Marketing and Communications - Operational Policy | UniSC | University of the Sunshine Coast, Queensland, Australia

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Marketing and Communications - Operational Policy

Approval authority
Vice-Chancellor and President
Responsible Executive member
Pro Vice-Chancellor (Global and Engagement)
Designated officer
Director, Marketing and Communications
First approved
5 September 2011
Last amended
17 April 2024
Review date
17 April 2029
Related documents
Related legislation / standards
  • Right to Information Act 2009 (Qld)
  • Disability Discrimination Act 1992 (Cth)
  • National Code of Practice for Providers of Education and Training to Overseas Students 2018
  • Information Privacy Act 2009 (Qld)
  • Defamation Act 2005 (Qld)
  • Fair Trading Act 1989 (Qld)
  • Student Charter

1. Purpose

1.1 This policy enables the University to protect and enhance its reputation by adopting a coordinated and consistent approach and creating a coherent, distinctive brand for its representations to external audiences.

1.2 The policy addresses the management of advertising, brand and corporate identity, design, events, marketing materials, media and social media, merchandise, sponsorship, student ambassadors and volunteers, student recruitment and the website, as well as the application of sustainability principles to Marketing activities.

2. Scope and application

2.1 This policy applies to all staff, students and other individuals working on behalf of the University where University funds and resources are being used to represent the University to domestic and international external audiences.

3. Definitions

3.1 Refer to the University’s Glossary of Terms for definitions as they specifically relate to policy documents.

4. Principles

The University’s approach to marketing and communications activities are underpinned by four key principles.

4.1 Protecting the reputation and image of the University is crucial to ensuring the future success as it affects the ability to recruit students and staff, and to attract funding for teaching and research.

4.1.1 To ensure adherence to this principle:

(a) all University staff, students must conduct themselves in accordance with the University’s Staff Code of Conduct – Governing Policy and students with the Student Conduct – Governing Policy;

(b) Government Relations must be consulted prior to any dealings or communications with governments or political parties;

(c) University partners must be guided in their conduct by contracts, agreements or Memoranda of Understanding in accordance with the Management of Contracts and Memoranda of Understanding (MOUs) - Governing Policy and Procedures.

4.2 Brand and corporate (visual) identity represents what the University stands for and must not be used in any way that deviates from the approved corporate identity strategy.

4.2.1 To ensure adherence to this principle:

(a) all applications of the University brand, whether produced by the University or third parties, must be checked for corporate identity compliance and approved by Marketing and Communications;

(b) no logos, slogans or tag lines can be developed or used to represent sections, units, internal departments, programs, initiatives, research centres, institutes, groups or communities that are wholly owned by the University;

(c) the UniSC logo cannot be used by students, student clubs or associations, or staff for assignments, outside work, unless using pre-approved branded templates, or with written approval from Marketing and Communications;

(d) the use of the UniSC logo (or the logo variants) and corporate identity must adhere the UniSC Brand Guidelines;

(e) special logos or branding for joint ventures can only be developed when required by Commonwealth Government grant arrangements and must be approved by the Director, Marketing and Communications and Deputy Vice-Chancellor (Research and Innovation).

4.3 Marketing, advertising and campaigns activities must be centrally managed by Marketing and Communications.

4.3.1 To ensure adherence to this principle:

(a) all design and production work intended for external audiences, must be undertaken by designers, producers or other suppliers briefed and managed by Marketing and Communications;

(b) all design and production work must be approved by Marketing and Communications prior to production, this includes any advertisements that are not paid for by the University or are partially paid for by the University and which carry the UniSC logo;

(c) Marketing and Communications appoints and manages advertising agencies to provide professional advice, media and creative services for corporate branding and program marketing campaigns and other key projects. All agency briefs are managed through Marketing and Communications with the exception of employment advertising which is coordinated through People and Culture; and

(d) external organisations are not permitted to advertise in UniSC print, online and web communications.

4.4 University’s internal and external marketing and communications activities must be completed in a standardised approach and coordinated in a sustainable manner.

4.4.1 To ensure adherence to this principle:

(a) the University expects that staff will use the channels and associated tools for University purposes and in compliance the Staff Code of Conduct – Governing Policy;

(b) all University marketing and communications activities are undertaken in a sustainable manner and in accordance with the Sustainability – Operating Policy; and

(c) all information disseminated to staff through MyUniSC is published by trained content authors to ensure it is relevant, accessible, accurate and appropriate in tone, content quality and quantity, and is aligned to reinforce the University’s vision and strategic priorities.

5. Policy

5.1 Media relations

5.1.1 All media relations activities, contact with any media outlets and media visits to any University campuses or facilities must be directed through Strategic Communications.

5.1.2 During a critical incident, all communications with the media must be arranged and managed in accordance with the Critical Incident Management - Governing Policy.

