One of the most important elements of forest/plantation management plans is timber harvest/haulage. Harvest and haulage as a system includes several components such as tree felling operations, processing, primary transportation, loading, secondary transportation, unloading in the mills and road planning/construction. Due to high cost of harvesting/haulage operations it is essential to maximise the work efficiency of each component which can be achieved through innovative research solutions provided by our world class research team (AFORA). The team aims to (a) improve cost management and value recovery, (b) improve biomass recovery and utilisation and (c) improve logistics planning and execution.
Assessing the economic impact of log damage to Eucalyptus nitens sawlogs during mechanised harvesting operations
Lead Researcher: Dr Mauricio Acuna
Funding agency: National Institute for Forest Products Innovation
Amount awarded: $270,706
Project overview
This project will deliver improvements to practices and equipment to reduce log damage to Eucalyptus nitens
logs during mechanised harvesting, improving profitability for landowners, forest growers, contractors, and
machine manufacturers.