How your teen can make the most of the summer months to prepare for uni success
7 Dec 2023The summer months before university begins provide a valuable window of opportunity to prepare for the exciting journey ahead.

Beyond the numbers: Why low selection ranks don't define degree quality
17 Oct 2023In the world of higher education, students and parents often equate success with high selection ranks or ATARs (Australian Tertiary Admission Ranks).

The cost of going to uni and why it’s worth the investment
17 Oct 2023As your child begins to contemplate their future educational path, it's important to consider the costs associated with attending university.

Overcoming the fear of failure in teenagers
8 Jun 2023If your child is struggling to get to school or fearing something, listen to UniSC's Psychology expert, Dr Rachael Sharman, explain how you can help.

Finding the right path
13 Apr 2023Every young person is different.

Tips for supporting your child at university
7 Feb 2023So your child is heading off to uni this year, about to face new experiences, challenges and opportunities.

Getting the most out of Open Day
1 Jun 2022Open Days are a great opportunity for prospective students and their parents to gain insights into the campus, programs, and overall university experience.