Chemistry to bind Mountain Creek with USC | UniSC | University of the Sunshine Coast, Queensland, Australia

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Chemistry to bind Mountain Creek with USC

An elaborate demonstration of chemistry in USC’s high-tech Cave2TM facility is expected to create some interesting reactions among the Mountain Creek State High School students attending.

The high school’s Acting Head of International Baccalaureate (IB) Chris Buswell has worked with USC staff to develop visualisations that explain complex chemistry concepts, from atomic structure and orbitals, to stereoisomerism and nucleophilic substitution reactions.

 Mr Buswell said the impressive display was part of a two-day ‘Keeping it Local’ program for the school’s IB chemistry students to highlight the study and research opportunities open to them at their local university.

USC’s Cave2TM provides a near-seamless, 320-degree, immersive, panoramic 3D virtual environment. It is one of only four of its kind in the world (one in Melbourne and two in the USA), but the only one currently used for learning and teaching.

The International Baccalaureate Diploma Program is a two-year pre-university course offered to students throughout the world that has an enhanced academic focus and a curriculum with an international perspective.

Mr Buswell said the ‘Keeping it Local’ program aimed to engage IB students in enhanced collaborative learning environments that provide chemistry-focused extensions in ICT (information and communications technology), research and investigation.

“It is also to develop local partnerships and career pathways for Mountain Creek’s International Baccalaureate students at the University of the Sunshine Coast,” he said.

Terry Walsh

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