Law degree at USC is definitely Erin’s cup of tea | UniSC | University of the Sunshine Coast, Queensland, Australia

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Law degree at USC is definitely Erin’s cup of tea

When Erin McLaren, 17, got up in the middle of the night for a glass of water on 20 December last year and noticed four missed calls from a friend, she was prompted to check her OP score online.

The Sunshine Beach State High dux from Mount Coolum hadn’t realised the scores were released at midnight and was astounded to discover that she had received an OP1.

“It was really unexpected because I did lots of humanities subjects and maths A, so I really didn’t expect to get an OP1,” she said. “I actually cried when I read it.”

Erin, who lives with her 80-year-old grandmother Lorraine, wasn’t sure whether to wake her to break the good news.

“I was so excited I did wake nan and she got up straight away and we sat and had a cup of tea at 1 o’clock in the morning to celebrate,” she said.

Erin will study a combined Bachelor of Laws/Bachelor of Business degree at USC and is looking forward to exploring all the different subject areas before deciding on a specialisation.

“Strangely I sort of knew from grade 5 that I wanted to do law,” she said. “I’ve always really liked the idea of being able to help people when they need it.”

“I also like a challenge and think a career in the legal profession will be very stimulating. I’m doing business as well because I think that will provide me with greater flexibility for a career path.”

An accomplished pianist, Erin was an active member of her school’s choir and percussion ensemble and enjoyed performing at eisteddfods and other concerts.

An estimated 3,900 new students will begin studying at USC this semester, with Orientation Week to be held from 23-27 February before classes begin on 2 March.

For details about applying to study, contact the University on 5430 2890 or go to How do I apply.

— Jane Cameron


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