Evaluation of the Name.Narrate.Navigate Program | UniSC | University of the Sunshine Coast, Queensland, Australia

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Evaluation of the Name.Narrate.Navigate Program

This project involved a preliminary evaluation of the Name.Narrate.Navigate (NNN) program (developed at University of Newcastle), a strengths-based, trauma-informed, and culturally responsive group program that explores ‘naming, narrating, and navigating’ violence with young people. NNN was developed and piloted between 2019-2021.

The evaluation was informed by a realist framework. Reflecting the pilot phase of NNN’s development, the evaluation comprised a review of achievements and key lessons to date, focusing on ‘how’ the program worked, in addition to an examination of preliminary, short-term outcomes. Implementation and process considerations were a key focus of the evaluation, to inform recommendations for future scaling up of the program. A mixed-methods research design was adopted via interview and focus groups, alongside analysis of program and clinical data.


The evaluation has informed scaling up of the NNN program, which has since received further funding to extend implementation, increasing the accessibility of NNN to young people in need. Gaps in suitable evaluation tools were identified. University of Newcastle staff, in partnership with the project leader (Rayment-McHugh) subsequently sought funding to develop a trauma-informed, culturally safe tool for use with justice-involved youth (see the Now.See.Hear project).

Chief Investigators: Rayment-McHugh, S., & McKillop, N.

Research Assistant: Adams, D.

Funding: University of Newcastle

Funding year: 2022