Dr Caitlin Hill | UniSC | University of the Sunshine Coast, Queensland, Australia

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Dr Caitlin Hill

PhD CQU, GradCert(MuscPhysio) La Trobe, BPhysio(hons) UniMelb

  • Lecturer, Physiotherapy
  • School of Health
+61 7 5456 3490
Office location
Sunshine Coast
Caitlin Hill

Caitlin Hill is a registered physiotherapist with 14 years of clinical experience in musculoskeletal and neurological caseloads, including time as a clinical educator at Central Queensland University (CQU) in Rockhampton. Caitlin has taught a wide range of content in exercise and sports science and physiotherapy at CQU, covering anatomy, physiology, pathophysiology, biomechanics, motor control and learning, sports injury prevention and rehabilitation, and sports medicine.

Caitlin was successful in gaining a research stipend to investigate the effects of therapeutic tape in tennis elbow and was awarded her PhD at CQU in 2021. Currently, Caitlin is working on a project investigating powerlifting in para-athletes, and is looking to develop a research portfolio that capitalises on her biomechanical and clinical research experience.

Professional Membership

  • Australian Physiotherapy Association
  • Australian Healthcare Practitioner Regulation Agency

Professional Social Media

Grant/project name


Funding body and AUD$ value


Focus of research grant

The effects of biomechanical tape on pain and function in lateral elbow tendinopathy

Dr Caitlin Hill

Dr Crystal Kean

Dr Luke Heales

Dr Robert Stanton



Project costs

Research areas

  • Biomechanics
  • Clinical interventions

Teaching areas

  • PTY100 Introduction to Physiotherapy Practice A
  • SPX221 Sports and Exercise Medicine
  • SPX302 Exercise in Musculoskeletal Health
  • SPX202 Biomechanics I