Tax clinic in Moreton Bay | UniSC | University of the Sunshine Coast, Queensland, Australia

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Tax clinic in Moreton Bay

UniSC's Tax Clinic provides free tax advice and assistance to eligible individuals and small businesses from UniSC accounting students under the supervision of a registered tax agent. The Clinic is located at UniSC Moreton Bay (Petrie).

Funding for this clinic is provided through the National Tax Clinic Program — an Australian Government initiative. The National Tax Clinic program provides further information about other participating clinics as well as tax guides and resources.

Services we offer

The Tax Clinic provides support and assistance with:

  • preparing and lodging individual tax returns
  • tax file number (TFN) registrations or lost or stolen TFN
  • tax debts and payment arrangements
  • small business registrations, including ABN and GST
  • lodging business activity statements
  • other tax issues (please outline your needs in the online form

Apply for assistance


Access to the Tax Clinic’s services is restricted to taxpayers who meet the following eligibility criteria:

  • Individuals or small business entities (sole trader or partnerships).
  • Living or operating in Australia.
  • Not currently represented by a tax agent and unable to access paid tax advice and assistance due to economic, social, or personal factors.
  • UniSC staff (other than casuals) are not eligible to apply for assistance through the tax clinic.

From time-to-time we may consider matters which do not meet the standard eligibility criteria, sbject to the discretion of the UniSC Tax Clinic Director.

Application process


To apply for assistance, please complete the online form.

Please note that UniSC staff (other than casuals) are not eligible to apply for assistance through the tax clinic.


Once received, your application will be reviewed by our experienced staff. 

You will be notified of the outcome of our review. If your application is approved, you will be invited to attend a meeting to discuss your situation. 

Meeting and assessment

The meeting will involve a member of the UniSC Tax Clinic staff and a student volunteer.

At the conclusion of the meeting, we will advise if we can assist you further.


UniSC Tax Clinic
Operating hours

Semester 1 (late February until late May)
Thursday 9am to 4pm (Moreton Bay / Petrie)


UniSC Moreton Bay

Building A1, Room G.97, UniSC Moreton Bay
1 Moreton Parade, Petrie, Queensland, 4502 — Get directions

UniSC Moreton Bay is located approximately 30km north of Brisbane and next to the Petrie train station and bus interchange. Free parking is available for visitors.

Explore transport and parking
Download a campus map 

Apply for assistance

Please note that UniSC staff (other than casuals) are not eligible to apply for assistance through the tax clinic.

To apply for assistance please complete this form

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City of Moreton Bay Business Boost Initiative

City of Moreton Bay’s Business Boost Initiative is supporting the UniSC Tax Clinic to expand its services by sponsoring tax clinic workshops for small business and facilitating tax clinic speaking engagements at Moreton Bay business events.  With the support of the Business Boost Initiative, UniSC will also conduct research into how improved tax management practices impacts performance of small businesses.

The Business Boost initiative offers programs to support local businesses, including funding, workshops, and certifications to boost growth and innovation.