Design request form | UniSC | University of the Sunshine Coast, Queensland, Australia

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Design request form

Before submitting this design request, please first check the corporate templates available on MyUniSC to see if these meet your requirements.

Then, if you are still seeking design and artwork to be produced, updated or amended, complete this form.

Production lead times outlined below are indicative only. Factors such as scope of the job, priority strategic work, current workload, and resourcing affect our ability to meet a deadline.

Clients will be advised if a design request needs to be outsourced and / or a change in deadline is needed.

Get in touch

1.0 Contact details
2.0 Project details
3.0 Project category
4.0 Project outline

Provide a brief outline of the project and any other information to assist us in designing your collateral (eg brochure, poster, dimensions, for print or digital publication, etc)

5.0 Deadlines
6.0 Content

Copy / Text

For revisions only

High-res images There are several image libraries for UniSC staff to source imagery, please see M&C MyUniSC page for more details. If providing stock imagery, please provide the image numbers and which stock library.

NOTE: Do not supply images embedded in a Word document — supply them as separate files via email to Ensure images supplied are high-resolution images suitable for print publications.

Alternatively, if you would like Design staff to source suitable images, please provide a description of the type of image/s required.

7.0 Final proof / approval of artwork prior to publication

A PDF proof of the artwork will be sent to you via email for checking. Mark-up any changes in the PDF proof (as comments), and return the PDF via email to

NOTE: Please do not edit text or images in the PDF as these changes are often not obvious and can be overlooked.