Catering - Operational Policy | UniSC | University of the Sunshine Coast, Queensland, Australia

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Catering - Operational Policy

Approval authority
Vice-Chancellor and President
Responsible Executive member
Chief Operating Officer
Designated officer
Director, Facilities Management
First approved
26 November 2002
Last amended
6 June 2022
Review date
15 July 2024
Related documents
Related legislation / standards
  • Work Health & Safety Act 2011 (Qld)

1. Purpose of policy

1.1 The following policy defines the purposes and conditions of the University’s provision of Catering services.

2. Policy scope and application

2.1 This policy applies to all University premises or facilities.

3. Definitions

Please refer to the University’s Glossary of Terms for policies and procedures. Terms and definitions identified below are specific to this policy and are critical to its effectiveness:

Catering means the provision of food and/or beverage services.

Catering area means those areas of the campus that are deemed to comply with all applicable health, safety and food legislation.

Event means an occasion for which the use of University facilities by an internal or external client is approved.

External client means an individual, entity, or group hiring University facilities or services and having no contractual or academic arrangements with the University.

External caterer means any provider of food and/or beverages that is not USC Venues and Catering.

Event organiser means either an external or internal individual, entity, or group hiring University facilities.

Hire means an arrangement for the use of university facilities which is outside the scope of normal academic timetabling.

Internal client means an individual or group directly associated with the University through contractual or academic arrangements.

Sponsored event means an event approved as fully or partially sponsored by the University.

4. Policy statement

4.1 The University is committed to the provision of high-quality catering services to students, staff, and internal and external clients. Where possible, this service will be provided in a manner which is consistent with the University’s strategic goals on regional engagement and environmental sustainability.

5. Principles

5.1 Food outlets on campus

5.1.1 The University has exclusive rights to operate or lease food outlets on University premises.

5.2. Catering to events

5.2.1 USC Venues and Catering and/or the campus food outlet tenant must be considered for any catering to events held on University premises.

5.2.2 Substantial catering suitable to the event must be available where alcohol will be served. Any events organised or controlled on University premises or facilities involving alcohol are required to abide by the Liquor Use – Operational Policy.

5.2.3 Events where alcohol will not be served may be catered by an external caterer of the choosing of the event organiser, as long as they meet the requirements of this policy.

5.2.4 Where a School/Department chooses to sponsor an event or venue hire, all associated charges as advised by USC Venues and Catering will be forwarded to that School/Department. The School/Department must complete the Sponsorship Application and forward with the Venue Usage Application to USC Venues and Catering.

5.2.5 All requests for catering from USC Venues and Catering must be made using the Application for Catering Services form and payment in full is required prior to the event or a purchase order number covering the full amount from a government department must be received.

5.2.6 The University reserves the right to refuse catering to any event.

5.2.7 The University shall provide available information on the sustainability of the menu at the request of a client.

5.3. Using External Caterers

5.3.1 University facilities will be booked adhering to the Resources - Room Bookings – Operational Policy and the Hire of University Facilities – Operational Policy.

5.3.2. USC Venues and Catering must be notified in advance if you intend to utilise an external caterer and/or the catering areas. Visit the Queensland Government Food Safety website for more information on safety regulations. Home-made items cannot be served at Events on University premises that cater to external clients or students.

5.3.3 Event organisers must discuss all aspects of the event with USC Venues and Catering and submit a Safety Checklist for Events Risk Assessment for approval by the University prior to the Event.

5.3.4 Event organisers or their external caterers are responsible for full clean-up immediately after the Event, including food preparation/service areas and reception spaces. The facility must be left in “broom clean” or better condition. External caterers must collect and take off-campus all rubbish generated by the Event. Failure to comply will result in additional cleaning fees which will be charged according to the Application for Venue/Equipment Hire. The organiser can request to use the University's Container Refund Scheme bins for acceptable containers.

5.3.5 All caterers must be self-contained, including food preparation, serving and cleaning facilities.

5.4. Applicable health, safety and food legislation

5.4.1 The provision of catering on University premises, whether by the University or otherwise, is required to meet all applicable health, safety and food legislation. A checklist of requirements is available from USC Venues and Catering.

5.4.2 In the case of catering undertaken by the University, the Vice-Chancellor and President is responsible for ensuring compliance with all relevant health, safety and food legislation.

5.4.3 In the case of catering undertaken by any other body on University premises, that body is responsible for ensuring compliance with all relevant health, safety and food legislation.

5.4.4 To ensure compliance to all relevant health, safety and food legislation, only certain facilities can be catered to. Approval of catering areas is required from USC Venues and Catering.

5.5. Prices

5.5.1 Prices charged for catering to external clients by USC Venues and Catering will normally be on a full cost recovery basis, in view of the obligation of public institutions to compete fairly with the private sector.

5.5.2 A schedule of prices for food and beverages will be approved by the Chief Operating Officer and reviewed at least annually.

5.5.3 The schedule of prices may be discounted where catering is provided to a sponsored event with the approval of the Vice-Chancellor and President. The sponsoring party will then pay the difference.

5.6. Sustainability

5.6.1 The University is committed to sustainable practices and encourages the minimisation of all waste on campus, in particular plastic. University food outlets and catering services use reusable catering supplies and/or catering supplies compatible with the University’s on-site composting apparatus (OSCA); and align waste management streams with the campus-wide recycling program.

5.6.2 Subject to certain exceptions, the purchase, sale, or free distribution of single-use plastic bottled water shall not be permitted in any university facilities, or at any official University-hosted or sponsored events on University premises, including graduation ceremonies and sporting club events.

5.6.3 Where no alternative exists, all flavoured beverages sold or distributed on university facilities must be sourced from non-plastic materials such as glass, aluminium or waxed cardboard and must be either compostable or recyclable.

5.6.4 Exceptions to 5.6.2 above may include:

(a) large water bottles over 3 litre capacity may be used for water coolers and table top fountains;

(b) until alternatives can be identified, box lunches that are intended to be carried elsewhere;

(c) bottled water may be stored and distributed as a matter of emergency preparedness;

(d) during emergency situations or where there are hydration requirements for individuals outside of University facilities; or

(e) where other legal or contractual reasons are present.

5.6.5 Where possible the University shall give preference to food that is sustainably sourced, farmed or caught.