General enquiries
Street address
UniSC Sunshine Coast
90 Sippy Downs Drive
Sippy Downs
Queensland 4556
Our people
Core researchers
Professor Steven J.R. Underhill
Director, Australian Centre for Pacific Islands Research | Professor, Horticulture
Associate Professor Sarah Burkhart
Associate Professor, Nutrition and Dietetics | School of Health -
Associate Professor Saskia De Klerk
Associate Professor, International Business | Discipline Lead, Marketing, International Business and Tourism | School of Business and Creative Industries -
Dr Georgia Kafer
Senior Lecturer in Biomedical Sciences | School of Health -
Dr Lee McGowan
Senior Lecturer, Creative Writing | School of Business and Creative Industries -
Dr Thane Militz
Project Scientist, Sustainable Tropical Aquaculture -
Professor Patrick D. Nunn
Professor of Geography | Director of the Sustainability Research Centre | School of Law and Society -
Professor Paul Southgate
Professor, Sustainable Tropical Aquaculture -
Dr Libby Swanepoel
Senior Lecturer, Nutrition and Dietetics | School of Health
- Adj Prof John Chapman - Pacific Islands developing fruit industries
- Adj A/Prof Richard Markham - Sustainable natural resource management
- Prof John Herbohn - Reforestation for livelihood strategies of smallholders and communities in tropical countries
- Adj Research Fellow Dr Pranesh Kishore - Development of high-quality pearl production (based in Fiji)
- Adj Research Fellow Dr Monal Lal - Pearl oyster genetics (based in Fiji)
- Adj A/ Prof Seeseei Molimau-Samasoni - Postharvest horticulture, agriculture and natural crops (based in Samoa)
- Adj Research Fellow Dr Cathy Hair - Sea cucumbers, community-based farming methods and sustainable mariculture development (based in PNG and Australia)
- Adj A/Prof Soane Patolo - Rural development and engagement (based in Tonga)
- Adj A/Prof Lex Thompson - Pacific agroforestry / botany
- Adj Research Fellow Dr Samantha Nowland - Aquaculture, tropical rock oyster culture in remote communities
- Adj Research Fellow Ms Jessica Raneri - Senior Nutrition-Sensitive Agriculture Advisor with ACIAR and DFAT
- Adj Senior Lecturer Dr Wayne Hancock - Horticulture, agriculture and plant genetics
- Adj A/Prof William Kerua - Agribusiness and extension agriculture, fisheries, and forestry (based in Fiji)
- Adj Lecturer Dr Suliasi Vunibola - Indigenous community resilience in the Pacific
- Adj A/Prof Liesel Carlsson - Global Food Security and Sovereignty, Food Culture, Food Systems.
- Dr Vikki Schaffer - Sustainable tourism
- Dr Dana Craven - Nutrition and Dietetics
- Dr Christine Jacobson - Agriculture extension and resilience
- Dr Cooper Schouten - Beekeeping / honey bee and agricultural research
- Ms Salote Waqairatu - Aquaculture and agribusiness (based in Fiji)
- Ms Patricia Bibi - Pacific focused agritourism and Indigenous women empowerment (based in Fiji)
- Ms Marita Manley - Pacific-focused agribusiness development (based in Fiji)
- Max Wingfield - Fisheries biology and sustainable aquaculture industries
- Dr Sophie Gordon - Tropical aquaculture; pearl oyster culture and production
- Dr Permal Deo - Nutrition and food science
- Mr Sefano M. Katz - Seascape multi-sector development, coastal social-ecological systems conservation and management (based in Fiji)
Student |
Thesis title |
Bridget Horsey |
Exploring food literacy to support preparation and consumption of local, traditional foods in Pacific Island communities |
Karis Ramsay |
Gender influences on food choice in small island developing states |
John Grogan |
Migration with Dignity: Kiribati Climate change/justice Exodus |
Louisa-Anne Buwalda |
Women’s experiences of natural disaster: Ni-Vanuatu women’s voices on their issues and solutions. |
Kelly Brown |
Regional sea cucumber genetics (based in Fiji) |
Amalya Harding |
Impacts of climate change and the COVID-19 pandemic on drivers of dietary change and their links to non-communicable disease risk factors among women in peripheral Fijian communities |
Zoe Bridge |
Climate-Aggravated Barriers to the Recognition of World-Class Tangible Heritage in the Pacific Islands |
Courtney Anderson |
International Agriculture for Development: Unpacking Triangular Cooperation Partnerships |
Eliza Kitchener |
Investigating maternal folate intake, availability, and the impacts of deficiency in Vanuatu |
Wendy Godfrey |
Towards Intercultural Literacy - Growing intercultural competence in Australia and the Asia-Pacific Region |
Elodie Casey |
Enhancing Children's Nutrition Through Understanding the Role of Aquatic Foods Within the Pacific School Food Environment |
Lindy Kanan |
Understanding and preventing violence against women in the Pacific Australia Labour Mobility scheme |
Emily Mitchell |
Do community gardens in Tonga lead to better human health outcomes? |
Alesana Malo |
Characterisation and modification of Samoan grown citrus pectin for potential value-added and health promotion application. (Based in Samoa) |
Norah Rihai |
Regenerative Climate Smart Traditional Garden Systems and their contributions to Vanua |
Verenaisi Lewatoro |
Sustainable practices in supply chain evaluations and development: A stakeholder perspective |
Semi Hausia |
Assessing the biosecurity risk of HLB (Huanglongbing) to domestic Tongan citrus industry |
- Dr Sheridan Rabbitt - Centre Manager
- Dr Linda Wess - Program Manager PASS-CR Program
- Brittany McGarry - Communications Officer
- Dr Melanie Harris - Engagement Coordinator
- Moana Krause - President, UniSC Pasifika Association
- Dawn Southgate - Tropical Aquaculture ACIAR Project Support