Teachers praised for efforts during disrupted year
30 Oct 2020Some of the region's top teachers have been recognised by USC as part of the University's celebration of World Teachers' Day

USC classes boom as teacher shortage looms
29 Oct 2020While Australia is facing an impending shortage of schoolteachers, USC looks set to graduate a record number of students from its postgraduate education programs over the next two years

New teachers recognised for amazing work
29 Oct 2020First-year schoolteachers across the region have been congratulated by USC’s Vice-Chancellor and President Professor Helen Bartlett for their amazing efforts during this challenging year

Hold the ham: USC’s real-life green eggs going viral
28 Oct 2020It’s hard to know what a cassowary egg looks like when the male guarding it round-the-clock is considered one of the world’s most dangerous birds

Media and politics spark graduate’s research career
28 Oct 2020A new USC Arts graduate and University Medallist fascinated by the intersection of media and politics in today’s rapidly changing world is now researching the different ways that the issue of climate change is presented in the news

Expert panel: Creating COVID-safe environments
27 Oct 2020Ensuring our environments are safe and hygienic in the wake of the COVID-19 pandemic will be the topic of a free public webinar on Thursday 29 October from 6-7pm

Holidays could be answer to COVID blues: research
21 Oct 2020It seems one of the best things to do if feeling stressed and unhappy during the global pandemic is take a COVID-safe holiday, according to the findings of new USC research

USC sets wheels in motion for bike shop manager’s new career
20 Oct 2020Matthew McCurdy, 35, has made a career change to teach science and maths at Warwick State High School after recently graduating from USC and earning a University Medal for his excellent grade point average of 6.88 out of 7

Graduates adapt new careers to deal with COVID-19 changes
19 Oct 2020Two recent USC graduates who are helping to stage the Fraser Coast’s latest marketing campaigns and events decided to get creative when COVID-19 restrictions changed their new roles almost overnight

Business leader is 2020 Outstanding Alumnus
16 Oct 2020A business leader whose collaboration skills brought about success for a large group of companies in Papua New Guinea while also tackling the widespread community issue of domestic violence has been named USC’s Outstanding Alumnus for 2020

Poisoned by plastics? Turtle study seeks answers
15 Oct 2020A world-first USC study will examine if toxic chemicals from ingested microplastics could be harming Australia’s marine turtles

Engineering students to contest Bronto-crane challenge
15 Oct 2020University of the Sunshine Coast students have drawn inspiration from the prehistoric-themed cartoon, The Flintstones, to showcase their potential as future mechanical engineers

USC social media class trends at Aus/NZ awards
14 Oct 2020The likes and positive comments are flowing for USC’s Social Media degree program after it gained high recognition at the 2020 Australian and New Zealand Social Media Marketing Awards

Kids to ‘assess’ proposed coastal erosion solutions
13 Oct 2020The science behind the likely battering facing Queensland’s beaches this summer might be beyond your average six-year-old, but a USC academic wants to ensure proposed solutions to coastal erosion are not

COVID-19 and mental health: Researchers to share insights in free public webinar
9 Oct 2020Mental health experts from USC will share some of their latest research on staying well during COVID-19 in a free online seminar next week

Fraser Coast graduate gains Chancellor’s Medal
8 Oct 2020Completing international internships, gaining Australia’s most prestigious global study scholarship and taking on a host of leadership roles were some of the unexpected benefits of a remarkable education journey for USC Fraser Coast graduate Myles Kreis

Internship leads stylist to creative career change
6 Oct 2020A University Medal from USC and a marketing career found in her home town of Gympie have completed a stunning transformation for former hairstylist Tiffany Stevenson

Endangered macadamia has high bushfire survival rate
1 Oct 2020USC-led research in Bulburin National Park, between Bundaberg and Gladstone, has recorded 83 percent survival of the wild population of an endangered native macadamia nut plant, following the 2019-20 summer bushfires