QLD Health Bridge Labs Project | UniSC | University of the Sunshine Coast, Queensland, Australia

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QLD Health Bridge Labs Project

The Healthcare Human Factors Leaning and Innovation Lab (HF-NET) is a collaboration between UniSC’s Centre for Human Factors and Sociotechnical Systems and the Healthcare Improvement Unit from Clinical Excellence Queensland. The purpose of this lab is to raise the awareness and application of human factors science throughout the healthcare setting.

Specifically, HF-NET lab aims to uplift Queensland Health’s workforce capability in contemporary systems Human Factors and Ergonomics and safety analysis methods. Additionally, this lab will seek to foster the application and system-wide engagement of human factors science principles in healthcare initiatives and strategic decision making. HF-NET is one arm of the CEQx Bridge Lab program which is catalysing deeper linkages with key academic teams in Queensland. CEQx is Clinical Excellence Queensland’s capability transformation function.

As part of the collaboration, the Systems and Safety Analysis Capability Improvement Project will provide training in contemporary human factors and safety analysis methods to Queensland Health employees. Concurrently, the research team will deliver webinars on human factors topics relevant to healthcare, facilitate a support network forum, and provide subject matter expert support.

If you work within Queensland Health and would like to learn about human factors science in healthcare, especially systems and safety analysis methods, email bridgelabs@health.qld.gov.au.

Key HF-NET team members

Dr Satyan Chari has a PhD in patient safety (fall prevention) from Monash University. Towards the end of his PhD, Satyan undertook an international fellowship across two world leading centres: as a visiting research scientist at the Health Systems Engineering Institute (Northeastern University) and as an international human factors fellow with the Medstar Institute for Innovation. Satyan is the Program Director of the Clinical Excellence Queensland Bridge Lab Program (which includes HF-NET) and senior faculty on the Healthcare Improvement Fellowship Program.

Professor Paul Salmon

Associate Professor Gemma Read