International students to return to USC | UniSC | University of the Sunshine Coast, Queensland, Australia

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International students to return to USC

The University of the Sunshine Coast is celebrating the imminent return of international students to its campuses across South East Queensland and the Wide Bay Burnett region.

The Queensland Government announced today that from 1am on Saturday 22 January, fully vaccinated international students will be able to travel to Queensland without needing to quarantine upon arrival.

USC Vice-Chancellor Professor Helen Bartlett said the timing of this announcement was ideal, with the official start of Semester 1 on 28 February still more than a month away.

“It is so exciting that Queensland is re-opening to international students, and we are really looking forward to welcoming them back into our communities,” Professor Bartlett said.

“We have certainly missed them and the richness and vibrancy that they add to our campuses and regions.

“As well as allowing our existing students who have been waiting in their home countries to return to USC, today’s announcement means new international students can apply now to start studying here in Semester 1.”

Professor Bartlett said the appeal of studying in Australia had been boosted recently by the Federal Government’s moves to provide rebates on some visa fees for international students and to increase the number of hours they can work in some industries, such as aged care, tourism and hospitality.

She said USC was ready to provide extra support for international students during the application and enrolment process, and to help them settle into their local communities and the semester ahead.

“Whether this will be their first time travelling to Australia or they are returning after a long absence, the USC community is looking forward to making them feel welcome,” she said.

USC has more information available for international students on its website.

— Terry Walsh

International students at a recent USC Orientation event

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