Professor Mark Brown | UniSC | University of the Sunshine Coast, Queensland, Australia

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Professor Mark Brown

MEng Queb., BScFE New Br.

  • Director, Forest Research Institute, Director, Forest Industries Research Centre, Professor of Forestry Operations
  • Director, Australian Forest Operations Research Alliance (AFORA)
+61 7 5459 4483
Office location
SD B.1.01
Sunshine Coast

Mark grew up in the forest industry and from the family sawmill went on to get his Bachelor of Science in Forest Engineering from the University of New Brunswick and become a researcher with the Forest Engineering Research Institute of Canada (FERIC).

His research focused on forest transportation efficiency and road maintenance management.

Through this time as a researcher at FERIC, Mark obtained a Masters in Engineering from the Université du Québec. After six years as a researcher Mark took on the leadership of the transportation group at FERIC.

In September 2007, Mark left FERIC to take a program leader role with CRC forestry in Australia providing research and solutions in forest operations for the Australian forest industry.

Through CRC Forestry Mark worked on building an extended collaborative research network and, in addition to managing the harvesting and operations program, was responsible for managing broader industry engagement for the CRC for Forestry.

In 2012 Mark moved to the University of the Sunshine Coast (UniSC) where he has had a key role in the establishment of the Australian Forest Operations Research Alliance (AFORA) (2012) and the Forest Industries Research Centre (FIRC) (2013) at UniSC.

As with Mark's past applied forestry research both AFORA and FIRC were established and are being grown around strong collaboration with industry through national and international networks.

Professional Memberships 

  • IEA Bioenergy – Australian Executive member
  • IEA Bioenergy – Task 43 – biomass supply, national task leader
  • IEA Bioenergy – Communications committee member
  • International Journal of Forest Engineering – editorial panel member
  • Australian Journal of Forestry – editorial board member
  • Institute of Foresters Australia – member and RPF
  • Forest Products Society – member
  • Standards Australia. ISO technical committee 248 sustainability standard for bioenergy – member
  • FP7 INFRES project on mobilizing bioenergy supply chains in Europe – technical adviser

Research Grants

Project name Investigators Funding body Year(s) Focus

Australian Industrial Plantation Herbicide Management Consordium

Mark Brown

Forest and Wood Products Australia Limited (FWPA)

2018 - 2022

Improved management and application of weed control

Export log and wood chip supply chain management

M Brown, M Acuna, M Ghaffariyan, M Strandgard, R Mitchell

Forest and Wood Products Australia Limited (FWPA)


Improved management of volume and quality in export supply chains

Log drying for efficient supply chains

M Brown, M Acuna, M Ghaffariyan, M Strandgard, R Mitchell

Forest and Wood Products Australia Limited (FWPA) &
Australian Renewable Energy Agency (ARENA)



Establishing drying curves/regimes to reduce costs and improve value in forest supply chains

Australian Forest Operations Research Alliance (AFORA)

M Brown, M Acuna, M Ghaffariyan, M Strandgard, R Mitchell

Australian forest industry


Forest supply chains

Potential Research Projects for HDR & Honours Students

Optimised performance based designed trucks for forestry transportation in Australia

Optimised logistic planning and management for forestry transportation

Affecting change with contractors while maintaining an independent business relationship

Promoting the acceptance and adoption of new technology and work methods within the forestry workforce

Quantify the impact of alternative harvesting systems on the production capacity, cost and effectiveness of harvest operations

The phycology of technology change in the forest industry: understanding drivers and resistance to change

Implementation of operational tracking technology for improved resource management and machine productivity

Data capture and management for efficient forest supply chains

Alternative business models for multi-stakeholder/multi-product forest supply chains

Research areas

  • Forest transport efficiency
  • Forest supply chain management and optimisation
  • Biomass supply chain efficiency
  • Driving innovation from applied research

Teaching areas

  • Forest Operations Management

Professor Mark Brown's specialist areas of knowledge include forest transport efficiency, forest supply chain management and optimisation, biomass supply chain efficiency and driving innovation from applied research

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In the news

UniSC Professor to lead International Energy Agency program
10 Jan

The UniSC’s Professor Mark Brown is leading the global development of the bioenergy industry as the newly appointed Chair of the International Energy Agency Bioenergy program.