5.1.3 The Vice-Chancellor and President, is the principal spokesperson for the University’s response to government policy (including action or decision of a government or political party) and corporate issues.

5.1.4 Academic staff are encouraged to share their expertise with media on matters of community interest.

5.1.5 All staff who are likely to be required to do media interviews should seek to complete the approved media training program.

5.2 Student recruitment

5.2.1 Marketing and Communications develops and delivers marketing strategies to recruit domestic students for undergraduate and postgraduate programs. Program-specific marketing plans are developed by Marketing and Communications in collaboration with University Schools.

5.2.2 Any requests to engage in activities relating to student recruitment must be immediately referred to the Manager, Future Students.

5.2.3 Marketing and Communications is responsible for developing and maintaining an audience of highly-engaged contacts including schools (primary and secondary), prospective students and community members. The Customer Relationship Management (CRM) system is a tool which facilitates direct, scalable outbound communication with these audiences, ranging from mass content dissemination to one-on-one relationship management. Communications with prospective students and schools must be managed through this CRM environment.

5.2.4 Domestic student recruitment Marketing and Communications manages the University’s program of communication and engagement with primary and secondary schools. This includes:

(a) building and maintaining relationships with schools, guidance officers, career advisers and teachers;

(b) coordinating the representation of the University at a range of school events including school visits, careers expos, subject selection evenings and awards evenings;

(c) overseeing all communication to schools and their school communities (including parents and guardians); and

(d) developing school engagement, outreach and student recruitment activitiesfor students and teachers. Domestic student recruitment events are managed by Marketing and Communications. No other area of the University are permitted to have a separate presence at events unless requested by Marketing and Communications. Communication and engagement with schools is coordinated by Marketing and Communications. All staff outside this department are not permitted to initiate contact with schools for promotion, marketing or student recruitment purposes. Staff requested by Marketing and Communications to represent the University at domestic student recruitment events must receive a relevant briefing by Marketing and Communications prior to attendance.

5.2.5 International student recruitment The International Office is responsible for international student recruitment both directly and via recruitment agents and overseas institutions from which international students are sourced. The International Office must:

(a) ensure that its student recruitment and related marketing activities are consistent with the requirements of the ESOS Act and honour the standards of the associated National Code;

(b) work within the brand parameters developed by Marketing and Communications; and

(c) ensure that any international student recruitment activities in Queensland schools are consistent with the recruitment requirements for domestic students.

5.3 Student ambassadors and volunteers

5.3.1 Student ambassadors are current students who are trained and paid to deliver various student recruitment and community engagement activities on behalf of the University.

5.3.2 Marketing and Communications is responsible for the approval, management and rostering of student ambassadors.

5.3.3 Students who are present at student recruitment and community engagement events but are not official student ambassadors are deemed to be volunteers. They can be used to communicate with prospective students at recruitment events or engagement activities provided Marketing and Communications approves their use in writing and briefs them on University priorities and messages prior to them attending.

5.4 Merchandise and promotional materials

5.4.1 Marketing and Communications approves production of all official University merchandise and promotional materials ensuring that they all materials are aligned with corporate identity standards.

5.4.2 All University merchandise is available for purchase by both individuals and organisational units through Print Services.

5.5 Website

6.5.1 There is one University corporate website. Other websites must not be developed or used to represent sections or activities within the University, including the establishment of non-UniSC domains or URLs.

5.5.2 Marketing and Communications is responsible for the management, development and maintenance of the University’s website including its structure, content (written and visual), development and design. Architecture of the website is jointly managed by Marketing and Communications and Information Technology Services with due consideration of relevant Queensland and Commonwealth legislation, accessibility guidelines, national university benchmarking, trends, and user needs.

5.5.3 Specific links on the University homepage are approved by the Director, Marketing and Communications and are reserved for high-level corporate branding, major events and major student recruitment activities.

5.5.4 Website content management All content on the corporate website must be original or sanctioned University copy, or appropriately acknowledged. The corporate website candisplay or link to content sourced from other University corporate information systems. It must not display content simply duplicated from external websites, however links to external websites can be included with the approval of Marketing and Communications. Staff producing content (written and visual) must follow the University’s relevant guidelines and where relevant utilise Marketing and Communications preferred suppliers to deliver content-related projects. Accuracy of academic program information is the responsibility of the relevant School Dean, and must comply with UniSC’s Brand Guidelines. Web authors and coordinators must be nominated by their Cost Centre Managers, and delegated the responsibility to deliver quality content via the corporate website on behalf of their host units. Web author and coordinator nominations are approved by Marketing and Communications and must satisfactorily complete training in the use of the corporate website’s content management system and its compliance requirements prior to being given editing rights. Where a joint venture is established with an external organisation, an external website can be developed but the developer must take responsibility for legislative compliance and regular updating of information. Content on the external website should not simply duplicate information contained on the University corporate website but can link to the University corporate website. The joint venture website can also appear as part of the University corporate website. Where areas of the University supply information for placement on external websites, they are responsibile for maintaining accuracy of this content. Marketing and Communications must approve all content (written and visual) before it is published on the website.

