HDR scholarships | UniSC | University of the Sunshine Coast, Queensland, Australia

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CAMPUS CLOSURES: Due to Tropical Cyclone Alfred all of UniSC’s Queensland campuses and sites will be closed from 10pm Tuesday 4 March until at least Sunday 9 March.
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HDR scholarships

If you are considering undertaking a Higher Degree by Research (HDR), UniSC has a range of scholarship opportunities available. Scholarships can cover living stipend, tuition fees or top up scholarships. To apply for a scholarship, you must be currently enrolled in an HDR program, or have applied for admission to a HDR program, at UniSC.
Major scholarship rounds

UniSC holds multiple Research Training Program (RTP) Scholarship rounds a year. Applications only accepted during the open period. 2025 dates below





Open to

RTP Domestic rounds  

i)17 February 


ii)28 July 

i) 21 March 


ii)12 September 

AU $35 482 p/a

Domestic Students


RTP International round

01 June 

July 18

AU $35 482 p/a

International Students


Project specific scholarships

UniSC Research scholarships are project specific and are at least partially funded by external stakeholders to the University. These scholarships are individual in description, requirements and offerings. Application and payment of these scholarships are managed by UniSC.

Full List of Research Scholarship opportunities are available here: Open scholarship opportunities 


National Industry PhD Program

An Industry PhD is a doctoral program designed with an industry application. Under appropriate academic and industry supervision, PhD candidates undertake a co-designed research project with university and industry participation.


The National Industry Program will support PhD candidates to undertake industry-focused research projects and be equipped with the knowledge and skills to better translate university research into commercialisation outcomes. Upon completion, candidates will have the ability to work at the interface of research and industry, and across the sectors in future.

The Program consists of two streams:

  • Industry Linked PhD stream: This stream is for outstanding PhD candidates to undertake research projects co-designed by university and industry, with opportunities to be embedded in an industry setting and participate in a 12-week training program.
  • Industry Researcher PhD stream: This stream is for highly capable industry professionals who are supported by their employers to undertake PhD projects in partnership with a university while retaining industry employment and salary benefits.

Application forms are able to be downloaded here https://www.education.gov.au/resources/national-industry-phd-program Please complete the word version of these forms and submit to HDRscholarships@usc.edu.au so that applications can be reviewed and submitted through the application portal.

Indigenous scholarships





Open to

Australian Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander Higher Degree by Research Scholarship



AUD $45,482.00

Australian Aboriginal or Torres Strait Islander Students

PhD and Master by Research

Externally funded scholarships

External scholarships and awards are available from government departments, businesses and industry groups. Information and applications are administered externally, applications will need to be sent directly to the external agency supporting the scholarships on offer.

Explore the list of external scholarships.

HDR Scholarship Conditions

Learn more about the conditions applicable to HDR scholarships.

How to apply

Learn about applying for a Higher Degree by Research at UniSC.