Working from Home - Guidelines | UniSC | University of the Sunshine Coast, Queensland, Australia

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Working from Home - Guidelines

Approval authority
Chief Operating Officer
Responsible Executive member
Chief Operating Officer
Designated officer
Director, People and Culture
Last amended
20 August 2024
Review date
20 August 2026

1. Overview

UniSC is committed to providing a healthy, safe and flexible working environment for its staff. A Working from Home (WFH) agreement provides an opportunity for the university to invest in the diversity and inclusion of its people. In order to ensure the safety of our staff, an application process must apply. All applications are considered on a case by case basis by the Supervisor for subsequent consideration and approval by the Cost Centre Manager. The Supervisor and staff member are responsible for ensuring that the requirements under these guidelines have been satisfied prior to an application for a WFH agreement being approved. If all requirements cannot be satisfied, it is upon the supervisor to ensure adequate alternative measures are taken.

Prior to working from home, a staff member must apply using the Work from Home Agreement Request (login required), and gain the approval from their Cost Centre Manager or delegate.

2. Requirements for home based work

2.1 Staff responsibility

Staff approved to work from home must:

  • adhere to all the University’s policies and procedures
  • be contactable during the normal span of hours
  • ensure fitness for work requirements are met. If staff members are unwell or unable to work due to other reasons, then leave entitlements are to be accessed
  • ensure home worksite complies with health and safety requirements at all times
  • report any health, safety and wellbeing hazards, near misses and incidents
  • maintain accurate and up to date records of hours worked at home within normal span of hours
  • by agreement, provide authorised University staff or other approved parties with access, where necessary, for matters such as WHS inspections, and retrieval of any University-supplied equipment
  • take reasonable precautions necessary to secure the University’s equipment.
2.2 Supervisor responsibilities

The Supervisor must:

  • ensure the staff member is working in accordance with their Working from Home Agreement and adhering to UniSC policies and procedures,
  • review and sign off on records of hours worked (timesheets) as required
  • monitor and review the WFH agreement on a regular basis as recorded in the WFH agreement
  • schedule communication meetings including methods of disseminating information to staff who are working from home
  • where practicable, provide equipment and tools required to perform the tasks required (does not include workstation furniture, additional services or costs)
  • accurately document the ownership and usage arrangements of the equipment and assets.

3. Indemnity

The staff member indemnifies the University against all loss or damage to the staff member’s property and all claims by third parties in respect of personal injury and property damage except to the extent caused by the negligent act, error or omission of the University.

4. Services

Not all on-campus services are available or supportable when used from home. The staff member accepts this and agrees not to impose any overheads on the University for additional services.