Dr Trudi Flynn | UniSC | University of the Sunshine Coast, Queensland, Australia

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Dr Trudi Flynn

PhD (Psych) Deakin, CPPD ClinHyp TVU, BA (Hons)(Psych) Deakin, Adv Dip TAT, Ikon.

  • Lecturer, Counselling
  • School of Law and Society
+61 7 5459 4660
Office location
Sunshine Coast

Dr Trudi Flynn is a teaching and research academic within the Discipline of Counselling. Trudi completed her foundational degrees and PhD in Psychology, and her Post-Doctoral Research Fellowship in Mental Health, before completing further studies in Art Therapy. Trudi has worked therapeutically in the fields of adolescent and adult substance dependence, eating disorders, palliative care, and with groups and individuals within the broader community setting. Trudi has taught actively within the tertiary context since 2013, and joined the USC Counselling academic team in 2018. She currently teaches across a range of counselling frameworks, incorporating both verbal and integrative arts approaches within her teaching.

Professional memberships

  • Australia, New Zealand and Asian Creative Arts Therapies Association (ANZACATA);

  • Australian Psychological Society (APS)

  • Member of the Australian Psychological Society (MAPS)

Research grants

 Grant/Project Name Investigators Funding body Focus
2023; UniSC: School of Health Collaborative Initiatives Scheme Jukes, Stafford, Pelly, Meredith, Summers, Small, Jona, Esparza, Flynn, Thomson $9,851

Introducing an interprofessional learning experience into a multidisciplinary clinic: Student outcomes and staff perceptions

2022; Little Haven Palliative Care Inc

Rosenberg, Flynn, Merollini,  Davis $50,000

Evaluation of a community centred regional Palliative Care Service model.

2021; Coast2Bay Housing Group Crane, Flynn, McKinlay, Wise, Innes $26,000

Development of a housing initiative for older women experiencing housing insecurity

2017; FBD CareFusion Craswell, Bennet, Dalgleish, Morris-Smith, Hansen, Flynn & Wallis $46,500

Impact of automated medication dispensing units on nursing workflow

Research areas

  • Arts-based approaches in integrative counsellor practice
  • Counsellor education
  • Programs evaluation
  • Professional reflective practice process
  • Arts-integrative research

Teaching areas

  • Ethics and Reflective Practice
  • Counselling in Mental Health
  • Mindfulness
  • Strengths-Based Counselling
  • Counselling and Addiction

Dr Trudi Flynn’s specialist areas of knowledge include counselling, art therapy, arts in counselling education, transpersonal orientations in counselling, mindfulness, eating disorders and addiction. She is experienced in the conduct and supervision of social science and arts-inclusive research methodologies.

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