Large-scale reforestation
Enhancing independence for local communities
We are restoring deforested and degraded landscapes in the Philippines to learn more about implementing reforestation projects in tropical countries.
Carbon credits fund the reforestation activities and provide sustainable livelihoods for local communities, enhancing social, economic, and environmental outcomes.
The project provides a living laboratory a unique opportunity for research on key knowledge gaps on how to implement reforestation at scale with communities for socioeconomic and environmental benefits.

About the project
Detailed information about Project Tarsier's objective, background and approach.

Staff and students involved in making Project Tarsier happen.

Scientific papers, extension materials and useful links.

Prospective students
Information about potential topics for PhD thesis.
Project goals
- Generating knowledge
- Restoring ecosystems
- Capturing carbon
- Improving livelihoods

A tarsier in the wild
Spotted on trail camera for a few brief seconds, a nocturnal mammal known as the Philippine tarsier (Carlito syrichta), is seen making quick, agile leaping movements in the trees. This Tarsier is endemic to the country and is listed as endangered under DENR DAO 1991-48 due to habitat loss and wildlife poaching. The trail camera was temporarily set up by Project Tarsier to carry out biodiversity assessments in and around its project area for the Climate Community Biodiversity (CCB) standard.