5.6 Internal Communication

5.6.1 Staff are encouraged to share information with their peers and the University community about activities and events which have an association with the University.

5.6.2 Email Communications Staff are required to read the all staff emails which they receive. It is the responsibility of staff to regularly check their official University email accounts for such email messages. Only the Vice-Chancellor and President, can send all staff emails. The use of large group staff email distribution lists is limited to senior staff accountable for the function and subject matter the group relates to. The requirements which apply to all staff emails also apply to emails sent using distribution lists.

5.6.3 Enterprise Social Networks Enterprise social networks allow groups to work and communicate together without meeting face to face or communicating via emails. Groups may only be established for University related purposes, activities or events. Use of these networks must comply with Social Media - Operational Policy and Procedures.

5.6.4 Internal Communication Managment Roles and responsibilities:

(a) Marketing and Communicationsis responsible for developing annual internal communications content calendars;

(b) the Information and Analytics Unit is responsible for administering the University’s intranet (MyUniSC) and distribution of the University’s internal communications newsletter (MyUniSC Digest);

(c) accredited MyUniSC content authors from all areas of the University are responsible for writing and publishing appropriate content on the intranet and for inclusion in the internal communications e-newsletter; and

(d) Directors, Deans and members of Executive group are responsible for approving contributions by their staff for the intranet and internal e-newsletter.

5.7 Event Management

5.7.1 Marketing and Communications is responsible for the planning and delivery of major University events including but not limited to graduation ceremonies, building and campus openings and open days.

5.7.2 Corporate functions hosted by any organisational unit are those which involve representation at UniSC Executive level with dignitaries, government officials, political parties and other community members. They include events such as industry networking events, centre launches and ministerial visits.

5.7.3 Planning for corporate functions is undertaken by the host cost centre with advice from Marketing and Communications and Government Relations. The host organisational unit is responsible for obtaining approval for the function and for the full implementation of the function, including costs. Marketing and Communication assists in appropriate pre-promotion and media coverage of corporate events. When media representatives are invited to corporate functions, as guests or in anticipation of the event receiving media coverage, this invitation must be made in consultation with the Associate Director, Strategic Communications.

6. Authority and Compliance

6.1 The Vice-Chancellor and Predient make this policy in accordance with the University of the Sunshine Coast Act 1998 (Qld).

6.2 The Pro-Vice Chancellor (Global and Engagement) is authorised to make procedures and guidelines for the operation of this Policy. The procedures and guidelines must be compatible with the provisions of this policy.

6.3 The Director, Marketing and Communications is authorised to make associated documents to support the application of policy documents. These must be compatible with the provisions of this policy.

6.4 This policy operates from the Last Amended date, will all previous policies related to marketing and communications are replaced and have no further operation from this date.

6.5 All records relating to marketing and communications must be stored and managed in accordance with the Information Management – Governing Policy.

6.6 This policy must be maintained in accordance with the Policy Framework – Procedures and reviewed on the standard 5 year policy review cycle.

6.7 Any exception to this policy to enable a more appropriate result must be approved in accordance with the Policy Framework – Procedures prior to the deviation of the policy document.

6.8 Refer to Schedule C of the Delegations Manual for operational and administrative authorisations set out in this policy.

6.9 The following authorities/responsibilities are delegated under this policy:


University Officer/Committee

Check compliance and approve applications of the UniSC name, logo or slogan, whether produced by the University or third parties

Marketing and Communications

Approve designers, requests and all design and production work intended for external audiences, including publications and marketing materials (printed, electronic and audio-visual/video content)

Marketing and Communications

Arrange Official University media releases

Marketing and Communications

Principal spokesperson for the University on matters of policy and corporate issues

Vice-Chancellor and President

Develop and deliver marketing strategies to recruit domestic students for undergraduate and postgraduate programs

Marketing and Communications

Manages the University’s program of communication and engagement with schools

Marketing and Communications

Authorise and brief staff to present or represent the University at domestic student recruitment events

Marketing and Communications

Responsible for international student recruitment both directly and via recruitment agents and overseas institutions from which international students are sourced

International Office

Responsible for the recruitment of student ambassadors

Marketing and Communications

Appoints and manages advertising agencies to provide professional advice, media and creative services for corporate branding and program marketing campaigns and other key projects

Marketing and Communications

Approve all advertisements for editorial, brand and legal compliance prior to dispatch.

Director, Marketing and Communications

Approval of UniSC logo use

Marketing and Communications

Responsible for the management, development and maintenance of the University’s website including its structure, content (written and visual), development and design

Marketing and Communications

Approves and coordinates production of all official UniSC merchandise and promotional materials

Marketing and Communications