Providing integrative solutions for improved cancer outcomes in our regions and beyond.
The Cancer Research Cluster aligns with the Australian Cancer plan 2023-2033 to improve health outcomes for all people touched by cancer.
Our research is future focused which will provide our region with the opportunity to take advantage of emerging opportunities to improve cancer outcomes. Following a person-centered approach, our research allows the delivery of a relevant and impactful research program that builds on existing strengths and opportunities of our communities and health systems with broad application.
Strategic objectives of the Australian Cancer plan that our research addresses include 'Strong and Dynamic Foundations' by maximizing cancer prevention and early detection, and 'World-class Health Systems for Optimal Care' through holistic and integrative approaches to supportive care. Furthermore, we are already working with priority population groups identified in the Australian Cancer plan who may face disparities in health outcomes such as adolescents and young adults, older Australians, and people living in rural and remote areas.
Cluster leads: Associate Professor Hattie Wright and Professor Cindy Davis

Our aim
Through our unwavering commitment to excellence, collaboration, and compassion, the Cancer Research Cluster strives to make a lasting impact in the fight against cancer - from molecules to society.
About the Cancer Research Cluster
The vision of the cancer cluster is to be a leading research group providing integrative solutions for improved cancer outcomes in our regions and beyond. This vision will be achieved through positively impacting the lived experience of people touched by cancer through innovative, multidisciplinary, and inclusive research and engagement.