Student Midwife Connect Program | UniSC | University of the Sunshine Coast, Queensland, Australia

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Student Midwife Connect Program

What is the Connect Program?

Midwifery students at UniSC undertake a range of practical experiences as a part of their program. One aspect of this is the Continuity of Care Experience Program, known as ‘Connect’. Within the Connect Program a woman will be matched and supported by the same student midwife throughout their pregnancy, birth and postpartum period. The program allows women and students to get to know each other and a relationship to develop.

Research has shown that women enjoy the deep relationship that forms with the student midwife helping them to feel safe and supported, and that they are more likely to experience their birth as a positive experience when they have continuity with a student midwife.1,2

How it works?

A feature of the Connect Program is a student midwife will be with you throughout your journey. As part of a reciprocal learning relationship students will gain valuable insight into providing woman-centred care by hearing your thoughts, feelings and experiences, what’s important to and what is valued by you and your family (however you define this). In return and under the direct supervision of a registered health professional and with your consent, the student midwife will be available to:

  • Attend antenatal appointments with you.
  • Provide support and up to date information.
  • Provide care and support during labour and birth, if you are happy for them to attend.
  • Attend postnatal visits in the early days and weeks following your baby’s birth.

Students can accompany women in various settings, whether that is in a Public or Private hospital, GP practice, Community clinic or with Privately Practicing Midwives. Students are not attending in the role of a support person and do not take the place of your support person/s. Students are in attendance as a registered healthcare student, ‘Student Midwife’ with clear parameters for their role.

Our Student Midwives

Following successful completion of a clinical skill assessment to ensure safety, UniSC student midwives commence their Connect program in their first year of studies.

The Connect Coordinator at UniSC is also an experienced Registered Midwife and is available for women if they have any questions or concerns regarding the program.

How to join the Connect program

If you are less than 33 weeks pregnant and you would like to join the Connect Program, please complete the Connect EOI Form to express your interest and receive more information.

If you are more than 33 weeks pregnant, please still contact us to discuss options.



1. Aune I, Haugen K, Holst-Jenson M, Lund-Tyvoll I. Women’s experiences of continuity of care from student midwives – A qualitative study from Norway. Sexual & Reproductive Healthcare. 2023;35:100814-100814. doi:10.1016/j.srhc.2023.100814

2. Jefford E, Nolan SJ, Sansone H, Provost SC. ‘A match made in midwifery’: Women’s perceptions of student midwife partnerships. Women and Birth: Journal of the Australian College of Midwives. 2020;33(2):193-198. doi:10.1016/j.wombi.2018.11.018

Expression of Interest

Midwife and pregnant woman