Golf Carts: Safe use on campus - Procedures | UniSC | University of the Sunshine Coast, Queensland, Australia

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Golf Carts: Safe use on campus - Procedures

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Approval authority
Chief Operating Officer
Responsible Executive member
Chief Operating Officer
Designated officer
Director, Facilities Management
First approved
24 February 2020
Last amended
28 August 2024
Review date
24 February 2025
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Related legislation / standards
  • University of the Sunshine Coast Act 1998 (Qld)
  • Work Health & Safety Act 2011 (Qld)
  • Transport Operations (Road Management) Act 1995 (Qld)
  • Guideline for Conditionally Registered Vehicles in Queensland

1. Purpose of procedures

1.1 The purpose of these procedures is to provide information to all operators on the safe use of Golf Carts on University premises.

2. Scope and application

2.1 The procedures apply to the operation of Golf Carts at all University premises (excluding third-party managed campuses).

2.2 For the purposes of these guidelines, the USC Catering minivan is considered golf cart, and drivers must follow the guidelines as they would apply to approved contractors.

2.3 Neighbouring residents or organisations (e.g. Schools or businesses located in close-proximity to University premises) and other visitors who access the University are subject to these conditions and must not operate golf carts within University grounds without prior approval.

2.4 Mobility Scooters are out of scope of these guidelines. Mobility scooters are individual vehicles designed and built for a person with mobility difficulties and must be pre-approved by USC AccessAbility prior to being used on University property.

3. Definitions

Please refer to the University’s Glossary of Terms for policies and procedures. Terms and definitions identified below are specific to these procedures and are critical to its effectiveness:

Golf Cart refers to small vehicle that transports people and equipment which is either gasoline or electric. This comes in many forms and under multiple brands, and may include buggies, all-terrain vehicles (ATVs) and small utility vehicles. Golf carts does not include Mobility Scooters.

4. Authorised Golf Cart Operators

4.1 Only authorised staff and students and University approved contractors may operate a Golf Cart. Each department that operates Golf Carts must take responsibility for approving driver use of their own carts. To become an authorised Golf Cart operator, the following criteria must be met:

(a) the person operating a Golf Cart must hold a valid Australian Driver’s Licence;

(b) Golf Cart familiarisation should be undertaken from the supplier on the initial purchase of the vehicle to the relevant sections/departments;

(c) further familiarisation training should be conducted by the supervisors of the section/department for any additional drivers/operators. Supervisors should be experienced golf cart drivers. Evidence of this training should be contained within training records held by each department;

(d) once the familiarisation training has been completed, it is the responsibility of the driver to adhere to Queensland road regulations whilst operating the Golf Cart; and

(e) all accidents/incidents repairs and breakdowns are to be reported to Facilities Management.

5. Permissible and Prohibited Areas of Use

5.1 The Use of Golf Carts is permitted on the University’s Sunshine Coast and Moreton Bay Campuses, except as set forth on the Campus Golf Cart Route Map (attached to windshield of carts); which indicate the permissible (“Go Zones”) and prohibited (“No Go Zones”) areas of use; in addition to the specified areas of prohibited use, Golf Carts should not be operated in areas of prohibited use.

5.2 All Golf Carts are prohibited in driving off road and must abide by the Campus Golf Car Route Maps as provided in the appendices.

5.3 Golf Carts are conditionally registered and should comply with Guideline for Conditionally Registered Vehicles in Queensland, as published by the Department of Transport and Main Roads.

5.4 Use of ‘No Go Zones’ shall be permitted in the following circumstances only:

(a) in response to an emergency;

(b) when necessary to access a building entrance due to a disabled driver or passenger; or

(c) in special circumstances such as when access is required (with prior approval required by Facilities Management); or

(d) as necessary, revised routes and/or maps will be sent out via Facilities Management to a designated contact person for each Department that operates a Golf Cart in order to advise of temporary changes in approved/prohibited areas of used due to construction or other projects or events. It will be the responsibility of the designated contact person to distribute this information for all Golf Cart operators.

5.5 Golf Cart users must restrict movement inside high pedestrian areas during teaching times, walking pace must be observed around pedestrians.

