More than 2,000 set to graduate this April | UniSC | University of the Sunshine Coast, Queensland, Australia

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More than 2,000 set to graduate this April

It's almost time to bring out the black caps and gowns, with thousands of students set to graduate from the University of the Sunshine Coast this April. 

After years of hard work and personal growth, 2,032 students will celebrate the completion of their studies in front of family and friends at one of nine ceremonies to be held across Fraser Coast, Sunshine Coast and Moreton Bay campuses. 

This will bring the all-time total number of UniSC graduates to around 38,000, with some earning multiple degrees, diplomas or certificates in the 27 years since the University was established in 1996. 

  • Thursday 4 April, UniSC Moreton Bay and Caboolture - 321 graduating. 
  • Wednesday 10 April and Thursday 11 April, UniSC Sunshine Coast - 1637 graduating. 
  • Wednesday 17 April, UniSC Fraser Coast - 74 graduating. 

More detail on ceremony times here. 

UniSC Vice-Chancellor and President, Professor Helen Bartlett, said that in gaining a globally recognised education, graduating students were well-positioned to contribute to their communities either in Australia or overseas. 

“We know that seven in 10 graduates who study in regional areas stay in the regions, contributing to the social and economic wellbeing of the community and creating workforce opportunities for others,” Professor Bartlett said. 

“We currently have more than 17,800 students across all our campuses and we are tracking close to graduating 40,000 students since the University was established, a figure that we are likely to reach at the next graduation season in September.  

“Not only does that number represent an enormous upskilling and knowledge growth within our communities, but for each graduate who crosses the stage this April it has unlocked opportunities for themselves and their families.” 

“As a university supporting more people to achieve their ambitions by improving tertiary education participation and success, we could not be prouder to see everyone celebrating their achievements today,” she said. 

The 2023 Good Universities Guide rated UniSC as Australia’s number one public university for overall postgraduate experience, and second-best nationwide for undergraduates. For 17 years in a row, UniSC has been awarded five stars for teaching quality.  

Former UniSC Professor Tim Smith and Professor Jeremy Davey will receive honorary Emeritus Professor awards at a Sunshine Coast ceremony.  

Professor Smith has made a global academic contribution to sustainability and helped UniSC gain strong footing on the Times Higher Education Impact Ranking. 

Professor Davey established UniSC’s Road Safety Research Centre, securing ongoing funding and implementing an effective program to employ local students and graduates as early career researchers. 

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