We undertook a focused study to consolidate the 30 year history of the Stop It Now! movement - a child sexual abuse (CSA) perpetration prevention initiative - documenting main achievements, as well as identifying factors that shaped its development and expansion. Findings were drawn from the experiences of professional stakeholders across respective Stop It Now! sites, including the United States, across the United Kingdom (England, Scotland, Wales, and Northern Ireland), Ireland, Netherlands, Belgium (Flanders), and Australia.
The publicly accessible report produced for this project documents proposed areas for future consideration and discussion questions, derived from study findings, providing a platform from which to share innovative practices, increase collaborations, grow, and learn from one another, and plan future directions for Stop It Now! globally
McKillop, N. & Rayment-McHugh, S. (2022). Looking back to move forward: The history of Stop it Now! to inform future directions. Queensland: Sexual Violence Research and Prevention Unit, University of the Sunshine Coast