5.6 Golf Carts should avoid covered areas around buildings, including the use of breezeways between buildings.

5.7 If Golf Carts are required to use covered areas for delivery, then walking pace must be observed with pedestrians holding right of way.

5.8 The preferred pathways for travel during class times is on the specified paths around the campus as shown on the Campus Golf Cart Route Map.

6. Parking

6.1 Parking of Golf Carts is only allowed on hard, paved surfaces (e.g. asphalt, concrete and brick) or on packed gravel surfaces. Parking in any of the following areas is strictly prohibited:

(a) on soft surfaces such as landscaping, unpaved surfaces (except for packed gravel surfaces), and areas covered by mulch, pine bark or straw; and

(b) in front of entrances to buildings, stairways, disabled access ramps or main thoroughfares, and emergency egress areas.

6.2 Exceptions to parking rules apply only if a Golf Cart is:

(a) delivering equipment/materials/food to a building that does not have a parking space near the building entrance (the Golf Cart may be temporarily parked in front of the building to allow them to be delivered; however, no more than twenty (20) minutes shall be allowed for such equipment delivery);

(b) transporting a passenger with a disability or mobility issue (the Golf Cart may park on a sidewalk close to a building’s entrance to assist the passenger with access to the building); or

(c) used to perform landscaping or project planning activities (the Golf Cart may park as close to the work areas as possible, so long as the Golf Cart does not block the entrance to a building, a stairway, disabled access ramp emergency access or main thoroughfare).

7. Golf Cart Requirements

7.1 All new Golf Carts are to be delivered to Facilities Management by contacting (07) 5430 1195 for the following:

(a) a sticker on the back of the Golf Cart bearing the Security phone number (07-5430 1168) for reports of policy violations;

(b) a speed limit sticker (20km p/hour) will be fitted to the inside of the Golf Cart. A laminated copy of the Campus Golf Cart Route Map is to be maintained in the Golf Cart;

(c) verification that the Golf Cart is equipped with an audible warning device to be used when the Golf Cart is in reverse;

(d) verification that the golf Cart is equipped with a strobe light; and

(e) verification that the Golf Cart is equipped with seat belts and a full rear-view mirror.

7.2 If the Golf Cart is not equipped with these items, they will be installed, and the responsible department of the Golf Cart will be charged as necessary by Facilities Management.

7.3 All vehicles are to have a service schedule in place in line with University requirement to ensure the vehicle is fit for purpose and safe to use. All maintenance and servicing costs are the responsibility of the department that own a golf cart. Servicing and maintenance needs to be arranged through Facilities Management and an approved service provider is to be used to ensure all vehicles remain fit for purpose and safe to use in line with this procedure.

8. Safety

8.1 All Golf Cart operators shall abide by the following safety rules. Any violation of safety will result in disciplinary action:

(a) General Operation: Golf Carts shall not be operated in a manner that may endanger operators, passengers and other individuals or damage property;

(b) Speed Limits: On Campus Roads, Golf Carts shall not exceed posted speed limits of 20km per hour. In areas of congestion or around buildings within normal hours of operation (8am-6pm) all Golf Carts must travel at walking pace. A speed limit decal is fitted to the inside of the Golf Cart reminding users of this procedure;

(c) Seat Belts: Seatbelts must be worn by the driver and any passengers at all time when operating the Golf Cart;

(d) Passenger Limit and Load Capacity: Occupancy shall not exceed the passenger limit and load capacity designated by the Golf Carts manufacturers;

(e) Passenger and Operator Safety: Passengers and Golf Cart operators must keep all parts of their body within the cab of the Golf Cart. Under no circumstance is anyone to ride standing in or on the back of a Golf Cart or to step or jump from the Golf Cart until it has stopped moving;

(f) Mobile phone/Headphones: Golf Cart operators are prohibited from using all electronic devices when operating the Golf Cart;

(g) Audible Warning Device: All Golf Carts must be equipped with an audible warning device when reversing;

(h) Strobe Light: All Golf Carts are to be fitted with strobe lights that operate when the Golf Cart is operating;

(i) Headlights: All Golf Carts must be fitted with headlights and used for operation at night and/or low driver visibility.


Campus Golf Cart Route Map – Sunshine Coast Campus

Campus Golf Cart Route Map – Moreton Bay Campus