Associate Professor Dominique Potvin | UniSC | University of the Sunshine Coast, Queensland, Australia

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Associate Professor Dominique Potvin

PhD Melb., MSc W.Ont., BSc (Hons) Qu.

  • Associate Professor, Animal Ecology
  • Lead for Diversity, Equity and Inclusion
  • School of Science, Technology and Engineering
  • Member, Centre for Bioinnovation
+617 5459 4462
Office location
Moreton Bay
Dominique Potvin

Dominique is an Associate Professor in Animal Ecology at the Moreton Bay campus. Dominique's research interests encompass two major avenues of study: 1) The proximate and ultimate sources of selection contributing to the evolution of vocalizations, especially birdsong; and 2) The impact of anthropogenic activities such as urbanization, noise and land use changes on vertebrate populations. Dominique uses a very interdisciplinary and broad-scale approach to investigate these themes, incorporating genetics, bioacoustics, ecology, physiology and even neuroscience.

Dominique also has an interest in Bayesian statistics, ornithological methods and evidence-based university teaching.

Dominique is the Membership Officer for the Australasian Society for the Study of Animal Behaviour, an Associate Editor for the journal Emu: Austral Ornithology and a Subject Editor for the Journal of Avian Biology.

Any students interested in pursuing a potential research project can contact Dominique via email.


Professional memberships

  • Australian Bird and Bat Banding Authority A-Class
  • Australian Bird Studies Association
  • Australasian Ornithologist’s Union
  • Australasian Society for the Study of Animal Behaviour (Membership Officer)

Research areas

  • evolution of birdsong
  • noise effects on animal behaviour and development
  • urbanisation effects on behaviour and genetics
  • ornithological methodology

Teaching areas

  • ANM103 How Animals Work: Form, Function and Evolution
  • ENS222 Terrestrial Vertebrates (Course Coordinator)

Dr Dominique Potvin's specialist areas of knowledge are ornithology, birds, animal behaviour and evolution.

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