"Now.See.Hear" A trauma-informed and culturally-safe screening tool for justice-involved youth | UniSC | University of the Sunshine Coast, Queensland, Australia

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"Now.See.Hear" A trauma-informed and culturally-safe screening tool for justice-involved youth

This applied research project led to the development of the Now.See.Hear Visual Conversation Tool, a trauma-informed and culturally safe screening tool for justice involved youth. The Now.See.Hear tool gives voice and visibility to the often unseen and unheard experiences of young people who come into contact with the criminal justice system. The tool supports practitioners to start meaningful conversations with young people, about what has happened in their lives, how they spend their time, and the skills they have to navigate the world around them. This will promote responsiveness to the needs of each young person.

The project, administered by University of Newcastle, commenced with a synthesis of existing evidence to understand the extent, forms, and considerations of culturally sensitive, trauma-informed methods of trauma screening for justice involved people in Australia. An action research approach was adopted, with guidance from a youth advisory group, practitioner working group, and project specific working group. Development of the tool was also guided by Aboriginal Leadership from Auntie Elsie Randall and Dr Karen Menzies and a cultural reference group. Photographers and designers were contracted to contribute creative elements to the design. The tool also underwent a comprehensive test and trial phase.


Now.See.Hear! was developed to support workers to deeply listen to the stories of young people, focusing on what they see and hear, to beer understand trauma-related contexts that can prompt, facilitate, and constrain experience and outcome. Better understanding these contexts can inform more nuanced and responsive casework, intervention, advocacy, and support through:

  1. Speeding up the process of building rapport and engagement,
  2. Identifying appropriate intervention goals, approaches, and targets,
  3. Determining what external supports and/or referrals might be useful.

The tool is currently being used by justice system practitioners to enhance practice with young people.

Publications and other outputs

Blakemore, T., Rayment-McHugh, S., Menzies, K., Randall, E., Rak, L., & McCarthy, S. (2024). Now.See.Hear! Visual Conversation Tool Practice Guide. ISBN= 978-0-7259-0251-3.

The Now.See.Hear! tool can be purchased for A$106.90 at https://www.namenarratenavigate.com/shop/. Cost includes the Visual Conversation Tool (including ‘visual story’ cards, a list of ‘conversational cues’ and a ‘listening guide’) along with shipping costs.

Chief Investigators: Blakemore, T., Menzies, K., Rak, L., McCarthy, Rayment-McHugh, S.

Funding: NSW Department of Communities Justice Innovation Fund

Funding year: 2022-2023