorship under the Intellectual Property – Governing Policy, the Research Data Management - Procedures and the Authorship and Dissemination of Research Findings – Procedures; and 
  6. fulfilling all reporting obligations to funding bodies as required. 
Proactively engaging with support and information 

The University provides a variety of support systems for graduate research candidates focused on facilitating a successful and timely completion in accordance with program requirements. Graduate research candidates are responsible for: 

  1. taking an active, self-motivated approach to their research, graduate candidature and career development that leads to the production of a thesis and to the qualities, skills, knowledge and abilities set out in the Research Graduate Attributes; 
  2. developing a research project of appropriate scope and working diligently to complete the thesis within the specified time; 
  3. maintaining satisfactory progress through their candidature as demonstrated by attaining progression milestones on time; 
  4. refraining from embarking on any significant variation to the topic unless agreed to by the supervisory team; 
  5. ensuring that the thesis meets University requirements for preparation, presentation and examination of theses and follow the protocols of scholarly presentation appropriate to the discipline; 
  6. seeking support to resolve problems in the supervisor-student relationship that cannot be resolved within the supervisory team; 
  7. not engaging in conduct that disrupts the teaching, learning or research activities of other students and staff, or that interferes with others performing their duties. 
  8. treating all members of the University with respect in both formal and informal contexts, according to the Student Charter and the Student Conduct – Governing Policy; and 
  9. keeping abreast of the latest developments in the research field in order to be aware of any new parameters affecting their research project and maintaining a broad knowledge of the field; 
Contribution to research culture 

Graduate research students make an important contribution to the University’s research culture: 

  1. contributing to the intellectual and social life of the enrolling unit by participating in activities such as meetings of postgraduate associations, and by attendance at research seminars and other academic functions; 
  2. attending and presenting work at relevant conferences and disseminating work in appropriate scholarly outlets; and 
  3. treating all University facilities and equipment used in research with due care and in an appropriate manner. 
Positive engagement 

Graduate research students should engage with the supervisory team and the University positively, including: 

  1. demonstrating a professional attitude to their research and work cooperatively with their supervisors; 
  2. engaging in academic discourse with their supervisor team and be receptive to discussion and guidance; 
  3. submitting regular drafts of work/reports as agreed with the supervisor team, and negotiating with the supervisor team a reasonable amount of time to read and comment in detail; 
  4. informing the supervisor of any personal or other difficulties (without necessarily specifying the details), which have slowed or may slow progress; 
  5. establishing and maintaining a mutually-agreed level of contact with the supervisor team; attending meetings prepared to make clear statements about ideas, progress and problems; and continuing the agreed-upon schedule for contact and for submission of work when away from this University on field work, research trips, or while enrolled as a remote candidate; 
  6. showing respect towards all persons including other members of staff, to students and to the general public, including those involving social media; and 
  7. understanding expectations and responsibilities, contributing to fostering a respectful and safe environment as set out in the Student Charter, and behaving in a manner consistent with these expectations, including the University policies such as the Health, Safety and Wellbeing – Governing Policy, the Anti-Discrimination and Freedom from Harassment and Bullying (Students) – Governing Policy, the Equity, Diversity and Inclusion – Governing Policy.