A short-term outcome evaluation of the Bravehearts Turning Corners program | UniSC | University of the Sunshine Coast, Queensland, Australia

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A short-term outcome evaluation of the Bravehearts Turning Corners program

In this project we evaluated the short-term outcomes and effectiveness of the Bravehearts Turning Corners program for addressing sexually harmful behaviour by youth. Turning Corners  was developed to fill a perceived service gap in responding to and preventing harmful sexual behaviours by youth within the community. The program provides a comprehensive, integrated and multi-systemic response to this issue through support and counselling, to address these problematic behaviours and prevent future harms. Turning Corners is unique in that clients do not need to be currently engaged in the juvenile justice system and the program has a strong focus on early intervention and improved outcomes for the young person, their family and the community. Findings and recommendations stemming from this research helped to inform decision-making regarding service expansion. Learnings helped to improve and refine the Program and its service delivery as part of a broader ongoing program development strategy.


Based on this report, further funding was secured for the Turning Corners program and it has  continued to be funded and operated under Bravehearts since this time.

Chief Investigators: McKillop, N.

Funding Body: Department of Child Safety, Youth and Women

Funding year: 2016-2018