Application for review of final grade | UniSC | University of the Sunshine Coast, Queensland, Australia

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Application for review of final grade

Applying for a review of final grade means appealing a final grade for one or more of your courses in a semester, session or trimester and is designed to be used when there have been issues with the course description, teaching or assessment.

To have an individual assessment task (including a final exam paper) reviewed, please visit How do I get an individual assessment task grade/mark reviewed?

Before submitting this form, please ensure:

  • you are submitting no later than 10 days after the release of the final grade,
  • you have read the University’s Review of Assessment and Final Grade - Procedures,
  • your grounds for a review meet the grounds for applying for a review of final grade, outlined below and in the Review of Assessment and Final Grade - Procedures, and 
  • you have relevant supporting documentation that support your grounds. Evidence must be date specific to the due date of assessment that affected your final grade.
Grounds for applying and documentation requirements

Your circumstances need to meet the grounds listed below, accompanied by supporting documentation to be considered for processing.

Grounds for application for review of final grade Example of supporting documentation
A piece of work handed in on time was not marked Evidence of submission date e.g. screenshot from Canvas or email
Feedback on assessed work was not provided within 15 working days Screenshot of Canvas feedback including date discrepancy information 
Alleged wrong advice from staff teaching the course  Email trail/s between student and teaching staff 
The result/final mark/grade was not based on the assessment criteria or assessment process specified in the Course Outline, or any subsequent amendment made per the Assessment: Courses and Coursework Programs – Procedures  A copy of the Course Outline highlighting the discrepancy
The assessment did not comply with the requirements of the Assessment: Courses and Coursework Programs – Procedures and the course was not exempt  A copy of the assessment item 
Alleged discrimination, prejudice or bias on the part of the assessor or any other person involved in determining the result awarded. This allegation must be supported by specific examples.  Emails or feedback demonstrating the allegation/s 

Special consideration that can be demonstrated and should be applied because your performance in an assessment task was adversely affected by an unexpected or exceptional circumstance and the result received for this assessment impacted upon your final mark/grade for the course.  

Special circumstances could include:  

(a) death or serious illness of a close family member; 

(b) an unexpected illness; 

(c) significant personal trauma; 

(d) a re-occurrence of a chronic illness; 

(e) a severe disruption to domestic arrangements; 

(f) being a victim of crime; or 

(g) an accident. 

  • Evidence must be date specific to the due date of assessment that affected your final grade.
  • Medical/death certificate, letter from counsellor/psychologist, letter of support from UniSC Counsellor.
  • If the documentation is retrospective, the independent professional must verify that they were aware of the circumstances at the time of them occurring; and detail when the circumstances commenced, worsened, or made their full impact; and 
  • Clearly show thorough facts and professional opinion, how the circumstances prevented you from being able to finalise your assessment to your desired standard.
View grounds that are not valid for a review of final grade
  • the specified learning outcomes of the course
  • the assessment methods approved for the course
  • the standard required to receive particular grades in the course
  • a study overload
  • personal and medical problems other than those permitted on the basis of special consideration
  • financial implications of not passing the course
  • final mark/grades received by other students in the course
  • final mark/grades received by the student in other courses
  • the amount of work the student has done
  • a penalty imposed on a student for academic misconduct or plagiarism in accordance with University guidelines
  • the need for additional marks to achieve a higher grade

If your application for review of final grade is successful, the result awarded from that review will stand as the final grade and this may be higher or lower than the result originally awarded.  

If you are a staff member who is also a student, please log in to complete this form using your student credentials.