University Council | UniSC | University of the Sunshine Coast, Queensland, Australia

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University Council

Council is the University's governing body and derives its powers from the University of the Sunshine Coast Act 1998.

The primary responsibilities of the Council of the University of the Sunshine Coast are:

(a) Strategic Oversight:

  • to determine the vision and strategic direction of the University;
  • to ensure that values, visions and goals are turned into effective management systems; and
  • to monitor implementation of the University’s vision statement and strategic plan.

 (b) Ensuring Effective Overall Management:

  • to appoint the Vice-Chancellor and President as the Chief Executive Officer of the University, and monitoring his or her performance;
  • to appoint other senior officers of the University as considered appropriate;
  • to oversee and review overall management performance; and
  • to oversee and monitor the academic governance and activities of the University.

 (c) Ensuring Responsible Financial and Risk Management:

    • to approve the annual budget and business plan;
    • to approve and monitor systems of control and accountability, including general overview of any controlled entities of the University (entities satisfying the test of control in s.50AA of the Corporations Act);
    • to oversee and monitor the assessment and management of risk across the University, including commercial undertakings;
    • to establish policy and procedural principles, consistent with legal requirements and community expectations, including remuneration policies for the Vice-Chancellor and senior officers;
    • to ensure compliance with legal and government policy requirements; and
    • to ensure the ongoing appropriateness of all delegations approved by Council.